Syllabus 2017-2018

Instructor: Mrs. Woge

Course Title: Adapted Language Arts

Course Description:

The major focus of Adapted Language Arts will be to build on the students’ prior knowledge, and to increase students’ reading and writing abilities. This course is a double period, combining reading and language arts, and will focus on various comprehension and writing strategies, literary elements, vocabulary and word study, fluency, and grammar, usage, and mechanics. A variety of texts, including but not limited to, short stories, novels, and poetry, will be introduced to the students.


-Introduce students to a wide range of literature

-Literary terms and vocabulary introduced and expanded upon in the context of various literary works

-Forms the basis for reading in both recreational and real life skills settings

-Basic grammar, usage, mechanics
-Writing strategies


Students will be able to:

  1. Write with a sharp, distinct focus (e.g. sharp controlling point), identifying topic, purpose and audience. (focus)
  2. Develop topic-specific content that is explained and supported with details and examples appropriate to audience and mode using precise vocabulary. (content)
  3. Write paragraphs with details and information relevant to the focus.
  4. Use an effective format that is relevant to audience and task.
  5. Organize and sustain writing in a logical order, including an introduction, body and conclusion with appropriate transition. (organization)
  6. Use the introduction to establish the purpose and the topic.
  7. Use grade appropriate conventions of written language when writing and editing (i.e. correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar and sentence formation).
  8. Recognize a wide range of literary genres, including short stories and novels
  9. Improve independent reading skills
  10. Express themselves verbally and in writing
  11. Move towards a higher level of thinking, comprehending, and communicating
  12. Apply previously introduced literary elements and vocabulary within and between texts

Class Materials:

Holt McDougal Literature set

Elements of Language

Elements of Literature

Language Network

SRA Corrective Reading

Remedia PublicationsComprehension Skillsseries

Steck Vaughn Comprehension Skills

Scholastic Reading Passages That Build Comprehension series

Walch Publishing Just Imagine Stranger Than Fiction series

5-minute Grammar Practice; Language Arts Warm-ups series; Daily Reading Warm-ups

Various novels and appropriate reading materials

Binder, paper, pencil, various additional reading materials

Independent reading book-from home or school/classroom library


-Tests and quizzes

-Writing assignments

-Homework checks

-Classroom discussions


Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be on time
  2. Come to class prepared with all materials, including a pencil
  3. Respect the teacher and other students
  4. Participate in class; be attentive
  5. Follow all school rules and policies


Students will receive 10 points per week as a citizenship grade. These points are given to the student each week. Students will lose one citizenship point for being late to class, for not bringing needed materials to class, for refusing to work, for sleeping in class, for being disrespectful or disruptive to the teacher or other students, and for violating any school policy. In addition, students are permitted two free hall passes per nine weeks. If they use additional passes, they will lose one point per pass. If they use no passes, they will receive bonus points.

Class Work:

Students will have in-class assignments, as well as homework on a regular basis. Absent students are required to make up work in a timely fashion. Students are responsible for checking make-up folders for work to be completed.

Grading Policy:

Grades are determined using points from homework, quizzes, tests, class work, projects, writing, and citizenship. The grading scale is:





FBelow 59%

The information on this syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.