Covers all of the following EOIs for Syria:
- Restricted Suppliers List for the supply of Dry Yeast. REF: G-SY-HRM-BK-14341
- Restricted Suppliers List for the supply of Fortified Wheat flour. REF: G-SY-ANT-BK-14343
- Restricted Suppliers List for the supply of Food Kits. REF: G-SY-ANT-FFR-13912
Dated 13/07/17
Question / Answer1. / Section 3.3 states This Expression of Interest is the first stage of a restricted tender process[…] Shortlisted vendors will then be issued Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents and invited to submit offers during 2017/2018/2019 […]This call for Expression of Interest is NOT a Request for Quotation (RFQ) or an Invitation to Tender (ITT). Can you confirm whether:
This EoI is the first in a two-stage bidding process in order to be shortlisted for specific tenders;
Successful response to this call for EoI guarantees shortlisted for specific tenders under a framework contract held by a limited number of tenderers / Following the EOI process there will be no framework contracts with any tenderers.
Successful suppliers will be included on a GOAL restricted supplier list for future tenders in the respective category (EOI).
2. / Please can GOAL advise the number of tenderers that will be invited to receive a framework contract (a restricted supplier list) / There is no framework contract given to successful suppliers coming through the EOI process. Suppliers will be included on a restricted supplier list for future tenders under the respective EOIs and if successful, suppliers will be contracted and invited to bid for the tender.
3. / Is it possible to respond with one combined EoI for the following
- Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) To create a Restricted Suppliers List for the supply of Dry Yeast. REF: G-SY-HRM-BK-14341
- Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) To create a Restricted Suppliers List for the supply of Fortified Wheat flour. REF: G-SY-ANT-BK-14343
- Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) To create a Restricted Suppliers List for the supply of Food Kits. REF: G-SY-ANT-FFR-13912
4. / 4.3.13 states: Any contract(s) that arise from this EOI may be financed by multiple donors and those donors and/or their agents have rights of access to GOAL and/or any of its suppliers or contractors for audit purposes.
For licencing purposes can you confirm whether funding for contracts arising from this EoI will come from USAID only or from multiple donors? If the latter, can you confirm what percentage of funding will come from which donors? / We cannot specify at this stage where the funding will come from. As this is just an Expression of Interest,it may used for multiple grants if needed.
Percentages from each donor cannot be specified at this stage as it will depend on the programmatic needs and grants being utilised.
5. / Can you confirm minimum and maximum numbers of bidders that will be shortlisted as an outcome of the EOI exercise for each of the three supply requirements? / No, the EOI process is to identify suitable suppliers that qualify to be included onto a restricted supplier list. All eligible bidders that qualify will be accepted to the list. GOAL has not set a minimum or maximum amount of bidders.
6. / Section 3.3 states Shortlisted vendors will then be issued Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents and invited to submit offers during 2017/2018/2019.
Can you confirm whether such offers will be a) full re-tenders or b) mini competitions under a framework contract (a restricted supplier list)? / EOI process is to identify suitable suppliers that qualify to be included onto a restricted supplier list.
Once there is a requirement for the category of supply, every supplier on the restricted supplier list will be sent the ITT and will be invited to quote.
7. / We note there is reference to the term ‘suppliers’, ‘sub-contractors’ and ‘resellers/distributors’ in each of the three EOIs. Please can GOAL clarify that ‘suppliers’ refers to the primary organisation that, if successful, would enter into a contract with GOAL, at restricted supplier list stage of the procurement process? / There would be no contract at restricted supplier list stage.
A contract would only be issued to the primary organisation that wins any future ITT. For the purpose of clarifying the terminology in a contract, GOAL would class the primary contractor, (whether a supplier/sub-contractor/reseller/distributor’) as ‘the supplier’.
8. / Can GOAL confirm that it is acceptable that the required Certification is not held by the lead Supplier but can be held and evidenced by the lead Supplier’s subcontractors? / It is acceptable however the primary contractor/supplier needs to ensure that all required certification is present and valid. As the contract would be with GOAL and the primary contractor, it remains the responsibility of the primary contractor/supplierto ensure quality of the product. In addition, GOAL would also carry out our own lab testing and loading inspections on all shipments also through third party service providers.