Welcome to Spanish 1! Your decisions, actions and work will determine your grade in this class. The following information will help you to succeed.

Course Description:

Spanish 1 begins your study of the Spanish language with the goal of building a strong foundation for future learning of the language. Activities will focus on developing language skills in reading, writing and speaking in addition to understanding the different cultures of Spanish speaking countries. Participation is expected in all class activities as well as individual work outside of class. Spanish 1 will mainly focus on proficiency in the present and past tense. All course work is aligned with the California Content Standards.

Course Text and Supporting Materials

·  Ven Conmigo Textbook

·  Flash cards- for vocabulary words

·  Three ring binder- for Spanish only

·  5 dividers for binder

·  Red Pen

·  Dry erase marker

·  Highlighter

·  Composition notebook

Class Rules:

·  Be Respectful

·  Be Positive

·  Be Prepared

·  Be On Time

·  Be On Task

Grading Scale:

·  A 90%-100%

·  B 89%-80%

·  C 79%-70%

·  D 69%-60%

·  F 59% and below

Grading: Students will be assessed and evaluated on meeting course standards in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Quizzes and tests: Students will have vocabulary and grammar quizzes and mini-quizzes. There will be an in-class written and multiple choice test for each chapter covered.

Make-up quizzes and tests will be given during class and you will be responsible for the part of the class that you missed

Homework: (5-10 POINTS per assignment) Homework is normally assigned once a week. All projects and homework assignments are due when the bell rings at the beginning of the period. It will be evaluated on the basis of completeness and seriousness of effort. Save all the work on your binder in case you have to prove your grade.

After an excused absence, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. I will not remind you. You need to pick up missed your homework on the day following the missed day of class.

Late homework will be accepted but it will worth only half of point.

Participation/Attendance: (2 points per day) Students will be given participation points each day they are in class and on task. A class participation points will be based on the following criteria: timeliness, attentiveness, participation (both voluntary and requested), cooperation with the teacher and other students, having all materials in class each day, listening and speaking appropriately in small groups, following directions, staying with the assigned topic/task and use of the target language.

Absences: Due to the inability to participate in class when absent, you will automatically lose your participation point that day. Each participation point can be made up by showing to the teacher all the work that the student missed in the next two days.

Overall, I have high expectations of you and I expect you to work hard and do your best.


Mrs. Galano

(951) 736-3241 ext. 25125

I have read and discussed the following guidelines.

Parents/Guardians, please sign below after you have reviewed the above guidelines.


Parent/Guardian Date Student Date