NUR 117 Fall 2012
Region A Nursing Consortium
Course Title: NUR 117 Tri-County Community College Campus Term Year 2012
Class Location: Rm 101-Enloe
Debbie Hogan, RN, BSN, MHS Office 114 835-4246 Office hrs: Th 9-2
Susan Fowler, RN, BSN, MHS Office 113 835-4252 Office hrs: Th 9-2
Candice Laney, RN, BSN Office 115 835-4232 Office hrs: W 9-2
Shirley Voyles, RN, BSN Office 130 835-4267 Office hrs by appt.
Meeting Times: Mondays 1310-1600; Tuesday 1510-1600
RANC Program Director (HCC Campus): Wendy Hines, MSN, RN
Office: Health Professions Building, Room 910
Office Phone: 627-4652 Dept. Assistant: Chris Carroll
Email: 627-4651
Office Hours: Mondays from 2pm-4pm and by appointment
Course Description
This course introduces information concerning sources, effects, legalities, and the safe use of medications as therapeutic agents. Emphasis is placed on nursing responsibility, accountability, and application of the nursing process regarding drug therapy. Upon completion, students should be able to compute dosages and administer medication safely.
Pre-requisite: Admission to the nursing program
Instructional Materials
Clayton, Stock and Cooper, Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, ISBN: 9780323057806
Morris, Calculate with Confidence, ISBN: 9780323056298
Mosby’s Nursing Drug Reference Book-2012 Ed.
Zerwekh, Mosby’s Pharmacology Memory Notecards 3rd Ed ISBN: 9780323078009
Course does have online content required via Moodle.
Concerns with Course
If you have any concerns about this course, first consult with your instructor. If after meeting with your instructor, you feel that your concern has not been satisfactorily addressed, or if you feel that you cannot effectively communicate with your instructor about the issue, you may contact the following people in the following order:
First Contact
Health and Human Services, Department Chair:
Candice Laney, (828) 835-4232, ( )
Second Contact
Vice President of Instructional Services
Linda Lovingood, (828) 835-4242, ()
General Competencies
Tri County Community College seeks to take learning beyond the classroom by encouraging individuals to develop their abilities in collaboration, communication, and critical thinking
Collaboration is the process of working cooperatively to achieve the needs of a group or team.
Students will:
1. Respect group members' individual viewpoints and roles.
2. Develop group ideas, goals, and consensus.
3. Meet deadlines and goals responsibly.
Communication is the ability to comprehend and communicate through various forms of media.
Students will:
1. Communicate, verbally and nonverbally, in relation to his/her course of study.
2. Communicate with a diverse audience.
3. Use appropriate mediums for communication.
4. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, style, and mechanics.
Critical thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating issues and ideas, identifying good and bad reasoning, and constructing creative and sustainable solutions to problems, in a variety of settings.
Students will:
1. Raise vital questions and issues.
2. Gather and evaluate information from a variety of sources.
3. Compare and contrast different points of view.
4. Develop well-reasoned, creative conclusions and solutions.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, the graduate will upon licensure:
1. Practice professional nursing behaviors incorporating personal responsibility and accountability for continued competence.
2. Communicate professionally and effectively with individuals, significant support person(s), and members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team.
3. Integrate knowledge of the holistic needs of the individual to provide an individual centered assessment.
4. Incorporate informatics to formulate evidence-based clinical judgments and management decisions.
5. Implement caring interventions incorporating documented best practices for individuals in diverse settings.
6. Develop a teaching plan for individuals, and/or the nursing team, incorporating teaching and learning principles.
7. Collaborate with the interdisciplinary healthcare team to advocate for positive individual and organizational outcomes.
8. Manage health care for the individual using cost effective nursing strategies, quality improvement processes, and current technologies.
Technical Standards
The practice of nursing requires the performance of essential functions in order to provide safe and effective nursing care.. To effectively educate students to the profession of nursing, the performance of these functions is incorporated throughout the program within lab and clinical settings. Faculty and students are required to demonstrate proficiency of these functions to progress through the nursing program. The essential functions include:
1. Critical Thinking – critical thinking skills sufficient to identify complex problems and reviewing related information, to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions. For example, developing a nursing care plan based on data obtained from physical assessment of patient.
2. Interpersonal Skills - interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with faculty, care team, patient, and patient’s family under physically and mentally demanding environmental conditions. For example, relaying important patient data to instructor and physician in a timely manner.
3. Communication Skills – communication skills sufficient to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand. For example, communicating information about procedures and follow up care to patients.
4. Mobility – mobility sufficient to perform physical activities that require considerable use of arms and legs and moving the whole body, such as lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, and handling of equipment. For example, assisting a patient with mobility while managing equipment such as IV poles in a safe manner.
5. Motor Skills – motor skills sufficient to quickly move the hands, hand together with the arm, and two hands to grasp, manipulate, and perform procedures in a specific manner. For example, inserting an IV needle while maintaining sterile technique.
6. Visual – visual skills sufficient to see details at close range. For example, assessing patient’s skin or IV site for small details.
7. Weight-Bearing – weight-bearing skills sufficient to carry 50-75 pounds. For example, lifting patients from bed to chair with minimal assistance from patient.
8. Listening – listening skills sufficient to give full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times. For example, discussing patient’s status with care team and receiving verbal orders from physician.
9. Hearing - auditory ability sufficient to process sounds and instructions commonly associated with healthcare. For example, being able to listen for small changes within patients upon auscultation, being able to measure a patient’s blood pressure accurately, and being able to describe the differences between abnormal lungs sounds.
Course Instructional Methods
· lecture
· discussion
· experiential learning
· inquiry-based learning
· problem-based learning
· project-based learning
· instructional technology
Projected Schedule of Assignments
See course calendar.
Task Completion Policy
Refer to the Region A Nursing Consortium Policy Manual and Student Handbook for task completion policy information.
Grading Practices
Refer to Region A Nursing Consortium Policy Manual and Student Handbook for grading and progression policy.
Students must achieve a score of 100 on the medication math exam within three attempts in order to pass the course. If you do not achieve a score of 100 within three attempts, you will receive a final course grade of “D” and will not progress within the program.
Please note that grades are not mailed. You may access grades, unofficial transcripts, and schedules online by logging into your Moodle Account.
How grades are computed:
4 Unit Exams / 90% / Grading Scale: / A / 93-100Cumulative Final Exam / 10% / B / 85-92
Medication Math Exam Pass/Fail / C / 78-84
D / 70-77
F / Below 70
Class Rules and Regulation
Attendance: Students are expected to be present for the entirety of the class period. From time to time a student must leave the classroom during the class period. This should be infrequent and not habitual.
Food & Drink: Please remember, as well, that there is to be NO food or drink in the lab. Students should plan to eat meals during breaks between classes.
Children: Children, regardless of age, are not allowed in any classrooms or labs during regularly scheduled courses or on weekends (please see the student handbook for specific information). Students are responsible for making child care arrangements if public schools are closed, day care centers are closed, or if children are ill.
Cell Phones: Cell phones will be turned off during class (unless arrangements have been made in advance with the instructor due to an emergency). All cell phones must be turned off and put away upon entering the classroom. Cell phones should not be visible on desks or in students' hands while class is in session. You will not be allowed to use your cell phone in class to make and receive calls or text messaging. If you are found to be using your cell phone during class, you will be excused from the class and will receive an absent for the day and a zero on any assignments for that day.
Classroom Behavior: Any conduct by the student, which is detrimental to that student's success or best performance or to the success or best interests of the class as a whole may result in the permanent removal of the student from the class. Detrimental activities include excessive absences or being tardy, rude or disruptive behavior, lack of effort, negative influence upon others in the class, etc. It is a felony to bring any firearms/weapons on campus unless for an approved college activity. Any student who brings firearms, drugs, or alcohol on campus or any student who comes on campus under the influence may be dismissed.
Classroom Safety
The College reserves the right to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment for the students and staff. Therefore, when, in the judgment of College officials, a student’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the college community, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the sanctity of the community.
See the RANC Policy Manual and TCCC Student Handbook (Student Rights and Code of Conduct) for a full explanation of all policy and procedures.
Attendance Policy
Students enrolled in a hybrid course are to participate regularly. Students registered in a hybrid course must complete the HOP Assignment before the 10% census date. To complete this assignment, students should follow the guidelines for logging on set forth on the HCC Distance Learning website. To access the website, go to, select Distance Learning, and then follow the login instructions. Students who fail to complete this assignment before the 10% census date forfeit their registration in the hybrid course as well as tuition paid for the course and they receive a grade of “NS” for it. This impacts any financial aid award per federal guidelines. As in the case of a traditional course, their reinstatement will be made only under the most unusual circumstances. Reinstatement requires the recommendation of the instructor of the course, the consent of the division chair, and the approval of the Vice President of Academics Services.
Students who miss ten percent (10%) or more of the total possible time for a course are at risk for administrative withdrawal or Failure of the course. For specific information for RANC attendance policy see the RANC - Region A Nursing Consortium student handbook.
For information on how to withdraw from a course refer to Tri County Community College student handbook (p51). If nursing students chose to withdraw from a course they must withdraw prior to taking final exam.
ADA Notification: Alternate Learning Styles/Additional Support
Services for students with disabilities are available at Tri County Community College through the Counseling Office. The College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which stipulate that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education “solely by reason of a disability.” Disabilities covered by law include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, psychological disabilities, and hearing, sight or mobility impairments.
Services for qualified students are designed to provide support for and access to the same educational experience available to other students. Students with disabilities are expected to meet the same academic standards as other students. The disability support counselor offers numerous services to assist students in reaching their academic goals.
Disclosure of a disability must be initiated by the student, as noted on all TCCC course syllabi. At the college level, it is also the student’s responsibility to contact the disability counselor and provide required documentation. Recent professional medical/psychological documentation from a qualified professional specifying the disability and recommended accommodations is required. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the disability counselor prior to each semester to discuss/review required accommodations. Students are responsible for submitting the Accommodations Request Form and discussing his/her accommodations with each of his/her instructors.
Some accommodations require a minimum of two weeks’ notice to implement. Some can take longer; therefore students should contact the disability counselor as soon as possible.
All information is kept strictly confidential with the exceptions required by law which include disclosure of current child abuse/neglect or a resolute decision to commit suicide or harm others.
Please contact Student Services for more information - (828) 837-6810.
Inclement Weather/Delayed Class Schedule
Tri County Community College is not on the same schedules as the public school system with regard to delays or cancellations. Announcements concerning college operation for classes will be made by Tri County Community College Website, on many local TV and radio stations, and on the Tri County Community College at (828) 837-6810.
Please refer to the Inclement Weather Policy posted in the Tri County Community College student handbook.
Academic Honesty
Students have the responsibility for conducting themselves in such a manner to avoid any suspicion that they are improperly giving or receiving aid on any assignment or examination. Such academic dishonesty not only includes cheating but also plagiarism (taking another’s ideas and/or words and presenting them as if they were your own). Cutting and pasting from the Internet into a paper without proper documentation is considered plagiarism. The TCCC faculty strongly encourages students to submit work that meets the highest ethical standards.
· Cheating: Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
· copying, faxing, emailing, or in any way duplicating assignments that are turned in, wholly or in part, as original work