Course Syllabus: CPD 116 Substance Abuse Fundamental Facts/Insights

Great BasinCollege Catalog Description

CPD 116 Substance Abuse: Fundamental Facts and Insights 3 Credits

An introduction to various issues relating to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in our society. Students will gain knowledge of the physical and health effects of various drugs of abuse. Sociological, cultural, family impact and preventive issues will be addressed.

No prerequisites.


Mary Ray, PhD

Human Services Program Coordinator/Instructor

Great BasinCollege

Elko Campus

1500 College Parkway

Elko, NV 89801

Office: HTC 130

Phone: 775.753.2005

Fax: 775.753-2160

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 10 AM to 2 PM, Thursday, 10 AM to 12 none, and additional hours by appointment.

Required Textbooks/Recommended Materials

Text:Drugs and Society, 9th edition, by Hanson, G.R., Venturelli, P.J. and Fleckenstein, A.E.(Jones and Bartlett, Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-3732-0).

Workbook:Student Study Guide to accompany Drugsand Society, 9th edition, same authors, same publisher (ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-3755-9).

Recommended review of official publications from at least two self-help organizations such as from the following:

“Alcoholics Anonymous” (

“Rational Recovery” (

“Overeaters Anonymous” (

“Narcotics Anonymous” (

“Al-Anon” (

Course Description

This course usesa variety of didactic, introspective, reflective and interactive approaches to the complex issues involving substance abuse in society. The physical, psychological, social and interpersonal aspects of human functioning in terms of the use/abuse of mind/mood altering substances will be addressed. Students will be required to visit a community service agency,or non-profit organizationwhich offers substance abuse intervention, prevention and/or education.

Course Goals

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify major drugs of abuse, including alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs.
  1. Demonstrate understanding of adverse physical and psychological effects of drug abuse, and common clinical symptoms.
  1. Apply the principles of the cycle of addiction, dependency, and the interpersonal/social issues of codependency/co-addiction to the use/abuse of mood altering substances.
  1. Discuss laws and identify government agencies responsible for regulating the use/abuse of legal and illegal substances.
  1. Identify therapeutic interventions for treatment of substance abuse.
  1. Develop an education program to prevent alcohol and/or drug abuse.

Expected Learner Outcomes and Methods of Measurement

  1. Define physical and psychological addiction, drug abuse, and dependency.

Measurement: Workbook assignments, essay, presentation, exam.

  1. Examine the components of the addiction cycle.

Measurement: Workbook assignments, journal, presentation, exam.

  1. Identify the signs and symptoms of alcoholism.

Measurement: Workbook assignments, presentation, essay, exam.

  1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of illegal and prescription drug abuse.

Measurement: Workbook assignments, presentation, essay, exam.

  1. Apply the concepts of psychosocial illnessto chronic substance abuse.

Measurement:Workbook assignments, journal, presentation, essay, exam.

  1. Describe intervention options and techniques.

Measurement:Workbook assignments, presentation, essay, exam.

  1. Integrate interpersonal and social issues of co-dependency/co-addiction.

Measurement: Workbook assignments, journal, essay, presentation, exam.

  1. Identify counseling and treatment modalities.

Measurement: Workbook assignments, presentation, journal, exam.

  1. Plan and present prevention/education programming.

Measurement:Workbook assignments, presentation, journal, exam.

Methods of Instruction

There are 15 weeks of instruction/participation plus the final examination in this course. Course assignments are specific to each week’s topic, and may include the following learning methods:

  • Reading assignments
  • Pre- and post-tests and final examination
  • Classroom instruction
  • Audio/visual materials
  • Guest speakers
  • Written assignments
  • Oral presentations
  • Individual projects
  • Classroom discussions
  • Course evaluations

Explanation of Grading Policy

The following grade point scale will be used:

A ≥ 93B- 80-82D+ 67-69

A- 90-92C+ 77-79D 63-66

B+ 87-89C 73-76D- 60-62

B 83-86C- 70-72F <60

A 10% deduction will be made for unexcused late work received after each calendar day past the due date. No credit will be given for work more than 10 days late. Suspected violations of GBC academic honesty policy will be reported. Incompletes will only be granted per GBC policy. See current Catalog for details.

Attendance Policy

Per GBC catalog, “You must participate in classes regularly if you intend to obtain the full benefits of instruction. Unexcused hours of absence in excess of the number of course credit hours is excessive. This translates to two hours of absence for a two-credit class, three for a three-credit class, and so on…” Students are expected to comply with these guidelines. If you have difficulty attending class due to illness, or a personal emergency, please notify the instructor immediately to make arrangements for making up missed classwork/assignments to avoid deductions in grade point scores.Unexcused late arrival to class may result in loss of points/grade reduction. . It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process of making up missed coursework/assignments, and/or obtaining missed instructional content.

Additional information

Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, students are expected to present thoughtful reviews of the material, and to offer scholarly commentary. Students are to maintain the confidentiality of others, including classmates, and guest speakers, as appropriate. During this course, students are expected to demonstrate respectful, ethical behaviors, as outlined in the GBC Catalog, when participating in activities with peers, instructors and/or speakers in class meetings, interactive video sessions, and/or in online/email discussions.

Course Outline/Schedule/Assignments

Week1/Dates: ______

Topics:Welcome! Course Overview/Class introductions/Q and A

Class activities:Pretest. Due dates.DVD: Addiction/Individual and Social Issues. Define addiction/addiction cycle.

Text: Review Introduction to text and workbook. Discuss topics from video.

Journal:Copy/draw addiction cycle. Identify each element of the cycle. Consider how this might apply to your behaviors.

Assignment for week 2: Read Chapter 1.Answer first 20 workbook questions beginning on pg 1. Due: ____

Week 2//Dates: ______

Topics:Definitions: Addiction/Drugs/Addiction Cycle

Text: Discuss topics from Chapter 1. Review addiction cycle. Discuss elements. Define what addiction is not.

Workbook: Turn in workbook questions.

Journal: Addiction cycle: Draw the addiction cycle with each step labeled, defined, and personalized. Due: ____

Assignment for week 3: Read Chaps 2 and 3.Do first 10 workbook questions p. 18 and first 10, p. 34.Due: ___

Week 3//Dates:______

Topics: Defining Abuse/Drugs and the Law

Text: Discuss key topics from Chapters2 and 3. Behavior change theories. Discuss behavior change contracting.

Workbook: Review/correct graded workbook questions.

Journal: Make a list of behaviors you want to change or modify. Choose one, give reasons/drawbacks. Due: ___

Assignment for week 4: Read Chaps 4 and 5.Do first 10 workbook questions, pg. 49 and first 10, pg. 63. Due: ___

Week 4//Dates:______

Topic: Neurochemistry/Body Systems and How Drugs Work in the Body

Text: Discuss key topics from Chapters 4 and 5. DVD neurochemistry.

Workbook: Review/correct graded workbook questions.

Journal: Write a listing of desired outcomes/possible undesired outcomes of your behavior change.Due: ____

Assignment for week 5: Read Chapter 6.Do first 20 questions in workbook starting on pg. 77. Due____

Week 5//Dates: ______

Topic: Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants

Text: Discuss key ideas from Chapter 6

Workbook: Review/correct graded workbook questions.

Journal: Write behavior change plan w/ witness signature. Begin implementation of behavior change. Due: ____

Assignment for week 6: Read Chaps 7 and 8. Do first 10 workbook questions, pg 87 and first 10, pg 102. Due:___

Week 6/Dates: ______

Topic: Alcohol: Bio-psychosocial/behavioral effects and treatments/interventions

Text: Discuss key issues from Chapters 7 and 8. DVD on alcoholism.

Workbook: Review/correct graded workbook questions.

Journal: Write one page about pros/cons of using/not using support system for behavior change. Due: _____

Assignment for week 7: Read Chaps 9 and 10.Do first 9 workbook questions pg. 118 and first 11 pg. 131. Due: __

Week 7/Dates:______

Topic:Narcotics and Stimulants

Text: Discuss concepts from Chapters 9 and 10

Workbook: Review/correct graded workbook questions. Definition of addiction essay due: ______.

Journal: Write one page about your own barriers/resistance noted to your behavior change efforts. Due: ____

Assignment for week 8: Read Chapter 11.Do first 20 workbook questions beginning on pg. 145. Due: _____

Week 8/Dates:

Topic: Tobacco and Nicotine

Text: Chapter 11 discussion. Smoking/nicotine DVD.

Workbook: Review/correct returned questions.

Journal: Write one page about the barriers/resistance noted about your efforts to change by others. Due: ____

Assignment for week 9:Chaps 12 and 13. Do first 10 workbook questions pg. 157 and first 10 on pg. 169. Due: __

Week 9/Dates: ______

Topic:Hallucinogens and Marijuana

Text: Chapters 12 and 13. DVD: marijuana.

Workbook: Review/correct returned questions.

Journal: Write one page about how others try to help you. Which were helpful? Which were not? Due: ____

Assignment for week 10:Chaps 14 and 15. Do first 6 workbook questions pg. 179 and first 12 on pg. 189. Due: __

Week 10/Dates: ______

Topic: Inhalants, Prescription Drugs/OTC/Herbal

Text: Chapters 14 and 15

Workbook: Review/correct returned questions.

Journal: Write one page about progress toward your behavior change goal. Due: ____

Assignment for week 11: Read Chapter 16. Dofirst 20 questions in workbook beginning on p. 203. Due: ____

Week 11/Date:______

Topic: Drug Use/Abuse in Society

Text: Chapter 16

Workbook: Review/correct returned questions.

Journal: Write one page about feedback from others about your behavior change efforts. Due: _____

Assignment for week 12: Read Chapter 17. Dofirst 10 questions in workbook beginning p 221. Due: _____

Week 12/Date:______

Topic:Intervention/Treatment Strategies

Text: Chapter 17

Workbook: Review/correct returned questions.

Journal: Write one page about the completion of your behavior change effort/end of contract. Due: _____

Assignment for week 13: Read Chapter 18. Dofirst 10 questions in workbook beginning p. 231. Due: _____

Week 13/Date:______

Topic: Prevention and Education

Text: Chapter 18

Journal: Write about your reward for your effort in the behavior change process. Due: _____

Workbook:Review/correct returned questions. Presentations of prevention/education lesson plansdue: ______

Week 14/Date: ______

Topic: Critical Thinking

Assignment for week 15: Evaluate peer presentations (extra credit)

Activity: Class prevention/education presentations due.

Week 15/Date: ______

Topic: Review for final exam. Evaluate peer presentations.

Activity: Continue class prevention/education presentations.

Week 16/Date: ______

Assignment: Final examper GBC exam schedule due on: ______from ___ to ____. Course evaluations due.

Assignment Summary/Due Dates

Points possibleDue Dates

Workbook assignments50

Journal assignments20

Presentation: Substance Abuse Education/Prevention10

Essay: Definition of Addiction10

Final Exam10

Total points possible100

Assignment Description/Detail

  1. All journal and workbook assignments are due at the end of the day after the last class meeting of the unit week by 5 PM, unless modified by the instructor. On holiday weeks, journals and workbook assignments are due at 5 PM on the last class day of the unit week. The top ten journaling and workbook scores will be applied to your final grade, but students are strongly encouraged to complete all of the assignments in order to enhance learning, and to achieve the highest possible grade score. Extra credit can be earned by completing all journal and workbook assignments prior to the due dates, and will be granted only if all assignments have been completed—and will be granted only after the final exam has been completed.
  2. Essay: Definition of Addiction is due before the first class of Week 7. The essay is to be of at least 300 words. At least one reference in addition to your text should be cited. The use of APA style/format is required. See the AcademicSuccessCenter staff for help, or consult the American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th. ed.). Washington, DC: APA. You may access APA at the following website: This assignment is worth 10 points
  3. Presentation: Substance Abuse Prevention Lesson Plan. A copy of your Power Point or written lesson plan for a substance abuse prevention presentation is due before the first class meeting of Week 14. Use any comprehensive lesson plan or power point format to present a 15 minute lesson about any topic related to drug and alcohol prevention suitable for a college student group. Include at least one relevant, documented reference in addition to your text book. You may use electronic or computer technology, or paper handouts, but your references and sources of information must be demonstrated, both during and following the presentation. Paper copies of your presentation are required. Make enough copies for your classmates, and one for the instructor. The Preparation of adequate, functional handouts will comprise at least 10% of your grade for this assignment. Your peers will also provide feedback about your class presentation. This assignment is worth 10 points.
  4. Each journal assignment is worth 2 points.
  5. Each workbook assignment is worth 5 points.

Rubric for Assignments and Presentations


Exceeds expectations

Addresses all elements of assignment with high degree of accuracy and clarity

Demonstrates high levels of critical thinking and practical application

Documents all sources when/as appropriate by using APA style/formatting


Meets most expectations

Addresses mostelements of assignment with accuracy and clarity

Applies theoretical material in several areas or in most applications

Documents sources/errors in APA style/formatting


Meets some expectations

Demonstrates understanding of material with minimal insight

Some required information/elements not addressed/some inaccuracies

Documentation of sources is incomplete/errors in APA style/formatting


Meetsfew expectations

Most required information is missing/is inaccurate and/or many elements unaddressed

Errors in documentation of sources/omission of most elements of APA style/formatting

Below 60%

Meets very few or no expectations

Many inaccuracies/multiple errors in documentation/formatting

0 %

No submission

Wrong assignment

Undocumented use of another's work/violation of academic honesty policy

Assignment received 9or more calendar days after due date (unexcused)

Disability Access Statement

Great BasinCollege provides equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Important note:

The instructor intends to adhere to this teaching schedule as closely as possible. At times, modifications must be made in order to maximize student learning. Therefore, this syllabus may be changed at the sole discretion of the instructor at any time, and is not a contract.