Student Education Induction Pack
This induction pack is to help you as a learner to familiarise yourself with the team. It provides you with the basics about the team and should help you to plan to meet your learning needs.
We recommend that all learners contact the team in good time prior to placement to identify who will be supervising your learning and confirm start times/hours.
During your placement you should have a minimum of a preliminary, midpoint and final meeting with whoever is supervising your learning. You should also undertake some form of leaning analysis then produce a learning contract and or action plan that provide structure and direction to the time you are with us. Your supervisor will be able to help draw this together but you must take a lead in negotiating your plan. Some examples of these tools are provided but you may wish to use those produced by your education provider.
Please ensure that you present any documents regarding your placement with our staff on the first day of your placement. This should include any assessment document, learning outcomes you hope to achieve and any type of on-going record of achievement.
On completion of your placement you will be asked to provide an evaluation. Please take time to complete this openly and honestly as it is only with your feedback can we improved the quality of these valuable learning experiences.
We hope you find the time on your placement enjoyable and productive.
Date of production or last review and update / May 2016Reviewer / Kate Morris
Placement Induction and Details
Team/service name: /
Central Shropshire Community Mental Health Service
Address: / Severn Fields Health VillageSundorne Rd,
SY311 4RQ / Team telephone number:
Fax Number: / 0300 1240358
01743 365810
Team/service webpage:
Team email
Other contact details:
Service Description: / · The team provides a multi-disciplinary service made up of health and social care staff, who work together to provide a comprehensive mental health service to a population in a specified geographical area.
· To develop and maintain close working relationships with primary and secondary health care services to ensure integrated health and social care delivery.
· To develop and maintain a robust referral system which is as straightforward as possible, allowing those with mental health issues to access the service.
· To make individualised assessments of needs, either meeting those needs through an agreed plan of care, referring to other agencies as appropriate or identifying resource groups.
· To work with service users, carers and voluntary sector agencies to develop locality planning which will in turn inform the planning and development process.
· To ensure the use of mixed economy of care as suggested in the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act.
· Assertive Outreach and Rehab and Recovery are also based within our team which will allow for students to be placed here or have learning opportunities within these teams.
Team philosophy: / We are a community based Mental Health Team, who are individually, collectively, professionally, legally and morally accountable to the individuals who are registered with a GP in the Central Shropshire locality.
Acknowledging the parameters and frameworks within which we have to work, we will endeavour to:
· Provide a needs led- anti-oppressive service that empowers its users.
· Improve, maintain and prevent deterioration of mental health of service users in the locality.
· Offer a multi-disciplinary approach that utilises appropriate therapeutic interventions in the community. These will be in keeping with the wishes and needs of the individual; this will be achieved through information exchange, joint working, assessment and evaluation.
· We believe in a non-discriminatory service that values each individual.
· We have a responsibility to prioritise within our resources.
· To function as an effective team we need to respect the validity of each other’s opinions and provide the opportunity for them to be voiced.
We aim to improve the quality of life for service users through anti-discriminatory practice and empowerment.
We accept that people have different value bases and beliefs and try to accommodate and work alongside each other.
We aim to offer support to service users over 18 with mental health problems which is adversely affecting their life and or the lives of others.
Team welcome: / Welcome to Central Shropshire Community Mental Health Service
The following information is designed to support you in getting the most from your time spent with the team.
We are aware that beginning a new placement in an unfamiliar work place can prove to be stressful.
We very much hope that you enjoy your time spent with us. You are encouraged to fully integrate with our team, focusing on developing your clinical skills and knowledge.
You are expected to participate in all aspects of clinical care maintaining and enhancing high standards of care we strive to deliver.
We hope that the following information will aid the transition to a new working environment and its organisational practices providing you with a rewarding and productive clinical learning experience.
Hours of the service / 9-5 Monday to Friday / Hours of work / 9-5 Monday to Friday
Directorate: / Mental Health / Student capacity (all disciplines combined):
Service manager: / Kevin Mansell / Contact number / 0300 1240358
Team Education Leads / Kate Roberts, Kate Morris. / Contact number / 0300 1240358
Team members / Discipline / Specialist interest/skills and expertise / Particular learning opportunities: / Education supervisor status:
Kerry Endsor / Senior Nurse / Operational Lead
Behavioural family therapist and trainer
Specialist practitioner
Undertaking DBT training / Mentor
Barry Rhodes Martin / Senior Nurse / Clinical Lead
Nurse Prescriber / Mentor
Karen Boyd / Nurse / Clozapine Nurse / Mentor
Malcolm Currie / Nurse / Behavioural Family Therapy / Mentor
Sarah Davies / Nurse / Clozapine Nurse / Mentor
Alexander Griffiths / Nurse / Mentorship Training
Suzanne Khalaileh / Nurse / Mentorship Training
Claire Leenhouwers / Nurse / Psychosis / Mentor
Kate Morris / Senior Nurse / Supervision Lead
Undertaking DBT Training / Mentor
Kate Roberts / Senior Nurse / Primary Care Lead
EMDR Therapist
Eating Disorders Therapist / Mentor
Kyrie Weston / Senior Nurse / Clozapine Nurse
Supervision Lead / Mentorship Training
Jane Wilkinson / Senior Nurse / Mentor
Jackie Cox / Senior Social Worker / AMPH
Ben Cooper / Social Worker
Val Currie / Social Worker / AMHP / CAT Therapy / Practice Teacher
Lindsey Davies / Social
Steph Hembrow / Social Worker / Counselling
Lisa Hill / Social Worker / AMPH
Jess Ball / Social worker / Substance Misuse
Gaynor Kelly-Teare / Senior Social Worker / Local Authority Lead
Ruth Lovett / Social Worker / AMHP
Kathryn Ralph / Social Worker / AMPH
Paul Watson / Social Worker / AMPH training
Debbie Harding / Senior Occupational Therapist / Allied Health Professional Lead County wide
Jess Mills / Occupational Therapist
Anna Murphy / Senior Occupational Therapist / Undertaking DBT training
Emma French / Assistant Practitioner / Clozapine Clinic Co-ordinator
Physical Health
Rowena Evans / Support Worker / Dementia Care
Arm and Hand Therapy
Helen Hodges / Support Worker / Basic Counselling Skills
Emma Lewis / Support Worker / Finance, Housing and Employment
Karen Parry / Support Worker / Service User Involvement
Reading Group
Swimming Group
Adrian Feeney / Senior Nurse / Assertive Outreach
Dual Diagnosis / Mentor
Jackie Blakemore / Support Worker / Assertive Outreach
Ian Jones / Support Worker / Assertive Outreach
Stephen Thayne / Support Worker / Assertive Outreach
Hearing Voices
Rehab & Recovery
Ruth Newton / Nurse
Yvonne Roberts / Senior Nurse / Rehab & Recovery
Learning disabilities / Sign off Mentor
Emma Walkford / Occupational Therapist
Lynne Beatie / Support Worker
Kerrie Fitzpatrick / Support Worker
Phil Harvey / Support Worker / Social Inclusion
Terry Meadins / Support Worker
Graham Morris / Support Worker
Fran Trow / Support Worker
Dr Patricia Baldwin / Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Sally Burgess / Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Ita Durkin / Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Anil Kumar / Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Sajeev Kshemendran / Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr David Rice / Consultant Psychiatrist
Cai Dunn / Clinical Psychologist / Dissociation
Hearing Voices Group
Amanda Crawshaw / Clinical Psychologist
Administrative Team:
Jack Breeze, Jacqui Draycott, Sharon James, Rosemary Smith, Liz Perry, Laura Turner, Emma Wallace,
Business Support Officer: Michele Haynes
Medical Secretaries: Alison Memmott, Julie Evans.
Medical Secretary Support: Alex Jones
Learning opportunities/experiences across the team: / · Care Programme Approach
· Multi-Disciplinary Clinical/Review Meetings
· Shadowing all disciplines within team
· Duty team, triage of referrals, FASTRACK process
· Assessment of Needs/Developing Well-being Recovery Plans
· Health Promotion Groups
· Formulation and Discharge Meetings
· Develop Risk Assessment and Management Plans
· Service User Involvement
· Knowledge of Mental Health Act
· Medication Management
· One Stop Clozapine Clinic ( Pilot )
· Carers Assessment
· Safe guarding Adult/Child Protection
· Primary Care
Discipline specific learning opportunities: / Medication Administration and Management
Clozapine and Lithium Monitoring
Physical Health Observations
Psychological Interventions
Occupational Therapy Assessment of Need and interventions.
Mental Health Act Assessments
Carers Assessments
Local links and networks: / Oak Paddock, Path House, Learning Disability Services, CRHT,Community Substance Misuse Team, Axis, Confide, Enable, Benefit Options, Police, Safeguarding, CAB, Assertive Outreach, Eating Distress Service, Homestart, Housing Agencies.
Types of treatments interventions offered within the service / Psycho Social Support, Medication, Counselling Interventions, Occupational Therapy, Support with Aspect of Activities of Daily Living
The frameworks and models of care used / Care Programme Approach
Nice Guidelines
Care Act
Site specific Health, Safety & Security / Lone Working Policy
Door security
White Board
Expectations of students / Contact should be made with the team prior to commencing placement.
You will be allocated a mentor who will discuss their envisaged expectations of how your placement will progress. This will also be your opportunity to ask any questions you may have particularly in relation to your assessment. To get the most from your time with the team it is important that you ask anything you are unsure about. You will also be provided with a Diary at the start of placement which we kindly ask you complete to evidence your learning while with us.
Housekeeping / First day of placement you will introduced to team members and made familiar with the layout of the building. You will also be shown emergency escape routes and procedures and be issued with a fob.
Useful student contact details / Clinical Placement Facilitator Sue Kent 07791501278 (Shropshire)
Clinical Placement Facilitator Randy Salmon 07971978096 (Staffordshire)
Clinical Education and Development Lead Tim Devanney 07540789644
Staffordshire University 01785 353766
Keele University 01782732000
Wolverhampton University 01902321000
Coventry University 02476887688
Derby University 01332590500
Trust Library Services
Lichfield 01543 414555
Redwoods 01743 210000
Stafford 01785 221584
Useful Organisations
Community Substance Misuse Team 01743 258800
Crisis Resolution 01743 210100
Enable 01743 340035
MIND 01743 368647
Roy Fletcher Centre 01743 341300
(Collection of Voluntary/Charitable Organisations)
Surestart 01743 452400
Please use subsequent pages to provide students with information and resources relevant the speciality, or client group.
You may also want to provide examples of paper work assessments or other documents used by your teams. This will help learners to familiarise themselves with your working practices and expectations.
Education induction document
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Examples of SWOT tool, Learning Contract and Action Plans
Relates to Learning Outcome: ______
Strengths / Weaknesses/LimitationsOpportunities / Threats/Barriers
Signed (Learner): Date:
Learning Contract
Relates to Learning Outcome: ______Date: ______
Desired Learning Experience / Actions / Evidence / TimescaleReview of Learning Contract- Learner / Review of Learning Contract - Supervisor
Signed Learner: Date: Signed Supervisor: Date:
Action Plan
Relates to Learning Outcome: ______Date: ______
Areas for Improvement / Specific Actions / Timescale / EvidenceReview of Action Plan – Learner / Review of Action Plan - Supervisor
Signed Learner: Date: Signed Supervisor: Date:
Education induction document
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