Understanding Political Campaigns

Creating a Political Party: The Basics

In 1796, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson began a political practice which we still follow today. Adams, a Federalist, and Jefferson, a Democratic Republican, squared off in what became the first hotly contested election. Each man came forth with unique platforms focusing on the future for this nation. Today, we still follow this model; presidential candidates such as Barack Obama, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have each made similar promises during the campaigns for the Presidency. Today is your chance to present your plan for this country.

Part One: Outline your Platform.

  1. Create a poster which features the following information. Try to visualize what your party’s ideal candidate would be like.
  2. Candidate’s Name, Age, Birth Date, Place of Birth, Educational Attainment, Current Job, Family, and Political Party Affiliation
  3. Also, on the poster, your views should be offered on the following issues:
  4. Gun Control, Immigration, Capital Punishment, Gasoline Crisis, the Environment, Alternative Energy, Education, andForeign Affairs (China, North Korea, Middle East, etc.)
  5. Each of your opinions should be 2-3 sentences long and should make clear your opinion on the solution to the issue.


Part Two: Create a Campaign Poster


  1. Party Name: Your Party has to have a name. Try to think of something that fits with your party’s platform.
  2. Party Symbol: Every political party has to have a symbol. The Democrats use a donkey; the Republicans use an elephant. Your symbol does not have to be an animal, but you need to be able to explain its meaning.
  3. Party Slogan: This is the generic statement that your candidate will use every time he/she gives a speech. Keep your slogan short and simple.
  4. Party Platform: This is the ‘bread and butter’ of your party. In other words, this series of statements (or planks) is what your party is all about. The platform needs 4-5 planks. You may use what you wrote in part one to help.

Part Three: Presentation

  1. Prepare a short presentation where you will sell your party and candidate to the rest of the class. You need to describe your candidate, offer your party’s name, and the three most important things that your party will do to fix America. Your poster should be used as a visual aid.


Part One: Political Party Platform = ____ / 45 Points

Part Two: Campaign Poster = ____ / 40 Points

Part Three: Presentation = ____ / 15 Points