El Dorado High School

1651 Valencia Ave

Placentia, CA 92780

Profesora: Señorita Baker
Spanish 2 /honors Class Curriculum 2017-18

Keep this Class Curriculum in your binder.

Course Description:

The teaching of Spanishwill be accomplished through the use of visual materials, the manipulation of realia, and the implementation of oral and written practice. Students will be able to employ their knowledge of the target language though listening comprehension, written work, reading material, games, and conversation with the teacher and other students. They will be encouraged to express their creativity through some projects, oral presentations and improvised skits. The students will also learn more about the traditions and customs of the different Spanish-speaking countries.

Materials and Texts:

- It is recommended that the students bring a pencil or a pen to take notes in class andhave a notebook (“cuaderno”) or part of a notebook dedicated to Spanish to keep their materials organized.

-Realidades 2 Textbook. The textbook will be available online for daily practice which students can access via the website and the students will also have a hard copy of the textbook to be kept at home. In the classroom, students will use the textbooks from our class set and all of these copies will have to remain in the classroom at all times.

-EDHS.org Teacher Website: I will make digital learning materials such as power points and videos available via my EDHS website. Students will be provided with a direct link to the site during class time, and anyone can navigate to the site by logging onto and selecting my name from the drop down menu located under the “faculty/staff” heading. Absent students should check the website in order to obtain any available missed assignments.


  • For the most part, the homework will consist of the students’ individual on line practice using Quizlet.com. This program allows me to create supplementary practice that is directly related to the vocabulary, grammar and sentences covered in each chapter.
  • Students will occasionally be required to view supplemental videos or complete listening comprehension activities that will require internet access at home.
  • Vocabulary and grammar assignments (handouts) will be assigned once in a while to turn in as part of the homework. Students will be responsible for completing all work as assigned before they come to class. Late or incomplete homeworkwill be accepted the next day ONLY for HALF credit.
  • Students’ homework grade will be based on completion, effort and accuracy. Normally, homeworkassignments will be reviewedin class and the students will have to make their own corrections to show understanding and lesson participation.
  • The teacher will either collect the homework or stamp each homework assignment to show completion.
  • Students who miss class related to a school sport activity will have to turn in their homework personally to the teacher prior to departure. They will also be responsible for collecting any work to be done in class on that specific day, otherwise it will be considered late work.
  • Homework grades will be recorded on Aeries every week. It is important that the students always keep all their stamped corrected (not collected) homework or class work, just in case there is a discrepancy with their grades.
  • NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED for TRUANCY/UNVERIFIED absences. Creative-types of assignments or projects of any kind will be lowered one letter grade for each day that they are late.
  • Students will have ONE DAY for every day with an EXCUSED ABSENCE to make up any missed homework or class work of any type.


  • Quizzes will be given periodically as well as a test at the end of each chapter and they will be announced to students one week prior to the scheduled assessment date.
  • Important: If a student misses the day before any test or quiz, he or she will still be required to take the test along with the rest of the class.
  • Students who miss a test or quiz related to an extracurricular school activity will have to check personally in advance with the teacher to schedule a make-up.
  • ALL MAKE-UP TESTS AND QUIZZES must be taken within ONE WEEK of the original test date before or after school, or any day at lunch (checking with the teacher) to obtain:

-Full credit if the make-up is taken within ONE WEEK (after any given quiz/test)and only if the absence is EXCUSED.

-50% credit after one week (if the student forgot).

-25% credit after two weeks (if the student FORGOT again).

-Make-up tests will cover the same material as class tests, but the questions and/ or the format might be different

  • Students who are marked with VERIFIED TRUANCY the day of any given test or quiz WILL NOT be permitted to do the make-up.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to remember to take a make-up test or quiz.


  • Grades will be based on the student’s ability to write, speak and comprehend written and spoken Spanish, as well as his/her understanding of grammar and vocabulary. The student’s letter grade will be determined by a combination of the following:
  • Chapter tests and quizzes
  • In-class activities
  • Homework, class work, and in-class/at- home projects
  • Oral participation and oral presentations
  • Student’s performance in the classroom (based on classroom rules)
  • Final examination

Students’ grades will reflect both their academic performance as well as demonstrating proper behavior in the classroom.

Grading Scale:

A+ 100 -98

A97 – 94

A-93 – 90

B+89 – 88

B87 – 84

B- 83 – 80

C+79 – 78

C 77 – 74

C- 73 – 70

D+ 69 – 68

D67 – 64

D- 63 – 60

F59 or below

On-line Grades:

Please visit the Aeries student and parent portal to view grades on line. In an effort to keep the student and the parent informed, updated grades will be posted regularly on-line.

Progress/Report Cards: Progress/report cards are made available to parents throughout the semester.

Additional help: It is the student's responsibility to approach the teacher if he or she is struggling. Additional help will be offered before or after school when scheduled in advance with the instructor. All students also have access to the peer tutoring offered in the school library. To access independent practice activities outside of the classroom, visit and (enter different codes found in each chapter) for extra practice online.


  • Consistent attendance is extremely important to a student’s success in this class.The new material presented daily as well as in-class participation points are crucial to developing proficiency in the Spanish language.VERIFIED TRUANCIES will result in a loss of 5 points for every day the student is TRUANT.
  • Please note that an absence MUST BE CLEARED WITHIN 72 hours through the district’s Aeries-attendance system from the day the student returns to school in order to complete make-up work.
  • Important:If a student misses the day before any test or quiz, he or she will still be required to take the test along with the rest of the class.
  • LEAVING CAMPUS WITHOUT PERMISSION IS NOT AN EXCUSED ABSENCE. Students MUST check out appropriately through the office. Students WILL NOT be allowed to make up or hand in ANY work for credit due to leaving campus without permission and/or verified truancies.

Behavioral Standards

Puntos de participación:

Students will receive daily participation points for participating in learning activities in the Spanish classroom.

Students can keep their participation points by . . .

Fully completing all daily in-class activities

Responding appropriately when it’s his/her turn

Bringing all required materials to class (notebook, pens/pencils, required handouts, homework)

Arriving on time and actively listening to the instructor

Demonstrating good behavior and a positive attitude

Students can lose participation points by . . .

Exhibiting disruptive behavior: socializing, using profanity, lack of respect to classmates or instructor, or disturbing the educational opportunity of others

Writing on or damaging classroom property such as books, desks, or walls; or neglecting to keep work area clean

Arriving late to class/ not being seated when the bell rings

Lack of participation in class activities/not bringing required materials

Using any type of electronic device without the permission of the instructor

Classroom Policies

Cheating: The academic honest policy will be fully enforced

Gum and food are not allowed to be consumed in the Spanish classroom

Bathroom: When excused, take the Room 407 hall pass with you. Unexcused bathroom requests will be treated as tardies.



  • Tardy 1: Warning
  • Tardy 2, 3: Loss of 1-2 participation points
  • Tardy 4, 5: 15 minute detention
  • Tardy 6: 30 minute detention

**Tardy 7, 8, 9: Referral to Attendance Director. Saturday work program assigned. Parents will be notified of assigned tardy detention. Failure to serve detention increases the time of the penalty. **

Parents and students, please FILL OUT AND SIGN the following, and return it to the teacher by Thursday, SEPTEMBER 7th to earn 5 points. Students will lose 2 points if this form is returned on Friday, September 8th. No credit available after Friday.


Dear Parent or Guardian,

High school is an important time for your student as he/she prepares himself/herself for the challenges of life. It is my goal to equip my students with valuable tools for making good life decisions. Please encourage your student to be educationally mature and value the power of knowledge.

We, students and parents, understand the Class Curriculum and Behavioral Standardsas outlined by Señorita Baker. We also agree to work as best we can to maintain a positive learning environment and to meet the expectations of this class.

Here’s to a great year! ¡Buena suerte!



Student’s signaturedate



Parent or Guardian’s signaturedate

Parent/Guardian’s Phone: Home: ______

Cellphone: ______

E-mail: ______

¡Muchas gracias por su cooperación!