Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Participating were:: Bernard R. Berson, P.E., L.S., F.NSPE
H. Ken Rigsbee, P.E., F.NSPE
Bradley F. Aldrich, P.E., F.NSPE
Robert S. Miller, III, P.E., F.NSPE
Russell C. Devick, P.E. F.NSPE
Paul W. Brady
Lawrence A. Jacobson
Arthur E. Schwartz, CAE
Unable to participate: John M. Parisi, P.E., NSPE
1. Update on B+30
1.1 NCEES Task Force
Berson reported that NCEES has established a “B+30” Task Force to focus on the 30 additional credits required for engineering practice/licensure. Berson has appointed Craig Musselman to represent NSPE on this task force.
1.2 Northeast Region Meeting
Berson reported on the Northeast regional meeting and the presentation by Craig Musselman on the “B+30” initiative. It was agreed that this presentation should be repeated at future regional meetings.
1.3 Webinar – November 28
Berson noted that a new updated webinar will be conducted on November 28 with a panel of experts discussing the issue of B+30, and NSPE PP 168.
2. ASCE Meeting Report
Miller reported on his participation at the ASCE meeting in Orlando, FL. He noted that NSPE Past Presidents Marvin Specter and Bobby Price were elected as ASCE Honorary Members. Miller addressed the ASCE Board of Direction where he emphasized the need to increase diversity within the engineering society governance and membership. Miller noted that there was significant international and military participation at the ASCE meeting. He further noted that ASCE is revising its Web site and also undergoing an AMS conversion. Miller discussed the cordial discussions with current and incoming ASCE officers.
3. Missouri Society Money Matter
Berson and Miller updated the NSPE Executive Committee regarding ongoing discussion with the MSPE leadership and participation in an upcoming MSPE Executive Committee meeting to be held in January 2008
Berson and Miller will attend that meeting, primarily to discuss MSPE/NSPE relationship matters.
4. Corporate Membership Update
Jacobson reported on recent discussions with the Washington Group and the Navy. It was noted that state society executives have posed several questions regarding the pilot corporate membership effort.
5. Special Advisory Group to the Executive Director (SAGED) Report
Aldrich reported on the recent SAGED conference call and the need to keep the discussions focused.
6. Leadership Summit – November 16, Baltimore
Berson reported on the upcoming Engineering Leadership Summit which is being hosted by ABET in Baltimore, MD. He highlighted an item in NSPE’s Engineering Press Review that challenges assumptions about the engineering pipeline.
7. New Business
Miller and others complimented NSPE on the new Daily Designs publication. Berson discussed potential opportunities with the International Code Council (ICC), and there was general discussion regarding setting up a meeting with a DC law firm to review NSPE’s corporate documents.
8. Next ExCom Conference Call – December 11, 2007
Minutes - NSPE Executive Committee Conference Call, 11/13/07 pg. 1 of 2