Cowdenbeath Primary School Parent Council
Term Meeting
Wednesday 29th January 2014
Mary Quinn (MQ)Clare Crumlish (CC)
Tracey Howatt (TT) - Chairperson
Claire Morgan (CM) – Secretary / Claire Graham (CG) - Treasurer
Lisa Temple (LT)
Dawn Proudfoot (DP)
Fiona Tweedie (FT)
Michele McLaren (MMcL)Adele Devaney (AD)
Danielle Whitelaw (DW) / Kayle Turner (KT)
Yvonne Scott (YS)
School Update
Miss Hock has left to take up a longer term position and has been replaced by Mr Devlin.
Karyn Rennie has been appointed as the new Deputy Head Teacher. MQ advised that she was hoping for Miss Rennie to join the staff shortly after the February break.
School are attempting to raise the profile of the school website and ideas were discussed on how to do this. CC suggested running a 'spot the dog' competition each week to encourage the children and parents/carersto access the site and view the pages. CC requested more information from the Parent Council to update our section of the school site. CM to supply copy of minutes from this meeting.
Current number of P1 new starts for 2014/2015 sessionis at 30.
Quality Improvement Learning Round Visit due to take place on 30th Jan.
The Big Lottery Fund has supplied the financing for a breakfast club that will be open to all school children. More information will follow.
Christmas Fair
It was agreed that the Christmas Fair held in 2013 was very successful and positive feedback has been received from those who attended as well as the stallholders who purchased tables.Feedback received from that stallholdersthat it is a well organised event with a friendly atmosphere. After deductions (£120.87) money raised from the Christmas Fair was £1141.93. This included the money taken in from the Christmas Prize draw anda £50 donation from Exxon Chemical. From the money raised £359.48 was spent on the Christmas parties and 'presents'for the school and nursery. After such a successful event in 2013 the group agreed to hold one in 2014. Dateagreedwas Saturday 29th November 2014.
Family Fun Night
The next Parent Council Event is the family fun night arranged for Wednesday 19th February (in school) at 6pm. It was agreed that adults would be charged £1 and children would be free - all children must be accompanied by an adult. Entry includes 6 games of bingo and home baking/refreshments. The Parent Council also agreed to arrange a raffle to be held on the night. Bingo books should be in 'the cupboard' from the last event.
CC - agreed to be Bingo Caller and arrange the app/software required
CG -agreed to arrange the house line/prizes, pens,
TH - sausage rolls!
CM - diluting juice, tea, milk, coffee, sugar, polystyrene cups
CG/LT - stock take of any raffle prizes/raffle ticket books that might be left in the cupboard (no of raffle prizes to be confirmed)
No ad hoc meeting required before this event. The group agreed to contact each other if required.
Bags 2 School
Next bags to school collection is Thursday 15th May
Although not as well supported at the last collection compared to previous collections it was agreed to continue as it is money for little or no effort.
Book Club
Last book sale went extremely well. Book Club is due to recommence on Friday 7th January. It was highlighted that if the book club is to continue then we need other members' PVGsarranged as soon as possible. At the moment sole responsibility for collections falls on CG as due to family and work commitments the other 3 'disclosed' members are unable to commit to help on a Friday afternoon. MQ to check on progression of applications submitted by DP and MMcL and advise and arrange for new forms to be issued if required.
It was requested that a group call message be sent out on Thurs 6th February to remind people that collections are re-starting CC/MQ to arrange this.
Funding Requests
MQ advised that the nursery are looking to buy a Magnifying Garden Stand at the cost of £150. The group suggested that they would make a donation towards the cost but the value is to be agreed. Donation value to be agreed - ALL
MQ suggested that the Parent Council could fund the procurement of various materials to assist with maths activities. Items such as Breo building sets, K'Nex, Magnetix,Dizzytrons, Beebots were discussed. Digital Movie Creator Cameras was another suggestion. MQ to review and provide a list so the Parent Council can source.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 16th April @ 6pm (in school)