- Applicant organisation
PIC NUMBER(mandatory)
Number of full time/permanent employees
Accreditation as FPA partnerof DG ECHO(please attach evidence)
Contact person
Name / Position
Phone / Email
Legal Representative
Phone / Email
- Eligibility (please tick the boxes below that apply to your organisation)
The eligibility criteria are set out in Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014 (‘main Regulation’ – MR).
The organisation is:
- References
Please provide details of your three references. References endorse the commitment of applicant organisations to meeting the requirements. The references should be from a minimum of two of the group of stakeholders defined in Article 32 of Implementing Regulation (IR) No 1244/2014.
Reference 1Name
Reference 2
Reference 3
- Self-assessment form
Regulation (EU) No 1398/2014 (the 'Delegated Regulation' – DR)
- Duty of care and Safety and Security measures (Article 28 IR)
Please provide an overview of how your organisation ensures the safety and security of international volunteers it hosts (max. 5000 characters):
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
1.1.Does your organisation have a security management and evacuation plan?(Article 28 (2) and Annex 1, point 5 IR)
The requirement is explicitly and fully covered by the organisation's policies
(please attach optional evidence where relevant/available) /
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.2.Will your organisation, jointly with the sending organisation,produce a written assessment of security, travel and health risks for the country of deployment? (Article 28 (3) and Annex1, point 6 IR)
The requirement is explicitly and fully covered by the organisation's policies
(please attach optional evidence where relevant/available) /
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.3.Will your organisation review and update the risk assessment (point 1.2) as regularly required by the context and, as a minimum, before deployment of the volunteer? Will your organisation ensure that no deployment takes place
if the assessment identifies (a risk of) armed conflict? (Article 28(4) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.4.Do the task description and recruitment processes of your organisation include requirements as regards security awareness and appropriate behaviour in relation to risk and security management?(Article 28 (5) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.5.Will your organisation ensure that all information on security and safety procedures is shared with and understood by the volunteer? Will you provide a context-specific security briefing before departure and within 24 hours upon arrival in the country of deployment? (This must include the results from the risk assessment, the evacuation
and security management plan, including security incident reporting, procedures for evacuation and repatriation, communication tree, crisis management contact officer(s), and details of embassies, police and fire stations,
and hospitals. (Article 28 (7) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.6.Will your organisation make the volunteer aware of the consequences of any breach of security procedures, in particular termination of the placement?(Article 28 (10) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.7.Based on your updated risk assessments will your organisation regularly update the evacuation plan to ensure it remains suitable for the operating environment at all times? (Article 28 (12) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.8.Will your organisation ensure that the volunteer is updated about any change in the operating environment and
the consequent amendments in any of the security procedures or protocols? (Article 28 (13) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.9.Will your organisation ensure that you are aware of the location of the volunteer, and the contact number to reach them, at all times including when they are on leave. (Article 28 (14) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Equal opportunities and non-discrimination (Articles 11 and 12 DR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
2.1.Is your organisation committed to the principles of equal treatment and integrating them fully into identification, selection and recruitment procedures, preparation of volunteers and performance management policies and practices? (Art. 11(2)DR)
The requirement is explicitly and fully covered by the organisation's policies
(please attach optional evidence where relevant/available) /
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
2.2.Will your organisation give the sending organisation written confirmation of your acceptance of the principles and policy on equal treatment, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, and advise them of any exceptions to be made in defining the role and profile of the volunteer, as required by the specific context of its work?(Art 12(3) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Professional and social recognition (Articles 5 and 7 DR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
3.1.Will your organisation ensure ongoing commitment to the assessment and documentation of EU Aid Volunteers’ learning experiences to facilitate professional and social recognition? (Art. 5(4) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
3.2.Will your organisation promote social recognition through the activities set out in the communication plan referred to in Article 17 MR? Will you give volunteers the opportunity to be involved in external communications work designed to publicise the initiative and their commitment?(Art 7 (1) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
3.3.Will your organisation make volunteers aware of opportunities to stay engaged with issues relating to humanitarian aid and active European citizenship, in particular encouraging them to take part in conferences and workshops at EU and national level, in order to share their experiences? (Art 7(4) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults (Article 18 DR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
4.1.Is your organisation committed to a policy of zero-tolerance with regard to any abuse of children and/or vulnerable adults, including sexual abuse? Are you able to report abuse, deal promptly and properly with incidents, support victims, prevent victimisation of whistle-blowers and hold perpetrators to account? (Art. 18 (1) DR)
The requirement is explicitly and fully covered by the organisation's policies
(please attach optional evidence where relevant/available) /
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
4.2.Will your organisation prevent abuse through; solid recruitment and selection practices; appropriate induction and training; a culture of openness and awareness of the issue; and by assigning clear management and oversight responsibilities? (Art. 18 (2) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
4.3.Will your organisation inform candidates and volunteers about the risks and recommended preventative measures, in order to ensure that abuse does not occur? (Art. 18 (4) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Health and Safety (Article 30 IR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
5.1.Will your organisation, with the sending organisation and on the basis of their health and safety policy,jointlydevelop a comprehensive set of health and safety policies and guidelines to meet your duty of care obligations
and to ensure volunteers' physical and emotional well-being? (Art. 30 (2) IR)
The requirement is explicitly and fully covered by the organisation's policies
(please attach optional evidence where relevant/available) /
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
5.2.As part of the risk assessment referred to in Article 28(3) IR and before defining the task assignment, will your organisation (with the sending organisation) assess whether the placement provides safe and secure working and living conditions for the volunteer on the basis of the indicators in Annex 1 point 7 IR?(Art. 30 (3) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
5.3.Will your organisation ensure that duty of care is integrated in the day-to-day volunteer management and, during the induction, provide the volunteer with (Art. 30(7) IR):
- up-to-date information on local resources concerning health and safety such as contact details of doctors, hospitals, paramedical services;
- guidance on local customs and norms in order to limit safety risks and facilitate integration?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Data protection(Art 16 DR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
6.1.Will your organisation ensure that you process personal data in compliance with Directive 95/46/EC and Regulation 45/2001, where applicable? (Art. 16(1) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
6.2.Will your organisation ensure that abuse and misuse of candidate and volunteers' personal data are prevented during any processing, including collection, use, disclosure and deletion, in particular in the case of (Art. 16(2) DR):
- recruitment and selection (including application forms, interview notes and self-assessment questionnaires); and
- preparation and management of volunteers (includinglearning and development plans, performance reviews and records of mentoring support, medical checks or any disciplinary issues)?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
6.3.Are you aware that sending and hosting organisations shall ensure that only relevant data is processed and that any personal data such asname, age, address and date of birth, including sensitive data, information regarding their recruitment, employment and performance shall be(Art. 16(3) DR):
- collected lawfully and adequately for a legitimate purpose;
- processed fairly and lawfully;
- corrected or updated, where necessary;
- accessed only by authorised personnel;
- made accessible upon request to the candidate volunteer or EU Aid Volunteer concerned;
- kept securely; and
- kept no longer than necessary.
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
6.4.When processing the above data, will your organisation seek the explicit consent of the volunteer? (Art. 16(4) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
6.5.Will your organisation inform the candiadte and volunteer of their rights as regards: protection of personal data;lodging complaints; using and accessing their own data; and knowing what entities will have access to which of their data? (Art. 16(5) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Partnership(Articles 8, 9 and 10 DR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
7.1.Will your organisation ensure that a partnership agreement is signed between you and the sending organisation applying for and managing projects involving deployment of volunteers in non-EU countries that may include activities relating to capacity building and/or technical assistance? (Art. 8(1) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
7.2.Does your organisation comply with Article 10(4) MR? Will you ensure that the sending organisation complies with Article 10 (3) MR? Are you aware that you may include as partners other organisations specialised in any areas relevant to the objectives or actions of the projects referred to in point 7.1? (Art. 8 (2) (3) DR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
7.3.Will activities under the initiative promote a transnational partnership between your organisation and the sending organisations based on the principles of (Art. 9 DR):
- equality;
- shared values and a shared vision;
- transparency;
- responsibility, accountability and reliability;
- mutual trust and respect;
- complementarity, building on the diversity of the humanitarian and volunteering community
with a strong focus on local capacity building; - flexibility and adaptability; and
- mutuality in allocating resources and setting objectives?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
7.4.Are you aware that, before a partnership is formed, the host organisation must carry out a needs assessment, where appropriate in cooperation with the sending organisations, taking into account the Commission’s assessment of humanitarian aid needs and including, as a minimum(Art. 10 (1)(2) DR):
- a vulnerability and risk assessment of the country of deployment, including security, travel and health risks relevant for volunteers;
- consideration of the current capacity of the host organisation to host a volunteer;
- analysis of the competences and capacities currently lacking within the hosting organisation and the local community, identifying needs and analysing how they can best be addressed; and
- analysis of the expected added value from the volunteer and, where relevant, from the envisaged capacity building support to the host organisation and local community?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
7.5.Will your organisation ensure that the partnership agreement is compliantwith the following minimum standards(Art. 10(3) DR):
- shared values and a shared vision, in particular as regards volunteering and humanitarian aid;
- the added value of each partner and their respective roles must be clearly defined;
- agreementon common objectives and management, in particular:
- decision-making procedures and working practices;
- financial arrangements and management;
- communication channels between all stakeholders; frequency of meetings and field visits by sending organisations;
- work plan and activities, including timeline;
- task allocation, according to the communication plan of the initiative;
- monitoring and evaluation of the partnership;
- book-keeping and documentation;
- refinement and finalisation of the needs assessment (see point 7.4);
- joint formulation and evaluation of EU Aid Volunteers' task assignments;
- roles and responsibilities with regard to candidates and volunteers over the different stages of their participation in the initiative;
- procedures for handling complaints (made within the partnership and from external parties) and resolving conflict between partners;
- policies and procedures for the exit of a partner;
- financial implications; and
- contractual implications (including as regards volunteers and the communities concerned);
- where relevant, a needs-based strategy for capacity building and/or technical assistance between partners must be developed and a specific budget allocated to it; and
- partners must contribute to learning activities and undertake to carry out communication and visibility activities in line with the communication plan (Article 17 MR)?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Volunteer task assignments(Article 4 IR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /