Self-Defense: Steps to Survival
Test Questions and Answers
Self-Defense Today
Which of the choices is the most important factor in assessing whether you will be targeted for sexual assault?
a. gender
b. style of dress
c. neighborhood that you live in
d. social habits (bars, parties, drinking behaviors, hitchhiking)
The number one cause of female visits to the emergency room in the United States is
a. car accidents
b. domestic violence
c. injuries and conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth
d. asthma and related complications
___ percent of sexual assault survivors are under the age of 25 when they are first assaulted.
a. 2
b. 83
c. 55
d. 0
In the modern world, violence is rare and limited to inner city neighborhoods and poor communities. False: Violence is common and occurs in families, neighborhoods, and communities of any income, class, location, ethnicity, or country.
Victims are four times more likely to escape from an assault if they physically defend themselves than if they don’t. True
Most assailants are men, and most victims are women. False: Most assailants are men, but both males and females are victimized.
Males experience higher victimization rates than females for all violent crimes except __________. (rape)
The primary goals of attackers who target male and female victims are ______________, __________________, and __________________________. (intimidation, humiliation, power over the victim)
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Speaking generally, many men learning self-defense need to practice being more __________________, and many women learning self-defense need to practice being more _______________________. (assertive, aggressive)
What are the four rules of self-defense? 1. You do not deserve to be attacked. 2. The size of your commitment is more important than the size of your muscles. 3. Trust your gut. 4. There are no rules.
Identify three areas of your personal safety assessment in which you would like to make changes. Identify one action that you would like to take in each area and create a timeline for when you will accomplish each action. If relevant, list the support that you will need to make each change.
Step 1 Increasing Awareness of Your Surroundings
People with unhealthy emotional boundaries are most likely to
a. want something other than what their partners want
b. refuse to take no for an answer
c. do anything anyone asks them to do
d. ask others to do things for them
e. b and c
Which of the following are examples of using awareness in self-defense?
a. paying attention to your own use of drugs and alcohol
b. looking around on the street and watching out for suspicious characters
c. learning which people are most likely to assault you
d. not talking on a cell phone while walking alone at night
e. all of the above
The person most likely to physically attack you will be
a. frightening in appearance
b. someone you know by first name
c. someone suffering from a mental illness
Most victims are attacked by men they don’t know. False: The majority of victims know their assailants.
African American men commit rape at a slightly higher rate than men of other ethnicities. False: Most victims are attacked by members of the same race or ethnicity. It’s slightly more common for white men to assault women who are Latina, African American, or American Indian or who are members of other minority groups.
Homeless men are more likely to be sexually assaulted than others. True
The majority of assaults happen where? _______________________ (at or near the victim’s home)
Falling in love with anyone who reaches out, accepting touch you don’t want, and trusting no one at all are examples of ___________________. (unhealthy boundaries)
Three examples of displaying a cool, confident physical appearance are _____________, ___________________, and _________________________. (hands free, head up, shoulders back, confident gaze, not smiling or cringing)
Describe the six aspects of a perpetrator’s approach and give an example of each. Siding with the victim, giving too many details, loan sharking, being charming, typecasting the victim, refusing to take no for an answer.
Write about one of the advanced awareness tools that is the most difficult for you or one of the examples of healthy or unhealthy boundaries that you would like to react differently to in the future. Do you know why this particular example challenges you? How might you benefit by reacting differently in the future?
Step 2 Defining Your Space
Which of the following can be used as verbal self-defense?
a. saying what you want to have happen
b. saying no
c. saying what just happened
d. all of the above
The most effective response to a hostile demand from a stranger is
a. passive
b. avoidance
c. assertive
d. aggressive
What should you shout if attacked at home?
a. no
b. 911
c. get out
d. any of the above
It’s essential that you accurately assess someone’s intention before you begin to defend yourself against him or her. False: Smart self-defense begins before the first blow. You may need to go on the offensive before you are hurt or even before you understand the attacker’s intentions.
Shouting is best left until after you’ve knocked out an assailant and need to attract helpers. Yelling earlier only exhausts and distracts you. False: Shouting helps you prepare to defend your boundaries, focuses your energy and intention, and may, in itself, deter an attacker.
It’s best to ignore verbal abuse and sexual harassment. If you pay attention to it, you just make it worse. False: It’s better to assess your safety and choose how to react.
Turning to face a potential attacker while maintaining a protective stance is called _________________. (tracking)
One benefit of shouting as verbal defense is ___________________________________. (stops you from holding your breath, startles the attacker, or attracts help)
In protective stance, both hands should be _____________________________________. (flat, facing the other person, not clenched in fists or angled to strike)
Describe the protective stance for both men and women. Why and how are they different? Both men and women face forward, hands up, flat palms out, with one foot angled slightly out. Men hold their hands lower and further apart because they are generally expected to be aggressive in defense. Women hold their hands slightly higher and closer to their faces because they are expected to be passive.
When is it most difficult for you to say no to others? Have you ever wished that you had stood up for yourself verbally or refused to accept someone else’s demand? Write a one-page reaction paper about a time when you wish you had said no but instead went along with someone else. How might you use the tools of setting verbal boundaries to handle that same situation differently?
Step 3 Striking With Hands and Arms
The proper position for an Eye Strike is
a. flat palm, strike on the bottom of hand
b. tight fist, thumb on the outside
c. keys lodged between each finger
d. fingers together, thumb underneath, fingers slightly curved
The correct target for a Hammer Fist Strike is
a. the groin
b. the kneecap
c. the belly
d. the top of the head
The Heel Palm Strike is most effective if
a. you also land a Hammer Fist at the same time
b. you step in toward the attacker while striking
c. you turn away first to look for your escape route
d. you make sure that the attacker is your size or shorter
If attackers tell you not to fight back or they will hurt you worse, believe them and do as they say. False: Most assailants are looking for a victim, not a fair fight. Many can be deterred with even the simplest display of resistance.
The Eye Strike is a potential knockout blow. False: The Eye Strike puts the attacker in defensive mode and creates space for you to plan your next move.
When executing a High Elbow Strike, it’s important to turn around and face the attacker while you are striking. True
If you are grabbed from behind, possible targets for the Low Elbow Strike include ______, _________________, _________________. (gut, solar plexus, ribs, chest)
If you are grabbed from behind, possible targets for the High Elbow Strike include _____, ________________, __________________. (nose, chin, face)
The target of the Hammer Strike is __________ and __________, between the attacker’s legs. (up, under)
List three common mistakes made by defenders grabbed from behind. Pulling away; using only the arm, not the entire body to strike; failing to turn in; freezing.
Write a one-page reaction paper on one or all of the following questions. Do you think a lot of people believe the idea that fighting back only makes a perpetrator hurt you worse? Do you remember the first time you were exposed to this idea? How does this idea benefit perpetrators?
Step 4 Kicking With Feet and Legs
The proper positioning of the Side Thrust Kick includes
a. both hands on one side
b. grounded firmly on your back, both hips on the ground
c. bottom leg extended
d. all of the above
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The defender’s striking surface for the Knee to Groin is the
a. top, upper thigh
b. bottom, upper thigh
c. kneecap
d. top of the instep
3. If you stomp and miss your target, you should prepare to
a. be knocked to the ground
b. try again
c. block your head to avoid being hit
d. use the Side Thrust Kick
The most important predictors of a successful defense are whether you are larger or stronger or both larger and stronger than your attacker. False: All people, even those who are larger or stronger, have areas that are vulnerable, including the eyes, nose, throat, groin, and knees. Your commitment and willingness to strike are more important than your size.
During the Stomp, bend both knees on impact. True
The Front Snap Kick is a technique best for short people and those with good balance. True
The “snap” in Front Snap Kick refers to ______________________________________. (the foot of the defender snapping up into the groin of the attacker on impact)
During the Side Thrust Kick, your top hip should _________________________. (rotate, twist, turn over, move toward the ground, spiral over, move)
Possible targets for the Side Thrust Kick include the ____________________. (face, head, knees, groin)
List three common errors in performing the Knee to Groin and their solutions. Striking from too far away—move closer. Targeting the stomach or penis—target the testicles. Lacking force—hit hard. Pulling away from target—move in. Pulling leg—step in while striking.
What part of the defender’s foot makes contact with the attacker in the Side Thrust Kick?
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Step 5 Breaking Holds
In self-defense, turning in refers to
a. pressing charges against an assailant
b. turning your back on an attacker to protect your ribs
c. moving closer to an attacker to strike in defense
d. gripping the attacker’s own hand and twisting it to gain advantage
If a standing attacker has grabbed your hair behind, what techniques are available to you?
a. Stomp and Knee to Groin
b. Side Thrust Kick and Eye Strike
c. Front Snap Kick and Eye Strike
d. Brush Off and Heel Palm Strike
If being choked from behind, the defender’s first job is to
a. break free
b. escape
c. secure the airway
d. yell for help
You must turn your back on an attacker in order to get away. False: You are better protected if you turn in and face the attacker. If you choose to leave the scene, walk backward in protective stance to assess first if the attacker is going to follow you. If so, stop walking and stand your ground.
To escape a Standing Choke Hold, struggle until the attacker gives up. False: Secure your airway, clamp your hands to his or her forearm, and then bend from the waist and stomp.
If you set a physical boundary with an acquaintance and the person gets angry, it’s a sign that you misjudged his or her intentions and made a mistake. False: You choose who touches you and when. It’s never a mistake to defend your healthy boundaries.
During the Friendly Wrist Grab defense, the defender grabs onto _____________________. (his or her own hand)
If an attacker grabs your wrist and won’t let go, you should turn in and then target the attacker’s ________. (eyes, face, groin)
If an attacker grabs your hair, you should ______________________________________ to prevent it being torn out. (clamp your hands over his or her hands and hold them to your own head)
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What are some physical techniques that you can use to set physical boundaries with a friend? Brush Off, the Hugger, the Friendly Wrist Grab.
Write a one-page reaction paper about your experiences using the protective stance outside of the classroom. How did you feel? How did others react to you?
Step 6 Getting to the Ground Safely
Being knocked to the ground during an assault indicates that
a. the fight is over
b. you are in a good position to begin kicking
c. you must have made an error on one of your hand or arm strikes
d. the attacker is inexperienced
If someone is dragging you by both feet,
a. kick the attacker in the chest
b. bend your knees and grab his or her ankles
c. scream loudly to attract help
d. a or b
The Side Thrust Kick position
a. must include both hands on one side
b. is not very significant in terms of power
c. is different for men and women
d. allows the defender to punch at the same time
The ground is actually one of the safest places you can be during an assault. True
The Switch and Scoot can be used to keep your feet between your head and the attacker. True
If someone grabs your kicking leg, you can switch sides and immediately kick with the other leg. True
To drop to the ground safely, get close to the ground and then get into _______________ position. (Side Thrust Kick)
Attackers will most likely be very ____________________________ if you drop to the ground and kick. (surprised, shocked, confused, uncomfortable)