Civic and Community Engagement Websites
Prepared by Nancy Kranich
Convener, ALA Center for Civic Life
Send corrections, additions, deletions to
Revised 9/16
American Commonwealth Partnership.
American Library Association, Civic Engagement Blog.
American Library Association Public Programs.
American Political Science Association Civic Education Resources.
Americans for Informed Democracy.
Animating Democracy.
Annenberg Classroom: Resources for Excellent Civics Education.
Arsalyn, Citizens, Not Spectators: Promoting Youth Civic and Political Engagement.
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard University Kennedy School.
Association for Community Health Improvement.
Association of American Colleges and Universities, Center for Liberal Education and Civic Engagement.
Association of American Colleges and Universities, Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement.
Athena Bridge Knowledge Network.
Bang The Table: All About Engagement,
Barrington Institute.
Beyond Books: News, Literacy and Democracy for America’s Libraries.
BothAnd Project.
By the People (PBS Newshour).
Campaign for Stronger Democracy.
Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools.
Campaign for Young Voters.
Campus Compact.
Carnegie Corporation of NY, US Democracy and Civic Integration Program.
Center for Civic Education.
The Center for Collaborative Communication.
Center for Collaborative Policy, Collaborative Democracy Network.
Center for Democracy and Citizenship, Augsburg College.
Center for Wise Democracy.
The Choices Program.
CIRCLE: The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement Website.
Citizenship Matters. National Center for Learning and Civic Engagement.
The Civic Commons.
Civic Education in the Nation’s Schools, American Bar Association.
Civic Practices Network.
Civitas International Website (CIVNET).
Civworld Citizens Campaign for Democracy:
Close Up Foundation.
The Co-Intelligence Institute.
Collective Impact Forum.
Communities of the Future.
Community Matters.
Community Toolbox,
Compassionate Listening Project.
Constitutional Rights Foundation.
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago.
Conversation Café.
Corporation for National and Community Service, National Conference on Citizenship, Civic Life in America/Data on the Civic Health of the Nation,
Council of Independent Colleges’ Engaging Communities and Campuses, Engaging Communities and Campuses.
Deliberative Democracy Consortium.
The Democracy Campaign.
Democracy U.
Difficult Dialogues.
Dynamic Facilitation.
e-The People.
Education Commission of the States/ National Center for Learning and Citizenship.
Engagement Scholarship Consortium.
Engaging Cities,
Everyday Democracy.
First Amendment Schools.
Generation Citizen.
Hampton Roads Center for Civic Engagement.
Harry Potter Alliance.
Harvard School of Public Health, Met-Life Foundation Initiative on Retirement and Civic Engagement., Reinventing Aging.
The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation.
Imagine Chicago.
Institute for Local Government, Public Engagement/Collaborative Governance.
Institute for Study of Civic Values. Civic Literacy.
Institute on the Common Good. Democracy Lab.
Institute for 21st Century Agoras.
Interactivity Foundation.
Interdependence Movement: Citizens Without Borders.
International Association for Public Participation.
International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Enagement.
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. IEA Civic Education Study.
International Institute for Sustained Dialogue.
Kettering Foundation.
Kids Voting USA.
League of Women Voters of Connecticut Conversations Project.
Librarians Build Communities (blog by Kathleen McCook).
LivingRoom Conversations.
Mainstream Media Project.
National Alliance for Civic Education.
National Center for Learning and Citizenship.
National Charette Institute.
National Civic League.
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation.
National Conference on Citizenship.
National Dialogue Network.
National Endowment for the Humanities, "We the People" Program.
The National Issues Forums Institute.
National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement Website.
Network for Peace through Dialogue.
New England Center for Civic Life.
Open Space World.
Partnership for a More Perfect Union: Enriching the Relationship Between Citizens and Congress.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
Pathways to New Community Paradigms.
Pennsylvania Coalition for Representative Democracy (PennCORD).
Program for Public Consultation.
Project for Public Spaces.
Project Vote Smart.
Public Agenda.
Public Conversations Project.
Public Dialogue Consortium.
Resilience Circles: Small Groups for Tough Times.
Rock the Vote.
The Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement in America.
Search for Common Ground USA.
The September Project.
State Voices.
Student World Assembly.
Sunshine Week: Your Right to Know.
Sustainable Communities Network, Civic Engagement.
Teach the First Amendment.
The People Speak.
The World Café.
Transpartisan Alliance,
Viewpoint Learning.
Web Dialogues.
Web Lab.
Wisdom Circle.
World Citizen Foundation.
World Movement for Democracy: Confronting the Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century.
Youth as Resources.
Youth Participatory Politics Research Network,