MaconCountyBoard of Commissioners
Courthouse Commissioner’s Meeting Room
Regular Meeting
January 3, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Mickey George
Commissioner Bob Melvin
Commissioner A. Richmond Felton
Commissioner Ben Haugabook
Regina McDuffie, County Manager
Belinda M. Johnson, Deputy County Clerk
Jon Coogle, County Attorney
Excused Absent: Commissioner Gordon Sutton
Commission-chairman George called the meeting to order and gave the opening prayer.
Commissioner George opened the floor for nominations for the Chairman for 2017.
Commissioner Felton nominated Commissioner George. Commissioner Haugabook made the motion to close the nominations, seconded by Commissioner Melvin and carried. Commissioner George was elected to serve as Chairman for 2017 unanimously. Chairman George thanked the Board for their support. The Board thanked the Chairman for his services.
Chairman George opened the floor for nominations for the Vice-chairman for 2017.
Commissioner Haugabook nominated Commissioner Melvin. Commissioner Felton made the motion to close the nominations, seconded by Commissioner Haugabook and carried. Commissioner Melvin was elected to serve as Vice-chairman for 2017 unanimously. Vice-chairman Melvin thanked the Board for their support.
Commissioner Felton made the motion to approve the minutes of the December 15th meeting as presented, seconded by Vice-chairman Melvin and carried unanimously.
Chairman George informed the Board Commissioner Sutton was absent due to illness.
Commissioner Haugabook made to motion to add the School Choice Proclamation to the agenda, seconded by Vice-chairman Melvin and carried unanimously.
Vice-chairman Melvin made the motion to add the Board of Health appointment to the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Haugabook and carried unanimously.
Vice-chairman Melvin made the motion to approve the $100,000 Revolving Loan Request from Enviro Builders, LLC, subject to them meeting the conditions of the Revolving Loan Committee, seconded by Chairman George. Vice-chairman Melvin amended his motion to assign the patent andequipment to the Development Authority as a term of this approval, seconded by Chairman George. For(BM, MG); Oppose (RF); and abstain due to conflict of interest (BH).
Chairman George called for a motion on the School Choice Proclamation (home schooling); no motion, after discussion the Board decided not to support the proclamation.
Regular Meeting
January 3, 2017
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Commissioner Haugabook made the motion to approve the appointment of Vice-chairman Melvin to the Board of Health, seconded by Commissioner Felton and carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Commissioner Felton made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Haugabook and carried unanimously.