Testimonials as of February 2009
These are the original postings aboutGreen Map System and the Open Green Map; each is linked to the full article.
A social mapping web site designed to guide users to local nature, culture and green living innovations. The application will help connect the growing 'go local,' green development and ecotourism movements with social networking and interactive mapping, empowering widespread participation in critical local environment, climate and equity issues worldwide.
Planet Pink n' Green
This online map program is fabulous and I'm inspired. What a cool way to get connected and see what's green around the country.
...since it is interactive, the locals who really know their home can give the inside scoop – it’ll be like being with the green in-crowd wherever you are…I’m really excited about this because my most favorite cities to visit – and even my own town – will suddenly have a whole slew of new secrets revealed, and a little bit of that guilt over traveling can be reduced.
Real-Time Mapping of Growing Green Communities: Green Maps to become interactive green social networks... Local knowledge about a swiftly-changing green scene can be easily updated and new icons added to map.
Janet Felsten, Baltimore Mapmaker
Adequate support for this developing tool is essential to its success. By working with Green Map System, you will be working with the hundreds of communities grappling with how to harness social entrepreneurship with the open nature of Open Green Map to create a financially viable, sustainable and expanding local network of environmental advocates and stewards.
Green in the city
Green Map System is doing what the rest of us eco-aware folks wish somebody did: they are mapping the expansion of international environmental resources... And just when I thought it didn't get better, I stumbled across a new project: Open Green Map. This offshoot allows regular people, like you and me, to input our latest environmental finds onto a public, interactive, online map.
Adrian, an OpenGreenMap.org user
This Green Map tool is a great idea! It will be great to be able to interact with fellow green citizens around me through this medium.
Combining the expansion of the mobile internet and the desire to live green, Open Green Maps uses technology to connect communities in the real world. As well as making it much easier for users to track down world-changing initiatives in their own neighbourhoods, the site might help foreign ecopreneurs discover new ideas to introduce to their home markets... Users can now upload content the moment they discover it...
Spatial Sustain
It’s one of the more intriguing Google Maps interface efforts that I’ve seen, and certainly in line with their exquisite map design efforts to date… I look forward to contributing what I know about my locale.
Gautam Naidu, Mapmaker. Express India
(My) Green Map aims at identifying a sustainable way of living via mapping ecological resources, in a local context. What, how, and where all can we inculcate a more healthy and environment-friendly way of utilising existing and newly discovered ecological resources is what we are looking into.
I'm a total cartographile, so when I found out about Green Map, my map-lovin' heart skipped a beat. Green Map is exactly what it sounds like, a global source for geographically charted information on all things green.
Max School Bus: the route to health in education
There’s no question that the Internet is the best thing to happen to education since chalk. It is a tool, a medium, a resource, and a teacher unto itself. It helps students to better connect with and learn from the world outside. With sites like this [Open Green Map], it's a way to explore and engage with their local communities, both online and off.
Be More Eco
The project’s impact [Green Map] will hit a whole new level with the introduction of Open Green Map: a community site that makes the project accessible to all, letting users add new locations as well as exploring the recommendations of others.
James Brown - On The Road
I encourage you to play around with the Opengreenmap interface. This is true web convergence at work: wiki-style user-generated content and google maps.
Green lifestyle pointers and DIY tips come in more than a few flavors... Green Map guides, in hundreds of cities, chart local green resources.
Kanwar Chadha, SiRF'S founder and vice president of marketing
Location-enabled applications are transforming rapidly to deliver increasingly valuable, location-relevant content to consumers, and the success of our industry is dependent on the dedication and creativity of developers...a great example [is] Open Green Map.
Some ecologists see Green Maps as a new kind of alternative cartography; one that includes details that only the locals know. Where do they get all that information? Locals like you! Tell the world about the green scene on your block!
Trend Central
A useful tool for those looking to support sustainability initiatives... It's easy to publish, update and expand and is a great resource, whether you are taking a trip out of the country or looking to stay green in your hometown