EDD 5213
Education Policy and Practice in Hong Kong
Spring, 2007
6:00-7:40 a.m.
Instructor : W.K. Tsang
Ho Tim Building Rm.416, Ext.6922
8/1/071. Introduction: Understanding the Education Reform of HKSAR
15/1/072.Policy Studies in Education: Definition of the Field
22/1/073.Understanding the Nature of Education Reform of HKSAR:
The Dialectics of Lifelong Learning -
(i) Lifelong Education for Employability and Competitiveness
29/1/073.Understanding the Nature of Education Reform of HKSAR:
The Dialectics of Lifelong Learning -
(ii) Lifelong Education for Social Inclusion and Political Empowerment
5/2/074.1Formation of Surveillance-Evaluationism: The Reform on Medium of Exchange in the Quasi-Market of Education
(i) Reform on Performance-based Accountability
12/2/074.2Formation of Surveillance-Evaluationism: The Reform on Medium of Exchange in the Quasi-Market of Education
(ii) Reform on Medium of Instruction
26/2/075.Formation of Discipline-Managerialism: The Reform on Supply Side of in the Quasi-Market of Education -
Reform on Quality Assurance Mechanism of Schooling
5/3/076.1Formation of Parentocracy-Consumerism: The Reform on Demand Side of in the Quasi-Market of Education
(i) Reform on the School Place Allocation Mechanism
12/3/076.2Formation of Parentocracy-Consumerism: The Reform on Demand Side of in the Quasi-Market of Education
(ii) Reform on Privatization and DirectSubsidySchools
19/3/077.What Wrong with Quasi-Marketization Reform?
EDD 5213 Education Policy and Practice in Hong Kong
Spring, 2007
Instructor : W.K. Tsang
Ho Tim Building Rm.416, Ext.6922
2. Policy Study in Education: Definition of the Field
a.Nagel, Stuart S. (1986) "Conceptualizing Public Policy Analysis." Pp.247-265 in William N. Dunn (Ed.) Policy Analysis: Perspectives, Concepts, and Methods. Greenwich : JAI Press.
b.Theodoulou, Stella Z. (1995). “The Nature of Public Policy.” Pp.1-9. In Public Policy: The Essential Reading, edited by S.Z. Theodoulou and M.A. Cahn. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
c.Howlett, Michael and Ramesh, M. (1995) Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystem. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press. Ch. 1 (Policy science and political science)
d.Marshall, James and Michael Peters. (1999). “Studies in Educational Policy at the End of the Millennium.” Pp. xv-xxxv. In Education Policy, edited by J. Marshall and M. Peters (Eds.). Cheltenham, UK: An Elgar Reference Collection.
e.Ball, Stephen J. (1994) Education Reform: A Critical and Post-structural Approach. Buckingham: Open University Press. Ch. 2 (What is Policy? Texts, Trajectory and Toolboxes)
f.Ball, Stephen J. (1997) "Policy Sociology and Critical Social Research: A Personal Review of Recent Education Policy and Policy Research." British Educational Research Journal 23: 257-274.
3.Understanding the Nature of Education Reform of HKSAR: The Dialectics of Lifelong Learning
a.Nicoll, K. and Edwards, R. (2004) Lifelong learning and the sultans of spin: Policy as persuasion? Journal of Education Policy 19 (1), Pp. 43-55.
b.Edwards, R. and Nicoll, K. (2001) Research the rhetoric of lifelong learning. Journal of Education Policy 16 (2), Pp. 103-112.
c.Alheit, P. (2002) On a contradictory way to the ‘learning society’: A critical approach. Pp. 30-49. In R. Edwards et al. (Eds.) Supporting lifelong learning, vol. 3. London: Routledge/Falmer.
(i)Lifelong Learning for Employability and Competitiveness
a.Confederation of British Industry (1998) The skill revolution for a learning nation. Pp. 31-35. In S. Ranson (Ed.) Inside the learning society. London: Cassell.
b.Carnoy, M. (2000a) Globalization and education reform. Pp.43-62. In N.P. Stromquist and K. Monkman (Eds.) Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures.London: Rowman & Littlefield.
c.Apple, Michael W. (2001) Educating the "Right" Way. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Chapter 1 Market, Standards, God, and Inequality.
d.Walford, Geoffrey (1996) "School Choice and the Quasi-Market." Pp. 7-16 In G. Walford (ed.) School Choice and the Quasi-Market. Wallingford: Triangle Books
e.Whitty, G. and Power S. (1997) “Quasi-Markets and Curriculum Control: Making Sense of Recent Education reform in England and Walse.” Educational Administration Quarterly 33(2): 219-240.
f.Ball, Stephen J. (1997) "Market, Equality and Values in Education." Pp. 69-82. In Pring, R. and Walford, G. (Eds.) Affirming the Comprehensive Ideal.London: Falmer Press.
g.Education Commission (1999a) Education blueprint for the 21 century, Review of academic system: Aim of Education. Hong Kong: Printing Department, HKSAR Government.
(ii)Lifelong Learning for Social Inclusion and Political Empowerment
a.Mayo, M. (2002) Learning for active citizenship: Traning for and learning from participation in area regeneration. Pp. 198-213. In F. Reeve et al., (Eds.) Supporting lifelong learning, vol. 2. London: Routledge/Falmer.
b.Ranson, S. and Stewart, J. (1998) The learning democracy. In 253-270. In S. Ranson (Ed.) Inside the learning society. London: Cassell.
c.Chapman,Judith D. and Aspin, David N. (1997) The School, Community, and Lifelong Learning. London: Cassell.
Chpater 2 Lifelong Learning for All: Concept and Conceptions.
d.Coffield, Frank (2002) "Breaking the Consensus: Lifelong Learning as Social Control." Pp.174-200. In Reeve, F. et al., (Eds.) Supporting Lifelong Learning, vol 3. London: Routledge/Falmer.
e.Young, Michael (2000) "Bringing Knowledge Back In: Towards a Curriculum for Lifelong Learning." Pp. 97-110. In Hodgson, A. (Ed.) Policies, Politics and the Future of Lifelong Learning. London: Kogan Page.
f.Elliott, Geoffrey (1999) Lifelong Learning: The Politics of the New Learning Environment. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Chapter Three Lifelong Learning What?
g.Enslin, Penny, et al. "Political Inclusion, Democratic Empowerment and Lifelong Learning." Pp. 61-78. In In D. Aspin, et al., (Eds.) International Handbooks of Lifelong Learning, Part One.London: Kluwer Acad43emic Publishers.
h.Gallagher, Paul and Day William (2001) "Community Colleges and Lifelong Learning: Canadian Experiences". Pp. 645-662. In D. Aspin, et al., (Eds.) International Handbooks of Lifelong Learning, Part Two.London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4.1Formation of Surveillance-Evaluationism: The Reform on Medium of Exchange in the Quasi-Market of Education - (i) Reform on Performance-based Accountability
a.Ball, Stephen J. (1998) “Performativity and Fragmentation in Postmodern Schooling”. Pp. 187-203 in J. Carter (Ed.) Postmodernity and the Fragmentation of Welfare”. London: Routledge.
b.Broadfoot, Patricia (2001) "Empowerment or Performativity? Assessment policy in the late Twentieth Century." In. 136-155. In Philips, R. and Furlong, J. (Eds.) Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice. London: Routledge/Falmer.
c.Tymms, Peter and Fitz-Gibbon, Carol (2001) "Standards, Achievement and Educational Performance: A Cause for Celebration?" Pp. 156-173. In Philips, R. and Furlong, J. (Eds.) Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice. London: Routledge/Falmer.
d.Ball, S.J. (1997) “Good School/Bad School: Paradox and Fabrication.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 18(3): 317-336.
e.Torrance, Harry (1997) “ Assessment, Accountability, and Standards: Using assessment to control the reform of schooling." Pp. 320-331. In A.H. Halsey et al., (Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy, and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
f.Daugherty, R. (1997) “National Curriculum Assessment: The Experience of England and Wales”. Educational Administration Quarterly 33(2): 198-218.
g.Popham, W. James (2004) America’s Failing Schools: How Parents and Teachers Cope with No Child Left Behind. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Part IThe No Child Left Behind Act
Part IIEducational Tests: The Heart of the Matter
h.Elmore, R., Abelmann, C., and Fuhrman, S. (1996) The new accountability in the state education Reform: From process to performance. Pp.65-98. In H. Ladd (Ed.) Holding Schools Accountable. Washington, D.C.: The Brooking Institution.
i.Darling-Hammond, Lind (2004) From ‘separate but equal’ to ‘no child left behind’: The collision of new standard and old inequality. Pp.3-32. In D. Meier and G. Wood (Eds.) Many Children Left Behind: How No Child Left Behind Act is damaging our children and our schools. Boston: Beacon Press.
j.曾榮光(二零零零)。《教育表現指標的誤用與誤解:表現指標與排名膜拜文化的批判》。香港:香港中文大學香港教育研究所教育政策研討系列 34。
k.侯傑泰 (一九九七)。《避免由火坑掉進深淵:對升中能力測驗的一些建議》。香港:香港中文大學香港教育研究所教育政策研討系列 12。
j.曾榮光(二零零零)。《平等、公平、歧視:剖析平等機會委員會〈中學學位分配辦法正式調查報告〉的謬誤》。香港:香港中文大學香港教育研究所教育政策研討系列 33。
4.2Formation of Surveillance-Evaluationism: The Reform on Medium of Exchange in the Quasi-Market of Education - (i) Reform on Medium of Instruction
a. Phillipson, Robert (1992) Linguistic Imperialism.Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.
Ch. 3 Linguistic Imperialsim: Theoretical Foundations
Ch. 9 Arguements in Linguistic Imperialsim Discourse
b.Johnson, R. Keith (1997) “The Hong Kong Education System: Late Immersion Under Stress”. Pp. 171-189 in R.K. Johnson and M. Swain (Eds.) Immersion Education: International Perspectives. Cambridge: CambridgeUniv. Press.
c.Pennycook, Alastair (1994) The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. London: Longman. Ch. 3, 6, & 7.
d.Pennycook, Alastair (1998) English and the Discourse of Colonialism. London: Routledge. Ch. 3 & 4.
e.Lin, Angel M.Y. (1997) “Bilingual Education in Hong Kong”. Pp.281-289 in R. Wodak and D. Corson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 5: Bilingual Education. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
f.Lin, Angel M.Y. (2001) Symbolic Domination and Bilingual Classroom Practices in Hong Kong". Pp. 139-168. In M. Heller and M.Martin-Jones (Eds.) Voice of Authority: Education and Linguistic Difference. London: Ablex Publishing.
g.Boyle, Joseph (1997) "Imperialism and the English Language in Hong Kong." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Developemnt 18: 169-181.
h.Bolton, Kingsley (2000) "The Sociolinguistics of Hong Kong and the Space for Hong Kong English." World English 19: 265-285.
i.Johnson, Robert K. (1994) " Language Policy and Planning in Hong Kong." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 14: 117-199.
j.Tsui, Amy B.M. (2004) "Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong: One Country, Two Systems, Whose Language?." Pp. 97-116. In Medium of Instruction Policy: Which Agenda? Whose Agenda? Edited by James Tollefson and A.B.M. Tsui. MahWah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoicates, Publishers.
k.So, D. W. C. (1992). Language-based bifurcation of secondary schools in Hong Kong: Past, present and future. In K. K. Luke (Ed.), Into the Twenty-first Century: Issues of Language in Education in Hong Kong(pp. 69-95). Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.
l.Choi, Po King (2003) “‘The Best Students Will Learn English?’ Ultra-utilitarianism and Linguistic Imperialism in Education in Post-1997 Hong Kong.”Journal of Education Policy 18: 673-694.
m.曾榮光(一九九八)。《香港教育政策分析:社會學的視域》。香港:三聯書局。第19章 香港中學教學語文政策發展的剖析。
5.Formation of Discipline-Managerialism: The Reform on Supply Side of in the Quasi-Market of Education - (i) Reform on Quality Assurance Mechanism of Schooling
a.Lane, Jan-Erik (1997) “Public Sector Reform: Only Deregulation, Privatization and Marketization?” In J. Lane (Ed) Public Sector Reform: Rationale, Trends and Problems. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications.
b.Sankey, Colin (2001) "An Overview of Public Sector Reform Initiatives in the Hong Kong Government since 1989." Pp. 3-28 In A.B.L. Cheung and J.C.Y. Lee (Eds.) Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong: Into the 21th Century. Hong KongChineseUniversity Press.
c.Leung, Joan Y. H. and Chan, Ho-mun (2001) "The School Management Reform in Hong Kong: Administrative Control in a New Cloak of Managerialism". Pp. 229-259. In A.B.L. Cheung and J.C.Y. Lee (Eds.) Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong: Into the 21th Century. Hong KongChineseUniversity Press.
d.Clark, John, et al., (2000) Reinventing the welfare state. Pp.1-26. In J. Clark et al. (Eds.) New Managerialism New Welfare? London: Sage Publications.
e.Thrupp, Martin and Willmott, Robert (2003) Education Management in Managerialist Times: Beyond the Textual Apologist. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Chapter 2The market, neo-liberalism and the new managerialism
f.Morley, Louise and Rassool, Naz (1999) School Effectiveness: Fracturing the Discourse. London: Falmer Press.
Chapter 4Managing school effectiveness: New Managerialism, Change and the Reconfiguration of power.
g.Demaine, J. (1993) “The New Right and the Self-Managing School.” Pp. 35-48 in Smyth, J. (Ed.) A socially critical view of the Self-Managing School. London: The Falmer Press.
h.Walford, G. (1993) “Self-Managing Schools, Choice and Equity.” Pp. 229244 in Smyth, J. (Ed.) A socially critical view of the Self-Managing School. London: The Falmer Press.
i.Perryman, Jane (2006) Panoptic performativity and school inspection regimes: Disciplinary mechanism and life under special measures. Journal of Education Policy, Vol. 21 (3): 147-61.
6.1Formation of Parentocracy-Consumerism: The Reform on Demand Side of in the Quasi-Market of Education - (i) Reform on the School Place Allocation Mechanism
a.Brown, Phillip (1997) " The 'Third Wave': Education and the Ideology of Parentocracy." Pp. 393-408. In A.H. Halsey et al. (Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.
b.Edward, Tont and Whitty, Geoff(1999) Parental choice and educational reform in Britain and the United States. Pp. 101-117 In J. Marshall and M. Peters (Eds.)Education Policy.Cheltenham, UK: An Elgar Reference Collection.
c.Ball, Stephen J. et al., (1997) Circuits of schooling: A sociological exploration of parental choice of school in social class context. Pp. 409-21. In A.H. Halsey et al. (Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.
d.Witte, John F. (2000) The Market Approach to Education: An Analysis of America's First Voucher Program. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press.
Chapter 2 The Enduring Controversy over Educational Choice.
e.Henig, Jeffrey R. and Sugarman, Stephen D. (1999) "The Ntaure and Extent of School Choice." Pp. 13-35 In S. D. Sugarman and F.R. Kemerer (Eds.) School Choice and Social Controversy: Politics, Policy, and Law.Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
f.Wells, Amy S. (2000) "Where Neoliberal Ideology Meets Social Context: A Comparative Analysis of U.S.CharterSchools and England's Grant-MainatinedSchools. Pp. 99-126 In K.A. McClafferty, et al., (Eds.) Challenges of Urban Education: Sociological Perspectives for the Next Century. New York: StateUniversity of New York Press.
g.Fuller, Bruce et al. (1996) “Policy-Making in the Dark: Illuminating the School Choice Debate”. Pp. 1-21 in B. Fuller and R.F. Elmore (Eds.) Who Chooses? Who Loses? Culture, Institutions and the Unequal Effects of School Choice. New York: TeacherCollege Press.
h.Whitty, G. (1998) “Citizens or Consumers? Continuity and Change in Contemporary Education Policy”. Pp.92-109. In D. Carlson and M.W. Apple (Eds.) Power/Knowledge/Pedagogy: The Meaning of Democratic Education in Unsettling Times. Boulder: Westview Press.
i.Viteritti, Joseph P. (1999) Choosing Equality: School Choice, the Constitution, and Civil Society. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Chapter 8 Choosing Equality
6.2Formation of Parentocracy-Consumerism: The Reform on Demand Side of in the Quasi-Market of Education - (i) Reform on the Direct Subsidy Schools
a.Levin, Henry W.(1983) “Educational Choice and the Pains of Democracy”. Pp.7–38 in T. James and H.M. Levin (Eds.) Public Dollars for Private Schools. Philedalphia: TempleUniv. Press.
b.Halchin, L. Elaine (2001) And this parent went to market: Education as public versus private good. Pp.19-38. In R. Maranto et al. (Eds.) School Choice in the Real World: Lessons from Arizona Charter Schools. Boulder: Westview Press.
c.Ball, Stephen and Vincent, Carol (2001) New Class Relations in Education: The Strategies of the ‘Fearful’ Middle Classes.” Pp.180-194 In J. Demaine (Ed.) Sociology of Education Today. New York: Palgrave.
d. Whitty, G. (1998) “The Assisted Places Scheme: Its Impact and its Role in Privatization and Marketization. Journal of Education Policy 13(2): 237-250.
e.Murphy, Joseph et al. (1998) Pathway to Privatization in Education. Greenwich: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
Chapter 1 Understanding Privatization.
7.What Wrong with Quasi-Marketization Reform? In search of Alternative Discourses of Education Reform
a.Pring, Richard (1997) Educating person. Pp.83-96. In R. Pring and G Walford (Eds.) Affirming the Comprehensive Ideal. London: Falmer Press.
b.Ranson, Steward (1997) For citizenship and the remaking of civil society. Pp. 183-196. In R. Pring and G Walford (Eds.) Affirming the Comprehensive Ideal. London: Falmer Press.
c.Elmore, Richard F. (2004) School Reform from the Inside Out: Policy, Practice and Performance. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Education Press.
Chapter 1Getting to scale with good educational practice.
Chapter 6Change and improvement in educational reform
HK Education Policy & Practice