Head Start was launched by the federal government in 1965 to help young children from income eligible families get a better start in life. Head Start was designed to support the role of parents and to provide their children, primarily three to five year olds, with a full program of educational, health, nutrition, and social services to meet their needs and enrich their lives. The Head Start population reflects the rich cultural diversity of our society.

The overall goal of the Head Start program is to instill a greater degree of social competence in children of low-income families by strengthening their ability to cope with school and the world around them and helping to create new opportunities for them and their families.

From the beginning, Head Start was designed to be more than an educational program. Although Head Start children benefit from a variety of learning experiences that help lay the groundwork for success in elementary school, they receive much more:

*Hot meals each day to help meet their daily nutritional needs.

*Comprehensive health care - including physical, hearing, vision and dental examinations, immunizations, and follow-up on identified health problems.

*Mental health services to foster their emotional growth and help them deal with special problems.

*Social activities to help them learn to get along with others and gain self-confidence.

*Developmental screenings are given in the areas of motor, concepts, language, self-help, and social.

Because parents are the most important influence on a child's development, Head Start places heavy emphasis on involving parents in all phases of the program. Head Start parents serve on Policy Council and Parent Committees and are active in local Head Start programs. Many serve as paid or volunteer assistants in the classrooms.

A quality program maintains an atmosphere of respect and appreciation for all those involved. Children are respected as individuals with feelings, interests, and concerns. Interaction between children and staff is characterized by warmth, personal respect, individuality, positive support, and responsiveness.


Head Start's Education component is designed to meet the individual needs of children and the educational priorities of the community. Regardless of cultural background or special needs, every child is offered a variety of learning experiences designed to foster physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth and to develop an appreciation for ethnic, cultural, and language differences. Children participate in indoor and outdoor activities and are introduced to new concepts. They also are encouraged to express their feelings and to develop self-confidence and the ability to get along with others.


The Parent Involvement component ensures that parents, regarded as the most important influence on their children's development, are involved in program planning and operations and in parent education. Parents serve on Head Start's Policy Council and Center Committees where they have an opportunity to offer suggestions for the program. Parents also work as classroom volunteers or paid staff. Through involvement in the classroom, participation in courses and workshops on child development, and interaction with staff during home visits, parents learn about educational activities that can be used at home. In addition, staff learn from parents about the children's needs and interests.


Head Start's Social Services component assists the family in its own efforts to improve the condition and quality of family life serving as advocates. The staff identifies the social service needs of Head Start families and either meets these needs or works with other community agencies to ensure these needs are met. The staff informs parents of community resources and how to facilitate their use.


The Health component provides children with a comprehensive health services program that includes medical, dental, mental health, and nutritional services. Children must have a complete physical exam including hemoglobin and blood pressure, lead, vision and hearing screenings, current immunizations and a dental exam. Follow-up treatment is monitored. Education pertaining to all segments of the health component is provided to children, staff, and families.


The Mental Health portion of the Head Start program focuses on the promotion of positive self worth, respect for individual differences, and the ability to develop appropriate social skills.


Children at centers are given two nutritionally balanced meals/snacks according to center set-up. Children in the homebased program receive nutritional snacks. On a weekly basis, nutrition activities are incorporated into the classroom curriculum.


Services to special needs children and their families is an important part of the Head Start program. Research has shown that even a child with a special need (handicapping condition) can benefit from placement in a regular classroom environment, as long as his or her individual needs are met. In an inclusive environment such as the Head Start classroom, all children have the opportunity to develop skills in a natural setting; to develop an appreciation of similarities; and to learn to understand and accept individual differences.


Client confidentiality is a family's right to the protection of private, personal information shared with an agency for the purpose of receiving services. NKESC Head Start has the responsibility to preserve information that is received about family members and disclose information only for the benefit of that family.

Confidentiality is an ethical obligation of every NKESC Head Start staff member, as well as a program requirement.

Upon entry into the NKESC Head Start program, parents or legal guardians will complete forms for releases of information.

Each child in the NKESC Head Start program will have personal records that will be locked and maintained in the NKESC Head Start office and in the center classroom where the child attends school. The Director of NKESC Head Start is designated as the custodian of student records and has the responsibility for maintaining adequate security for all records.

Head Start central office and center child's files are open only to Head Start staff, specialist consultants and authorized federal officials on a "need-to-know" basis. The NKESC Head Start central office administrative assistant has access to the files for purposes of file maintenance. Paid substitutes will have access to the child center files on a "need-to-know" basis which is determined by the classroom teacher.

A copy of CACFP meal forms, birth certificates, income verification and application forms will be kept at the NKESC Head Start central office in the child's file.

A copy of the health history, release forms, birth certificate, enrollment application, emergency contacts, home visits, and day-to-day logging of any family needs, medical card, special education materials, screening material and physical will be kept in the child's file at the center where the child attends school.

Only with parent's signed consent will any information be shared with other agencies.

Lists of parent/student names, addresses and phone numbers will not be released unless prior approval is in writing by the consenting adult.

Any parent or legal guardian may inspect the records of his/her child during a time when a Head Start staff member may be present.

Parents will be given the opportunity for a meeting with the Director of NKESC Head Start in order that they may make amendments or additions to their child's file.

All situations or questions concerning release or use of student data shall be referred to the Director of NKESC Head Start staff.

Disciplinary action will be taken as a result of a breach of confidentiality. The staff member or volunteer will be referred to the Head Start Director for further action.

NKESC Head Start will keep records of the child's file for a period of five years.



The Head Start Director has designated the lead teachers and the Early Head Start visitors as the persons responsible for identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect to the SRS department and our central office. Early Head Start and Head Start are mandated

Procedures in reporting child abuse and neglect:

*If you suspect child abuse document the location of the injuries on the NKESC Head Start/Early Head Start Child Abuse/Neglect Report form and picture of the human body form. (SEE FORM ATTACHED)

*If a school nurse is available, ask her to look at the child.

*Contact the NKESC Head Start office and they will help in determining whether to notify DCF.

*Call DCF and report the suspected abuse.

*Document everything that is said or that happens on the NKESC Head Start/Early Head Start Child Abuse/Neglect Report form. Include the date it happened, when you observed it, and your signature. (SEE FORM ATTACHED)

*Documentation is kept in the child’s file and a copy is sent to the central office at NKESC.



Suggestions for change, requests for information or issues of concern should first be shared with the Head Start staff member directly involved with the situation. (Example: contact teacher regarding requests or concerns related to the classroom; contact the Director with concerns related to the program.) The Head Start office may be contacted to assist in identifying the appropriate contact person.

If the person making the request does not feel that the issue was adequately resolved through direct contact with the appropriate staff person, the issue may be taken to the Head Start Director.

The parent or community member may be requested to complete a written summary of the original issue, the name of the staff person the issue was taken to, and the results of that interaction. Following a meeting with the concerned person, the Director will follow-up on the issue and respond to the person with the concern within 30 days.

A written summary of the Director's findings and how the situation was resolved will be completed. A copy will be maintained in the Head Start office and copies provided to all involved parties.

In the event that after the issue is taken to the Director and the situation is not resolved, the parent or community member may request to be placed on the Policy Council agenda to discuss their concerns. The request should be made in writing to the Policy Council Chairperson.

Concerns related to employee performance will be dealt with by the NKESC Board of Directors.

It is requested that any concerns be acted upon as soon as possible following its occurrence to see that the situation can be dealt with in a timely manner.


The Cheyenne County Head Start classroom is located at 307 East Webster, St. Francis, KS 67756. The telephone number is (785) 332-3110. Head Start class will be in the morning.

The Decatur County Head Start classroom is located at Oberlin Elementary School, 201 West Ash, Oberlin, KS 67749. The telephone number is (785) 475-3935. Head Start class will be in the morning.

The Graham County Early Childhood Center classroom is located at the Hill City Elementary School, Box 309, Hill City, KS 67642. The telephone number is (785) 421-3340. Classes will be in the morning and afternoon.

The Logan County Head Start classroom is located 412 W. 2nd St., Oakley, KS 67748. The telephone number is (785) 671-4276. Head Start class will be in the morning.

The Norton County Head Start classroom is located at 805 W. Wilberforce, Norton, KS 67654. The telephone number is (785) 877-2730. Head Start class will be in the morning.

The Rawlins County Head Start classroom is located at the Atwood Elementary School, 205 N. 4th, Atwood, KS 67730. The telephone number is (785) 626-9303. Head Start class will be in the morning.

The Sherman County Early Childhood Center classroom is located at 823 West 11th, Goodland, KS 67735. The telephone number is (785) 890-2552. The center will have two morning sessions and two afternoon sessions, as well as a full day program.

The Thomas County Head Start classroom is located at Colby Elementary School, 210 North Grant, Colby, KS 67701. The telephone number is (785) 460-6067. Head Start will have two sessions, a morning session and an afternoon session.

The Trego County Head Start classroom is located at the Wakeeney Elementary School, 612 Junction, Wakeeney, KS 67672. The telephone number is (785) 743-2472. Head Start class will be in the morning.

The Wallace County Head Start classroom is located at the Sharon Springs Elementary School, 521 N. Main, Sharon Springs, KS 67758. The telephone number is (785) 852-4670. Head Start class will be in the morning.

All Head Start center-based sessions will meet five days a week, Monday through Friday. Head Start will follow the same calendar as the public schools in your county when possible for snow days and holidays.


NKESC Head Start teachers are required to have a current teaching certificate on file and an early childhood endorsement or CDA.

Head Start paraprofessionals and aides are required to have a high school diploma or its equivalent as well as obtain their CDA.



Bus transportation is available in some locations. Parents must provide transportation in other locations.

It is important that families have as much contact with the Head Start staff as possible. The contact between families and the classroom staff is facilitated by family members dropping off and picking up the Head Start child from the classroom. However, for some families, transportation problems may in fact, limit the child's ability to attend Head Start.

Some Unified School Districts collaborate with Head Start to assist in the transportation of Head Start children.

Transportation assistance may be reviewed according to family needs such as lack of working vehicle, lack of driver’s license, and/or college class schedule.

In order to provide safe, efficient, pleasant ride to and from the classroom for children, we ask you to observe the following transportation guidelines.

  1. The bus will pick up and deliver at one address. If your child is going to be at a different place than the planned address, then you, the parent, will need to arrange to get the child home or to school.
  1. Please have your child ready when the bus arrives. You must walk your child out to get on the bus each day at the designated area.
  1. The bus driver will wait approximately 5 minutes when stopped to pick up your child. If no one comes out, the driver will go on. The bus will not come back that day.
  1. An adult must be home when your child is returned after class. You must come out and meet the bus each day. If no one comes out within 2 minutes the child will remain on the bus until the route is done. Then the child will be taken back to the center and staff will try to contact you and other persons on the emergency contact list. If the center is unable to make contact within 30 minutes, they will call DCF. It will be the responsibility of the person contacted to pick up the child.
  1. Your child is only released to a parent or legal guardian or other individuals identified in writing by the parent or legal guardian.
  1. If you do not have a telephone and your child will not be attending class, then please place a note on the window saying: “No bus pick up today”.
  1. Please do not send any food or drinks with your child on the bus. Two meals will be served during class time.
  1. Please call the office ahead of time if your child is going to be absent to let the bus know not to stop for your child.
  1. If your child has been absent for a day or more, and is ready to come back to school, please call and notify the center to stop for your child.
  1. Bus personnel may determine if a child is ill at the time of loading the bus and they can send the child back to the parent or guardian at that time.
  1. If the weather is bad, Head Start will follow the school district for the decisions on closing.
  1. If the community has other transportation agencies, NKESC Head Start will coordinate with these agencies on transportation services.
  1. Head Start will ensure that staff receive any child getting off busses and walk with them into Head Start.



Please listen to the radio for school cancellations during times of severe weather. If school is to be dismissed for the day, or if it is to be dismissed early, announcements will be made over local radio and TV stations as early as possible. Head Start is included in all district weather announcements.

School may be dismissed early in cases of extreme weather. In the event that a session is to be dismissed early (such as severe weather condition), the child will be left at their normal drop off site unless Head Start is otherwise notified. Attempts will be made to contact those parents/guardians or alternate emergency names for those children who are brought to the center by parent/guardian.