Unitarian Universalist
Community Church
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sermon: Music Sunday
This Sunday at UUCC (December 14th)
Service, 9:15 am
Cookie Walk, Between Services
Service, 11:00 am
Elder Lunch, Noon, FH
Peace Jam, 3pm, DH
Concert UUCCO & Potluck Dinner, 5:30pm, Sanctuary & FH
Annual RE Cookie Walk, Between Services
Please join us in Fellowship Hall between services for our Annual Religious Exploration Cookie Walk Please bring a couple dozen of your favorite cookies to be shared with all.
Elder Lunch, Noon, Fellowship Hall
Join us for a nice meal and to socialize and relax. Lunch menu always includes breads, salad, entree and dessert. Church elder lunch is not exclusive to Senior Citizens - some of our regular attendees are in their fifties and a few in their forties so please self-select and join us.
Potluck Dinner, 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Bring festive dish to share and join us for a lovely meal among friends.
Hymn Sing / Winter Concert, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary
Featuring UUCC’s Occasional Orchestra
After your meal, join us for a lovely meal and then relax to the marvelous tones of our UUCC Occasional Orchestra. Church Members will present Solo Pieces alternating with Winning Hymns from our recent hymn contest. Orchestrations by Don Stratton.
*** Good Will Offerings Accepted at the Potluck Dinner / Winter Concert to benefit those made homeless by the December 5th Augusta apartment building fire.
Family Violence Project Giving Tree
Give the gift of giving and help us support a local family in need from the Family Violence Project. We have received the name of a local family in need of a Merry Christmas this year - A mom and three children; 1 boy (age 8) and 2 girls (ages 10 and 14)
The Giving Tree (in lobby) is filled with tags with the age and gender ID of each child as well as their request. There is one request per tag. Take however many you feel comfortable with.
BY DECEMBER 18, please return your WRAPPED gift, with the tag firmly attached. Rev. Carie and Lynn (with the aid of Rudolph and kin) will deliver these gifts. Santa and the reindeer thank you. And so do I. Maggie Ricker, this year’s coordinator. 689-7711 or HoHoHo.
The coming Week at UUCC … Meetings
Monday, December 15, 2014
< Happy Birthday to UUCC >
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Alanon, 12 noon, FH
SGM, 1:30 pm, [D. Sorensen], Off Premises
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
COM, 7:45 am
Seasoned Souls, 10:30, FH
Just Guys, 6:30 pm, FH
SGM, 6:30, [P. Lamb], DH Downstairs
Thursday, December 18, 2014
SGM, 10 am, [Zidowecki], Robbins Rm
Social Activity Group, 5:30 pm, DH
Friday, December 19, 2014
Nonviolent Communication, 1:15pm, Robbins Rm
Staff Meeting, 4:00 pm, DH
Saturday, December 20, 2014
< no meetings >
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Church Services, 9:30 am & 11:00 am
UU’s Praying, 12:30 pm, Robbins Rm
COA, 3:00 pm, FH
Check out our online calendar of meetings & events: ( are welcome to Carie or to Helen Zidowecki ()
More information about meetings and events will be in the Newsletter.
Upcoming Events
Monday, December 15
~ Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation - Peaceful Heart Sangha ~ (5pm – 6:15pm)
This will be an “intro to meditation” session. Come and ask questions and learn more about our meditation group that meets in the UUCC sanctuary every Monday 6:30 – 8 PM and every Thursday 8- 9:30 AM at River Studio, 332 Water St, Hallowell.
Thursday, December 25
FREE Community Christmas Dinner – The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 209 Eastern Ave. (Rte. 17) Augusta, (11:30 am – 1:00 pm)
All are welcome to come for a full turkey dinner and fellowship. For rides and more information, see the notice posted on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board.
Saturday, January 3rd
~January Intensive 2015 – Peaceful Heart Sangha ~Bringing Mindfulness Meditation into our Daily Lives
Making a one month commitment to ourselves during the dark quiet beginning of the new year can be an ideal way to explore little changes in our lives. We will gather on Jan 3 to sit together, share (for those who would like to share), have a pot luck lunch, and begin our practice. We will have a similar closing gathering on Jan 31. Joining us for the opening & closing sessions is not required to benefit from this practice. For more info contact or call 685-9270.
Sunday, January 4th
Ask The UUCC Board
Immediately following the second service. This will be an opportunity to ask the Board any lingering questions you have about Rev. Carie’s Sabbatical, staffing changes, or UUCC finances. Please contact Liza Gottlieb with any questions. 409-1672 or .
Sunday, January 25th
Leadership Council, Place/time to be determined
Please put on your calendars! More information to come. In the meantime you may contact Board Vice President, Martha Naber at 872-0913 or .
Finance 101 Part 2, Winter 2015, Date to be Determined
Future Social Event Plans/Notices:
Coffee Hour Cupboards Needs Contributions
We need individual packet teas and herbal teas for the tea caddy as well as some goodies with shelf life such as pita chips, cookies, jarred humus, chips. Fruit, cheese, nuts and cider are great as well. If you bake on Saturday, make some extras for the coffee hour. Remember – hospitality is a congregational effort
Scrabble Night
Michaela Loisel and Cheryl Clukey are organizing a SCRABBLE night for some day in January. This could be a fundraising/social night or perhaps a little FRIENDLY competition! This always brings out the best in people. More information to come! Contact Cheryl Clukey at 441-0337 or Michaela Loisel at 592-5655.
Trivia Night
We have had a request to organize a TRIVIA night. Are there a few souls who love Trivia that would be willing to help organize this event with me? Contact Cheryl Clukey 441-0337 if interested in helping to organize this event.
Dinner and a Movie Night
MARCH OR APRIL 2015: Judy McCown and Cheryl Clukey will be organizing a "Dinner and a Movie Night." Movie: "Finding Virginia Maier"; Dinner is yet to be determined (perhaps NY Deli night?) What do you all think? Any suggestions? Please contact Judy McCown (897-3683) or Cheryl Clukey (441-0337) with ideas or suggestions.
Summary of UUCC Dec. 8thBoard Meeting
The Board reviewed its covenant to determine if it was still relevant anduseful to new board. It had been about 5 years since it had been reviewed. There were no revisions made but there will be further discussions about howwe keep the covenant present in our minds as we meet.
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted. There was some confusionregarding the line item from which the new RE teachers’ salary was beingtaken. Carie and Treasurer will review format. UUCC received its expectedrebate from the National Gas Conversion Project.
Ballard Trust. The board voted unanimously to authorize the Finance Committee to consider either Kennebec Saving or Maine Community Foundation as successor trustee to Key Bank for Ballard Trust. It is thought that UUCC would get better dividends with another trustee and is pursuing thechange.
Personnel Items: Board set staff mileage reimbursement for church relatedtravel at the Federal rate.
Sabbatical Brochure: The brochure outlines the purpose and expectationsfor both the minister and the congregation during Rev. Carie’s Sabbatical. The board approved the 5 goals set for the congregation. The Brochure willbe distributed in the very near future. There also will be a communityleadership Common Read during the Sabbatical: ‘Who’s in Charge Here’.
Families of the Fire: UUCC has partnered with Red Cross and the RedBarn Foundation to provide household items to the families. Donated itemsare being stored in the Drew House as the children and youth will not beusing Drew House for 3 weeks. An all-congregation email has been sentrequesting donations and volunteers to help distribute items during the twoupcoming Saturdays. UUCC is focusing only on household items; towels,sheets, dishes, toasters etc. PJ Jenkins is UUCC contact, , 377-9011.
Leadership Council. The first of 4 planned meetings, meant to occur inNovember did not get off the ground. So a new meeting of all LeadershipCouncil members has been set for January 25. Time & place TBD. MarthaNaber is contact.
Ask The Board congregational meeting has been rescheduled for January 4,right after the second service. Plans are underway for the annual ‘Finances
101’ congregational meetings, which will also, hopefully be held in January. Liza Gottlieb is contact.
Submitted by Board Clerk, Maggie Ricker
Budget Report:
Depositof 12/9/14 breakdown: $2,638.00
Share the Plate (Family Violence Project)305.66
Annual appeal 275.00
Fundraising/Holiday fair 76.00
Fundraising/Cookbooks 30.00
Fundraising/Hannaford cards 125.00
Rental 30.00
Total income for w/e 12/07/14 $3,479.66
Budgeted expenses for 2014/15 - $4,546.73
($236,430. divided by 52 weeks)
***Please consider joining those of us who use the automatic monthly deduction to make our pledge payments. It helps us to maintain a steady income level. Mary Simpson has a simple form for you to enroll in this option and forms are also available in the Church Office during normal office hours.
UUCC Office Hours Week of Dec. 14, 2014
Monday9:00 am to 3:00
Tuesday9:00 am to 3:00
WednesdayNoon to 6:00
Thursday9:00 am to 3:00
Friday< Closed >
Rev. Carie’s Office Hours Week of Dec. 14, 2014
MondayNoon to 5:00 pm
Wednesday2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursday3:00 am to 6:00 pm
Your Pastoral Ministry Team is here to provide confidential, caring and compassionate presence during times of grief, loss, life changes and stress. To request support for yourself, a family member or a friend or share pastoral concerns, please contact your minister Rev. Carie Johnsen at 508-221-5295 or
For Caring Cooperative support such as rides, meals, errands, get well and condolence cards as well as companion visits, contact Cheryl Abruzzese at . If you do not have email you may reach Cheryl at 293-2123
Please have your articles for the weekly newsletter in the office by noon on Wednesday. Thank you!
Sunday Services / Staff Contact information:
Youth Advisor, Monique
Small Group Ministry Coordinator, Kathy Kellison,
Sunday Morning Religious Exploration CoordinatorNicole Danielson,
Music Director, Bridget Convey
Office Administrator, Lynn M. Smith