Creating Searches that use Autograd data from CPS Grad Status screen
Select the Advanced Search link
Select the Detail tab to create your search
Build your search by selecting fields and parameters in the Student Search window. Note that you can name and save your searches using the ‘Add to favorites’ button and you can retrieve them using the ‘Favorite searches’ button / All Fields that begin with “Graduation Automation Summary” can be found by selecting the field category “Generic” then scrolling down to get the fields that begin with Graduation Automation Summary”
The ‘View’ drop down in the search results section provides two different views of fields as shown below. You can toggle between views when you execute your search.
View: GraduationStatusDistrict(shows all Grad Status Summary values) / View: DistrictStudentSearchDefaultView
ID / Student Name (LFM)
Student Name (FML) / ID
Gr(A) / Gr(A)
Graduation Requirements Met / Gender
Has Required Credits / Birth Date
Passed Constitution Exam
Passed Consumer Education
Passed Driver's Education
Service Learning Req Met
PSAE Req Met
Student Promotion Status
Current Semester
Graduation Date
Graduation Enrollment Status
Specific Searches
#1.Current Seniorsactive this Semester who have not Passed Drivers Ed
Note that the parameter for Current Semester is critical as it identifies currently active students. The value must be typed in precisely as “Spring - 2011-2012” (without the quotes).
Click ‘Add to favorites’ and give it a meaningful name. The search can later be retrieved, modified and saved as the same name or as another name.
All other Graduation Summary values can be substituted or added in the search.
#2.Current Seniors active this Semester who are short at least one non-credit graduation criteria
To find all current seniors who are missing at least one of the non-credit graduation requirements, add to the search criteria to the previous search to arrive at the following
To create this search from the previous search, take the following steps:
First add the other non-credit criteria
Select each of the added criteria using shift Left Click on each
Click on the ‘Group’ button to group these conditions together
Change the ‘And’ buttons to “Or” in the grouped set
Remember to save this search as a different name using ‘Add to favorites’ button.
#3. Current Seniors active this Semester who are short more than 3.0 credit hours
Searches using credit hours earned need to include the fields found in the field search category of ‘Graduation Automation Detail’. This category of fields is directly associated with the Student Totals section of the CPS Grad Status page.
“Difference” is the total number of credits the student is short of the required 24 credits. See the screenshot of Grad Status below for the corresponding information of one student who is found using this filter. Note how the Search Fields and values for Requirement and Difference are used together to select the field value for comparison – in the case of this student having a value of 3.5 which being greater than 3 is why they are part of the search result.