Course Syllabus 2017-2018

Miss Blackman

Welcome to World Cultures! This 10 week (1 semester) course builds the foundation for your language skills. You will be working hard this year learning about various aspects of Spanish and French language and culture. If, at any time, you find yourself having trouble, PLEASE come see me! The faster you get help, the easier the course will be for you.


*Your grade in this class will be based on a variety of activities, which will assess your knowledge in the following areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. The grading is done on a point system. All of your assignments will be given a point value and at the end of the quarter your grade will be based on how many points you have earned out of the total points possible. Point values range (see below). You should continually be checking your grades on SchoolTool. A “1” in the grade book means that the assignment was never completed or handed in; however, this number will change to represent the updated grade upon completion and being handed in.

*Your grade is based on the following four categories:

·  PARTICIPATION (15 points a week; 3 points a day)

*Active participation means coming to class prepared, arriving on time, paying attention, volunteering, asking questions when you are confused, not disrupting class, not asking to leave the classroom, and speaking in SPANISH and FRENCH!

·  CLASSWORK (10-50 points)

*Formal grading (conversations), and collected work.

*This year you will often work with a partner or in small groups. You will learn best by doing your part and actively speaking in Spanish and French.

·  HOMEWORK (10-60 points)

*Must be finished at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. You

will lose points if the assignment is late. The assignment can be turned
in no later than the 5-week or 10-week date for that marking period.

·  QUIZZES (60-100 points)

*Approximately one per week.


*It is extremely important to me that my classroom is a safe and friendly place to be. My expectation is that EVERYONE is kind to each other and respects not only me, but each other, as well. My goal is that you all feel comfortable participating in class and that you enjoy learning in my classroom. I can’t enforce that everyone be friends, but EVERYONE will be FRIENDLY with each other. I expect positive attitudes and no insults, however playful they may seem. If you are disruptive or lack respect for the people in the classroom, I will first discuss the situation with you. If the problem continues, there will be consequences (phone calls home, administrator referrals). I really try hard to work out problems with students rather than writing referrals, but at times they are unavoidable. Please try hard to avoid problematic situations by always being prepared, prompt, polite, positive, and productive.

*ELECTRONICS POLICY: RED ZONE (aside from assistive learning devices). No phone, iPod, iPad etc. may be used during class. You may keep it on your desk, face down..


*Do not be late! This means that you are expected to be inside the classroom before the bell rings. It is extremely disruptive to interrupt class because you are tardy. BE ON TIME. Tardy 3 times = detention after school.


*Please strive to use the restrooms between class periods. However, should an emergency arise and you need to use the restroom during class, please wait until a work time (and not an instructional time) to ask. Be prompt returning back to class.


*If you miss a test/quiz due to an absence, you must schedule a time with me after school to make it up. Failing to make up a test/quiz will result in a zero.

*When you are absent from class, upon returning back to school, look in the “While You Were Out” folder in the front of the classroom. Materials in the LEFT pocket you can take. Materials in the RIGHT pocket, leave; this is either a test/quiz.

*Any time you notice an incomplete assignment on SchoolTool (with no grade or a “1” as a grade), come to me after school to complete it. I won’t hand out a sheet a second time for you to take home.


*I am available every day after school until 3:00p.m, except Mondays (staff meetings).


*One folder (this will be provided to you).


*Kleenex (if possible).

*ORGANIZATION IS PARAMOUNT: YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BRING YOUR FOLDER TO CLASS EVERY DAY! All of the papers I hand out will be labeled with the unit so you can place them in their appropriate sections in your folder.

Please share this document with your parents/guardians and return this signed sheet to me by Friday, September 8th. Both signatures will let me know that this document was discussed and is understood. This will be counted as your first homework assignment. Your materials are due on Monday, September 11th.

To Parents:

Hello! I will be your child’s World Cultures teacher for one semester of the 2017-2018 school year. In my undergraduate studies, I earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, with a minor in Spanish. In my graduate studies, I earned a Master of Science Degree in Education, in both Spanish and Special Education, and a certification in ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages). This year at Wheatland, I teach Spanish 1A (gr. 7), Spanish 2 (gr. 9), ESOL (gr. 9), and World Languages (gr. 6).

I am always available to keep you updated on your child’s progress. The best way to reach me is via e-mail: . I love being an educator and am so excited to begin working with you and your child. I expect some great things. Thank you in advance for your support in helping your child succeed this school year!!! J

Student Name: ______

Guardian Name(s): ______

What is the best phone number to reach you? ______

What is your e-mail address? ______

Is there anything you would like me to know about your child?










Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature