English 1 Pre-AP

Course Syllabus and Guidelines

Mrs. Hadley- Room 107

Remind: @dc838c to 81010

Google Classroom Code: t6sg8x

Argyle High School: 940-262-7777 x2107

Welcome to English 1 Pre-AP! I look forward to a fantastic year!

Tentative Course Outline


1st grading period- Animal Farm, Short Story Unit, Literary Terms, and Lord of the Flies

2nd grading period- Literature Circles, Denotation and Connotation, and Nonfiction Unit/Speeches

3rd grading period- Maus 1, Expository Writing Workshop, STAAR Preparation

4th grading period- Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, Research, and Mythology

Tutorial Schedule

I will be available for tutorials at the following times and by appointment:

❖M, T, W- 7:50-8:25 A.M.

❖M, T, W- 3:50-4:15 P.M.

Technology/Cell Phone Policy

Technology is used only for educational purposes, as needed, in my class. Please bring Chromebooks, fully charged, to class. Cell phones will not be allowed during class. When students arrive to the class, they will place phones in the caddy in the front of the room, and students will be able to retrieve the phone at the end of class.


●1 3-5 subject spiral notebook (preferably with pockets)

●One box of tissues

●Pens/pencils for class

●1 pack highlighters for annotation

Food and Drink

Food and drink will not be allowed in this classroom. Water, in clear containers, will be allowed.

Late Work/ Homework/ Retesting Policies

In the English department, homework is typically assignments that are started in class, but cannot be finished during the period. Teachers may also ask students to finish reading chapters in a novel they are studying. Each week students will need to study for vocabulary and occasional quizzes or unit tests.

Students should expect to complete reading outside of class and to complete numerous writing assignments.

Make-up Work Policies

  1. Assignments are due before or at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified by the teacher; work turned in at any other time is considered late.
  2. Students who are present when daily assignments are made but absent when the daily assignments are due must turn in the work at the beginning of the class period upon their return to school.
  3. The policy regarding make-up work follows procedures found in the Student Handbook.
  4. If a student is absent on the day a major assignment is due, the assignment can be electronically submitted through Turnitin or Google Classroom OR hand delivered to the teacher by a friend or family member. If electronically submitted, the assignment will be dated by the time of submission. A hard copy (if required by the teacher) reflecting the same content as the electronic copy (no edits or changes) must then be given to the teacher the day the student returns to class.
  1. Major assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned day whether the student is present or not. Work handed in after that time is considered late.
  2. Major and minor assignments handed in after the appointed deadline are penalized in the following manner:
  1. On-level
  2. One calendar day late = maximum 90
  3. Two calendar days late = maximum 70
  4. Third calendar day = no credit
  1. Pre-AP
  2. One calendar day late= maximum of 70
  3. Two calendar days late= no credit
  1. Dual Credit/AP courses may have different policies for late assignments.

Guidelines/Procedures for Retesting and/or Reworking Assignments

  1. Teachers may offer retests for a student who earns an overall grade of less than 70 on a major grade. Daily assignments may not be redone.
  2. The maximum score awarded for any retest or redo will be a score of 70.
  3. A student wishing to retest or redo an assignment has up to five calendar days to complete the retest or redo.
  4. In many cases, a written review, a practice assignment, a tutorial session, or another requirement as specified by the teacher will be required before the retest or redo to maximize the potential for student success.

List of Possible Novels and Expectations for Independent Reading

Please review these books and let me know if you have any concerns. Novels may be used as whole class, or they may be read in literature circles/small groups.

English 1:

And Then There Were None- Agatha Christie

Lord of the Flies- William Golding

The Odyssey- Homer

Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy- Martin Lindstrom

Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare

Maus I- Art Spiegelman

21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader- John Maxwell

English 1 Pre-AP:

Animal Farm- George Orwell

How to Read Literature Like A Professor- Thomas Foster

And Then There Were None- Agatha Christie

Lord of the Flies- William Golding

The Odyssey- Homer

Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy- Martin Lindstrom

Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare

Maus I- Art Spiegelman

21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader- John Maxwell

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- Robert Louis Stevenson

Ender’s Game- Orson Scott Card

Students will participate in independent reading in my class. I will assist them to choose books at their appropriate reading level, but effective reading time is guided by student choice. Students will have opportunities to bring books from their own personal libraries, our school library, or my classroom library, but the expectation is that students have a book at all times. Please have discussions with your child about what is appropriate reading material for your family.


Periodically, and only when appropriate to the TEKS and instruction, films and/or film clips will be shown. Films will be PG-13 or lower in rating. Your signature on the attached page will serve as your permission for your student to view films related to course material in my class. If you have questions, please let me know.

Possible film selections include:

Romeo and Juliet (1996)

Harrison Bergeron

O'Brother Where Art Thou (2000)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2010)

Lord of the Flies (clip)

Remember the Titans (clip)

Parent Involvement

Parents can be involved by checking to see if assignments are completed daily, arranging transportation for tutorials, checking on-line grades, e-mailing the teacher if there are questions or concerns, attending any parent meetings, and scheduling a conference to address any issues or concerns immediately.

Class updates will be available weekly on my website which can be accessed via the Argyle High School webpage. In addition, periodic updates will be made via Remind.com. Email is always the fastest method of communication, so please add an email address to the form at the bottom of the page. I am available at when you have questions or concerns.

Ninth grade will be an exciting year and I am looking forward to having your child in my class. Thank you for your support, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Jennifer Hadley

Syllabus Signature/Acknowledgement Page

**Please add your contact information, sign, and return this page no later than Friday, August 25, 2017. **

Student Name:______

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian #1:


Email address:______

Phone Number:______


Parent/Guardian #2:


Email address:______

Phone Number:______



___ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view the films discussed in the syllabus. All films will directly impact instruction and relate to the TEKS and content of the course only.
___No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view the films in the syllabus. I understand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child while the film is being watched.