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Class Expectations

The following information will help you not only earn passing grades but will help us

create & maintain a respectful and fun learning environment.

1. Come to Class prepared and on time!

Supplies Needed for Ms. Robak's Physics 2 Class:

A.Notebook(3+Sub) and Folder OR 3-Ring Binder (Preferred)

For the sole use of physics! YouMUST have a folder if you are using a notebook! You will

have many handouts that must be kept at all times! If using a binder; you will be able to hole

punch them and keepthem in your binder (most handouts will come hole-punched)

B.Writing Implements& Misc. Supplies

Pens (any color)

Pencils (mechanical or standard)


Post-it Notes (reg. size)

For Lab Days:

Closed toe shoes

Hair ties (for long hair)

C.Textbook: Conceptual Physics

You will be expected to COVER your textbook with a book sox OR use a paper bag -

DO NOTuse contact paper and DO NOT tape the cover to the book!!!


Under no circumstances will you be allowed to leave my classroom for materials

left in your locker.

Responsibility for coursework

•Bring all tools for LEARNING to class everyday: folder, pencils, and assignments.

•Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time.

•Absentee work is YOUR responsibility. For everyday you are absent you have that amount of time to make up the work.

If you miss a quiz or test, it is made up the next day that you are in class.

No exceptions.

If you are unprepared for LAB you will NOT be able to participate and must come in

no more than 7 days from the original lab date for a makeup lab you complete INDEPENDENTLY. Failure to do so will result in a ZERO for that lab grade. For some labs your lab partner will have to assist you in collecting your data.

2. Student behavior AND PARTICIPATION

Show Respect:

•Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values.

•Respect teachers, administrators, classmates, and YOURSELF.

•Honor the ideas and opinions of others.

•Offer to help

Student Behaviors:

•Be prompt

Be ready to learn as soon as you enter the door.

Be seated and begin “DO NOW” before the bell rings.

Tardiness is unacceptable. Students shall be on time for class everyday. (Being on time for this class is important not only because of school policy but because often there will be an activity to be completed.)

•Be prepared & productive

Have materials with you and know due dates.

Turn in work on time, and always do your best.

•Be a polite and positive participant

Never use vulgar language.

Give others a chance to speak without interruption.

Do not leave the classroom without a pass or permission.

Wait until I dismiss you and not the bell. Stay seated until I dismiss you.


1. Respect your classmates, your teacher, and yourself!

2. No eating, drinking, or chewing of ANYTHING in this class.

3. Follow school, class, and lab safety policies at all times.

4. Empower yourself by being an active learner, having an open mind, and

being supportive of your fellow classmates.(and your teacher!)

If you choose to break classroom rules:

First offense = Warning

Second offense = Phone call home

Third offense = Detention & phone call home

Fourth + offense (s) = Referral

Cheating Policy:

•Cheating is unacceptable!

Treated using school policy

•Cheating includes:

Talking during tests or quizzes

Looking at someone’s paper during a test or quiz

Copying any assignment or lab reports

•No warnings are given

Tips for Success:

1. Look over your notes 10 minutes every night

2. Do your homework

3. Ask relevant questions in class

4. If you don’t understand something, come see me

3. ASSIGNMENTS & Grading

Late assignments will be acceptedONE DAY LATE; but at a penalty of 50% less points! If you have a special circumstance email or come see me before class, otherwise you will receive a zero. If you wish to receive full credit on an assignment it must be 100% completed.

All tests and most quizzes will be announced in advance.

Determining your grade:I use a total point system with varying point values,depending on the assignment, to determine grades.

For example:

Student A’s MP 1 Grades

Category / Earned Points / Possible Points
Homework / 75 / 80
Quizzes / 75 / 95
Tests / 250 / 300
Labs / 70 / 70
NoteBook / 100 / 100

570 Points 645 Points

•Grades are based on:

Tests (100pts)

Quizzes (5-50 pts)-one per activity (weekly)

Labs/Activities (10-50 pts)-at least one per activity maybe more

Homework 10 pts each assignment

•1 day late (5 pts earned)

•2 or more days late (0 pts earned)

•If all HW is done for the marking period, you will earn 1% of extra credit!

So, if you have 89% and do all of your HW, you will earn 90%!


•1 per marking period

4. Absences

If you know you are going to miss class, please let me know so I can give you what you need so you don’t fall behind.

If you are absent on a day work is due it must be turned in the day you return.

You have as many days to make up work as you were out (2 days out = 2 days to make up work)

If you are absent on a test day you will make it up the day you return.

The class website is kept up-to-date. HW is posted as well as important dates, there is NO EXCUSE to be unprepared!