Global Payroll Manager of the Year2018
Deadline for entries: Friday 6th April 2018
Please use font: Arial and point size 10 when completing your entry.
Provide a company profile(200 words max).
Commercial figures (200 words max): Provide us with an understanding of the size of your payroll, or of the payroll services you provide.
Tell us why you should win the award, paying particular attention to the criteria set out for the category you are entering (800 words max).
Text boxes are included under each section within this template and can be expanded by pressing ‘return’.
Please stick to the word count. They will be checked and if your entry exceeds the word count it will be sent back to you to amend.
You can submit three supporting documents (no more than 1Mb each) or images to support your written entry.
Once your entry is ready to be submitted, you can upload your entry form and supporting information via the Global Payroll Awards website using the form at the bottom of the Categories page.
If you have any questions regarding the entry process, please use the contact form @
CONTACT DETAILSOrganisation Name:
Contact Name:
E-Mail Address:
Web Address:
Twitter Handle:
Category of Entry: / Global Payroll Manager of the Year2018
250 WORDS - COMMERCIAL FIGURES: Provide us with an understanding of the size of your payroll, or of the payroll services you provide.
800 WORDS – TELL US WHY YOU SHOULD WIN:Judges will be looking for evidence of success of an individual who has demonstrated outstanding performance. Particular attention will be paid to the following criteria:
- Technical excellence – keeping up with legislation and new processes
- Professional development – continuing education and learning
- Leadership qualities – communication, motivation and rewarding staff
- Strategic in approach – working to achieve corporate objectives
- Results driven – cost savings, improved processes
- Promoting the importance of the payroll function
- Demonstrating knowledge of global Payroll
Any further documentation or material that you feel supports your nomination such as:
PDF Documents
You may upload up to three supporting documents no larger than 1MB each.
DECLARATIONI agree to the terms and conditions and declare that this entry form is eligible for entry. I confirm all facts and figures contained within are accurate and true. I will be available should the judging panel wish to clarify any information within this entry form.
I also agree that if the company is shortlisted at least one team member will attend the event to collect the award at the ceremony. / Print Name: