Summer 2017
To all Parents and Carers of
Andy Pandy
Welcome to the summer news letter of 2017, we have lots of upcoming events this term so please be sure to make a note of those important dates.
Important Dates
Hampshire school holiday dates for Summer2017 are as follows;
Andy PandyPre schools will be open during half term for children who are on the stretched offer. For those of you who attend term time only the following dates apply;
Summer Term
May bank Holiday- Monday 1st May
Half-Term we will break on Friday 26th May at 4pm for the following week of Monday 29th May (Bank Holiday Monday) To Friday 2nd June 2017
Summer Holidays We will break on 24th July for the summer break
Inset days Friday 21stTuesday 25th July 2017
Please remember if you are taking any holidays during term time please ask for a holiday form so we can mark our records holiday and not absent.
Summer Term Events
Portchester Gala Saturday 17 June 2017
As in previous years we will be participating in the Gala. This year floats will depart from the car park at the rear of the Co-op in Portchester precinct, a new routedown Castle Street as indeed it was 40 years ago!
The date for this is 17th June and our theme this year will be ‘under the sea’, we will have a vehicle float which can hold a limited number of children, if your child is a school leaver and wishes to go on the float please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to advise. However all parents/ carers are welcome to walk alongside the float on the day of the Gala so feel free to come along and get involved on the day.
Outings/ parents helping
We are now visiting the Portchester Library every Friday for Story Time, the children are enjoying.
We took the children on an Easter egg hunt in the prescient withsome of the children taking part.
We areplanning toextend the outings, please talk to a member of staffif you would like to help, or have any ideas that you would like to input.
Teddy Bears Picnic Monday 24 July2017
The Teddy bears picnic will take place this year on at PortchesterCastle if the weather isn’t that great, we will move intoSt Marys Church. There will be no session that day.
All are invited. We will meet at the castleat 11.00am until - 1.30pm. You will need to bring with you a food item for the group to share, a blanket to sit on, and most important a favourite Teddy. A list of food will go up for you to choose from nearer the time.
Any other information you would like on this please speak to a member of staff.
Summer Outing
As in previous years we have always gone on a summer outing as a group this will again still be the case. We are hoping to go to Paultons Park as this is good value for money and a family friendly day out. If this is something you are interested in please let a staff member know ASAP and let them know if you would like to go with the group or drive your own car. You will all receive a letter with prices and dates with some more information.
Outdoor Area
We are still working on our outdoor area and making it more bright and inviting. Sandie has drawn a plan with great ideas for this which you are welcome to see. If you have any ideas/suggestions for the outdoor area or any other area within the setting, please don’t forget we do have a suggestions box or do tell a member of staff who will be happy to take these into consideration.
Payment of fees
Fees are payable monthly in advance – You will be invoiced in the last week of a month for the following months care. Fees can be paid by cash or by bank transfer (please ask for our BACS details)
Fees are still applicable, even if a child is absent. In the event of a prolonged absence please consult the manager. Notice Periodif you would like to permanently withdraw your child from Andy Pandy Preschool you must give one months notice in writing.
Changing hours
If you need to change your child's regular booking pattern we require this in writing with one months notice, before the end of the month. The new booking pattern will commence from the first week of the month.
We are still able to provide for extra one off bookings should you need emergency childcare.
Staff update
I am sure you join us in congratulating Chloe on successfully completing her NVQ3 Childcare Diploma. Becca leaves us this week for her summer travels, Carole will be joining us as our new bank staff member. We hope Clare will be well enough to join us again soon.
Sorry folks here come the house keeping bits......
Please make sure that all children’s coats/jackets/cardigans/jumpers etc are named. We have quite a few children in group, some who have the same belongs as one another and it makes it very difficult for us if these are not named especially if the children don’t know which bag they have either.
We have a small supply of spare clothes to enable us to change a child if they require changing while at Pre-School which are then recorded in the record book, if your child comes home in some Pre-School clothes please could you return them promptly so we can mark off and they are then ready for the next child that may require them. Alternatively your child can bring in a bag to put on their peg each session with a spare change of clothes in it, that way the clothes actually fit and you won’t need to remember to bring the clothes back.
Sun cream and sun hats
As the weather is now getting warmer please be sure to bring a sun hat and sun cream that is clearly named that your child can wear outdoors. This can either stay in group so it’s here each time they are in or go home with them at the end of each session, if you wish for it to go home please let us know so it can go back in your child’s bag.
Please can all parents/carers be aware that you must not park directly outside the gate at any time during drop off’s or collecting. The car park is free for a max of 3hours and there are usually plenty of spaces available. Not only this but you may also be issued a parking ticket from Fareham Borough Council, should they see you parking there at any time.
Leaving children’s belongings outside
For those children who like to ride a bike/sit and ride to Pre-School please be aware it is not our responsibility to look after these during the day. Please can you take them back with you as we really don’t have the space to store these outside or inside, this also includes pushchairs.
Nappies and pull-ups
For those children who are still in nappies/ pull- ups please can you make sure you supply enough in your child’s bag for the time they are in Pre-School, along with enough nappy sacks and wipes, as we don’t always have these spare in the group.
Please can all parents be aware that when their child is feeling unwell they please call to let us know and keep them at home until they are feeling better. As you can imagine germs spread quickly especially in an environment such as Pre-School, there is also a risk of staff becoming unwell and having to find staff cover at short notice
Medical information and emergency contact numbers
Please remember to keep these updated with us; any changes please notify us immediately so we have the correct information to hand if we were to need it. If your child uses an inhaler please make sure you hand this in at the start of your child’s session to a staff member.
Key- worker/ parents meetings
A big thank you to all the parents, that came into group to see their child’s journal on our last inset day. As you can imagine we spend a lot of time and effort putting these into place so seeing what your child has been up to in group can be very rewarding. We hope you found the information we gave to you useful and thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaires. If you wish to know who your child’s key worker is please ask a member of staff, you can also find a copy of the key worker list on the parent notice board just inside the door.
Pre school entrance
Thank you to all parents and carers for being so patient in regards to the train track being placed across the gate during pickups and drop off times. This is purely put across for the safety of the children which I’ am sure you would all agree on. We are currently in discussion with Hampshire County Council in regards to railings being installed along the edge of the pavement for extra safety, any further information we have on this we will let you know as soon as we know. Please do continue to put the gate back across when entering and exiting the setting.
Contact Details
Please make sure you are all aware of our contact numbers as these are very important.
Portchester Hub 023 92210048
Andy Pandy Mobile 07719 046743
E-mail .
Please remember to ring/text or e-mail if your child is not going to be in on a day they are due so we can mark our records accordingly.
And finally......
We hope you and your child are enjoying the new setting just as much we are, if you have any queries regarding the contents of this newsletter or indeed any queries to do with your child or any aspect of the group, please remember we don’t bite and are here to help, all you have to do is ask.
Sophie, Sandie, Shanice, Chloe, Carole, Becca and Clare
Andy Pandy Pre-School