Cowan Avenue Resource Guide

What is it? / How does it work?
·  Back to School Night / This year’s Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, September 25 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. This is an opportunity for parents (no children, please) to visit their child(ren)’s classroom(s), meet teachers and find out what to expect during the school year. An important event, not to be missed.
·  Beautification / Our school’s Beautification Committee works to improve the overall appearance of Cowan. Their latest project is our new tile wall, designed by Cowan students and families. Tiles are available for purchase at Round Up, as well as throughout the school year.
·  Booster Club / Cowan’s Booster Club raises money to help support student enrichment programs (such as science, vocal music, physical education, and much more). Last year we raised over $140,000! Your donation is vital to our school’s continued success.
·  Box Tops / Cowan collects “Box Tops for Education.” Each year, we make enough money to update our playground supplies or make other important school purchases. Please save your Box Tops and turn them in at the collection box in the Main Office.
·  Cowan Tiger Shirts / Cowan’s Booster Club sells logo t-shirts (and other cool items) which may be worn in place of the regular uniform shirt. Shirts will be available for purchase at Round Up, or can be ordered during the first month of school. Look for order forms coming home soon. Shirts are reasonably priced (from as low as $12), and proceeds benefit our school.
·  Earthquake Safety / Each year, students are asked to provide a small earthquake kit to be kept at the school in the event of an emergency. The office will send information home about what should be included.
·  Emergency Cards / Emergency cards should be updated each year. Remember to list someone close (a neighbor or parent of a classmate) that you trust to pick up your child in the event of an emergency. The school will not release your child to anyone not on your card.
·  Family Dinner Nights / Throughout the year, Cowan hosts dinner nights at some of the most popular local restaurants. Just by buying dinner, you earn money for the school! Pay your bill with Scrip, and we earn even more. Look for flyers coming home about these fun events.
·  Fundraisers / Cowan holds a number of fundraisers throughout the year to raise money to support our programs. Two upcoming events are our “Sweet Season” fall fundraiser and Cowan’s Book Fair. Look for more information coming home soon.
·  Library / Cowan has a beautiful Wonder of Reading Library, and is available for all our students to use. Students must have a signed permission slip from a parent/guardian to check out books. Look for information coming home with your child soon. The Library is a great place to volunteer your time.
·  Meals (breakfast and lunch) / Send money with your child, cash only, each day to purchase breakfast ($0.60), juice or lunch ($1.00). You may also deposit money (cash only) on a “lunch card” for your child. To do so, see Sgt. Martinez, our Cafeteria Manager, in the mornings before school. Depositing $20.00 will earn you a credit of an additional $2.00. Cowan does participate in the free/reduced lunch program for those who qualify. Forms are in the school office.
·  Office appointments / If you would like to meet with the Principal or Assistant Principal, please fill out a meeting request form, found in the school office.
·  PTA / Joining Cowan’s Parent Teacher Association is only $10 per adult, per year! Our PTA helps our school raise money so that we can offer more programs to enrich our children’s education. There are many ways to get involved. See page 1 for more information.
·  Rainy Days / All students (except Kindergartners) meet in the auditorium, where their teachers will pick them up and escort them to class.
·  Room Parents / Each year, we ask one or more parents in each classroom to serve as a Room Parent. Responsibilities include things like helping coordinate classroom parties, helping teachers with their wish lists, and lots more. Contact Lisa Starr () or Jodi Toubes () if you’re interested!
·  Rosters (Classroom) / Each classroom puts together a roster of student/parent contact information for the year. Please make sure that your Room Parent has your current information so that you can stay informed about what’s happening.
·  Safety Drop Off Program / Cowan offers a morning drop off program allowing parents to safely drop their children off at the front of the school. Parent volunteers run this program from 7:40 – 8:05 a.m. Monday through Friday. See the map of the drop off route on the insert. Students arriving after 8:05 must enter through the office and drop off a tardy slip.
·  School Calendar / The school website (, and the LAUSD site ( are both great ways to find out what’s happening. We’ll list important dates here in the Crier each month, too.
·  School Hours / School begins at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. Early dismissal Tuesdays will begin on October 16th. Once those begin, school will let out at 1:30 on Tuesdays only. Occasionally there are minimum and shortened days. You will be notified in advance of these dates.
·  School Site Council (SSC) / Cowan’s SSC is the governing body at our school. SSC makes decisions on what our school’s priorities are, etc. It consists of members of our school’s administration, teachers and elected parents. Elections will be held in September or October. Look for more information coming home in your child’s backpack/folder.
·  Scrip and eScrip / Scrip is a way for our school to earn money, and it doesn’t cost you a thing. Purchase gift cards through our scrip program (at face value, worth face value), and we get a percentage of the sale. Register your Vons and Ralphs Club cards by going to, and Cowan will receive a percentage of what you spend at the grocery store. More information coming soon. Contact Lyle Weldon at with questions.
·  Uniforms / Monday – Thursday, students are asked to wear either their Cowan uniform (Boys: navy shorts or slacks, yellow, blue or white polo. Girls: navy shorts or slacks, jumpers, uniform skirts/skorts, yellow, blue or white shirts.) Students may also wear our Cowan Tiger t-shirts (see entry above). Friday is free dress day.
·  Volunteering / There are many ways to be involved at school! We offer opportunities for everyone, from the stay-at-home to working parent. Come to Round Up to find out more, or get in touch with our PTA Board (see page 1 for contact information).
·  Website / Cowan’s website has been designed to keep you up to date on what’s happening at the school. Visit often to stay informed.
·  Yearbook / Each year, Cowan produces and sells a yearbook. You can help by sharing the photos you take throughout the year with our yearbook committee.
·  Yahoo Groups / Want to be notified via e-mail about what’s happening at school? Sign up for Cowan’s Yahoo Group by visiting, and clicking “Join This Group” at the right of the screen.