TUESDAY – 7:00 P.M.
June 11, 2013
Town Board:
Harley Kulkin
Bill Dolan
Robert Adams
Tom Waters
William A. Kohbarger, Town Manager
Bret Meich, Legal Counsel
Arlette Ledbetter, Tourism Coordinator
Stephanie Massimino, Executive Assistant
Town Board:
Amy Riches
1. Call to Order, Moment of Silence, and Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Kulkin called the meeting to order.
Dr. Waters lead the Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Discussion and Possible Decision regarding Moving the Order of or Deleting an Agenda Item(s).
No items were moved or deleted.
3. Presentation by BEC Environmental, Inc pertaining to NCREDA (Nye County Regional Development Authority) and the Job and Business Fair that was conducted on April 12, 2013 in the Town of Pahrump.
Mrs. Eileen Christenson from BEC Environmental, Inc. and Ms. Stacey Smith from Nye Communities Coalition made a presentation about Nye County Regional Development Authority and the Job and Business Fair.
Both Mr. Kulkin and Dr. Waters stated how much they support Job Fairs for the Town and thanked both Mrs. Christenson and Ms. Smith for their presentation.
4. Presentation by Ms. Elizabeth McDaniels of Goodwill pertaining to Goodwill’s Veterans Programs.
Ms. Robin Owens and Ms. Sabrina Howard spoke on behalf of Goodwill. They presented information about their Goodwill Veterans Program.
Mr. Dolan also mentioned the Goodwill's Ribbon cutting for their new location on June 25th.
5. Discussion and Possible Decision to Approve a Proclamation for the Disabled American Veterans for their Forget-Me-Not Days.
The Proclamation was read by Dr. Waters.
Mr. Dolan motioned to approve a proclamation for the Disabled American Veterans for their Forget-Me-Not-Days.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 4-0.
6. Presentation and Discussion by Pahrump Little League pertaining to the Pahrump Little League Baseball program and the requesting of additional baseball fields in Pahrump.
Mr. Jim Rosen, President of Little League, made a presentation to the Town Board about the need for more little league baseball fields.
Mr. Kohbarger said that all the fields we currently have are in continuous use and therefore we have no room to accommodate the growing number of kids who sign up every year.
Mr. Kulkin asked if Simkins Park could be used.
Mr. Kohbarger stated “No” because Simkins Park was a passive park and therefore not allowed to have lights.
Both Mr. Adams and Dr. Waters stated they had no idea the need for baseball fields and they do think children out here should have more fields to continue the activities.
Mr. Dolans motioned Town staff to get with the Nye County Staff to discuss options and then return with information to the Town Board at a later date.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motioned carried, 4-0.
7. Announcements
Announcements were read by Dr. Waters.
Mr. Kulkin said there would be a Nye County road workshop June 27th at 6:00 pm.
8. Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).
Public comment was heard.
9. Discussion and Possible Decision Consent agenda items:
a. For Possible Action – Approval of Town Vouchers.
b. For Possible Action – Approval of Town Board meeting minutes for the Final Budget Hearing May 16, 2013 and Regular Meeting May 28, 2013.
c. For Possible Action – Approval of Canceling the Town Board meetings of November 26, 2013 and December 24, 2013 due to the Holiday Seasons and Approval of the Accounts Payable for the Aforementioned Dates.
Mr. Dolan motioned to approve consent agenda items a, b & c.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 4-0.
10. Advisory Board Reports from Advisory Board Chairpersons and/or Town Board Liaisons on the Status of Advisory Boards.
Mr. Leonardo Blundo, CC/CAB Chairman stated the current board only had one member and had no direction for the current member.
Mr. John Pawlak, NW&EAB Chairman stated their meeting changed July 12th.
Mr. Mark Hrubetz, PLAB Chairman stated they had discussed the Battle Born idea and their suggestion was doing a Turkey shot. Their meeting changed to July 16th.
Mr. Rodney Camacho, P&RAB stated that the Movie in the Park would happen and that gave notice to all the non-profits that the options to run the concession stand was available.
Dr. Waters mentioned the Advisory Board training being conducted on June 20, @ 6:00 p.m.
11. Discussion and Possible Decision to Accept the renewal proposal from the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool (POOL) and approval for payment from the FY14 funds Not to Exceed $200,000.00 from the General Fund and All Matters Properly Related Thereto.
Mr. Wayne Carlson, Executive Director POOL/PACT and Ms. Carol Ingalls, Town’s Direct Insurance Agent stated the Town of Pahrump had a small insurance increase but nothing major. She stated she came by to explain how POOL/PACT works. She also said there had been an addition to the coverage in the way of the Cyber protection.
Mr. Kulkin asked why Pool Pact was created.
Mr. Carlson stated back in the 1980's government faced serious issues that caused insurance coverage to be extremely high. So he went to the State Legislation and had them create a large risk group insurance company for governmental groups. He further stated that the Insurance POOL now covers 116 entities across Nevada.
Mr. Dolan stated he thought this was a good program.
Dr. Waters asked what happened in 2008 that cause a spike in claims.
Mr. Carlson stated the spike was due to an earthquake in Wells, NV, and a levy break in Fernley, NV. Both were major loses. Mr. Carlson further stated that should the Town not renew and choose to go out on its own for insurance that it would cost the Town much more money.
Mr. Kulkin stated his experience with a Reno Law Firm was not very good. He said due to this he was torn as to how to vote.
Public comment was heard.
Mr. Dolan motioned to accept the renewal proposal from the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool (Pool) and approval for payment from the FY14 funds not to exceed 200,000 from the General Fund and all matters properly related thereto.
Dr. Waters seconded.
Motion carried, 4-0.
12. Discussion and Possible Decision to create a new Town of Pahrump Advisory Board named Event Planning.
Ms. Arlette Ledbetter said that Tourism has mostly handled the special events and that having an Events Planning Board would not have much to do. Also she said that a budget would need to be looked into if a new board was created, and she recommended instead that Advisory Board for Business and Leisure Sale be created.
Dr. Waters motioned to table making an events board.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 3-1 with Mr. Dolan voting nay.
13. Discussion and Possible Decision to review the Interlocal Contract pursuant to 1.75 Cents per Gallon Excise Tax on Motor Vehicle Fuel between the Town of Pahrump and Nye County Dated, November 2006.
Mr. Kohbarger stated that Mrs. Webster informed him that Dave Fanning was working on a report currently to give to the Board at a later date.
Mr. Kulkin stated that he felt the way the roads were treated were not what he felt was best for the Town. He stated he wanted to renegotiate the contract with Nye County because the agreement was not benefitting the Town.
Dr. Waters stated that he felt that the agreement had gone by the way side with both the Town and County because neither party had really looked into how well the agreement was being followed.
Both Mr. Adams and Mr. Dolan agreed with Dr. Waters comments.
Mr. Dolan motioned to direct staff to work with the County staff to review the Interlocal Contract for the the 1.75 cents per gallon excise tax on the motor vehicle fuel between the Town of Pahrump and Nye County and resolve the issues.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 4-0.
14. Discussion and Possible Decision Closed Session(s).
a. Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session, to receive information and advice from the Town Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation pursuant to NRS 241.015(2)(b)(2).
b. Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session pursuant to NRS 288.220 for purposes of conferring with the Town’s Management Representatives Regarding Labor Negotiations.
Mr. Dolan motioned to go to closed session.
Mr. Adams seconded.
Motion carried, 4-0.
15. Future Meetings/Workshops: Date, Time and Location
Mr. Kohbarger reminded everyone of the Advisory Board Training on Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 6:00 PM at the BRCC.
16. Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).
No public comment.
17. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 10:01 pm.
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