Course Outline English 10 2016-2017
Mrs. Perez
Evaluation BreakdownRoom-C012
Product and Projects 60%
Portfolio 20%
Exams 20%
Welcome to grade 10 English, a full year course to improve your communication and help you think analytically about the world. Please keep this document with you and share it with your parents/guardians. I look forward to reading your writing, listening to your classroom discussions, and seeing your love for reading grow.
Product and Process- 60%
Products (40%)
There are four quarters in the academic year. You will complete three polished pieces per quarter in the following strands. 1) Writing and representing 2) Reading and viewing 3) Speaking and listening.
Process Work (20%)
You are responsible for reading/viewing, speaking/listening/and writing/representing work in each quarter that will help you reach the curriculum outcomes. I will give you feedback on most of this work that will help you complete the “Product Assignments”. Most of these short pieces will not be evaluated for individual marks. Once returned however, you must keep the process pieces in your binder (a list of these pieces will be posted in the room), and a log of your work in your “Marking for Humans” Sheet. At the end of each quarter, you will use all of this work as evidence to show whether you are going above and beyond, meeting or not meeting the curriculum outcomes.
Classroom Expectations
Spend 15-20 minutes a day engaged in silent reading in class, and another 15-20 minutes reading a home; showing a commitment to your work while generating ideas, planning, drafting, revising, and editing; showing respect for others in speaking and listening situations.
Writing and Representing-Fridays are assigned to Journal writing. You are expected to pass in a minimum of 4 journal entries due on the last Friday of every month.
Semester Projects- 20%
This class will learn and work on one project per semester. From September to January (10%), you will learn about the research process while completing an I-Search Paper. Then, from February to June (10%), you will complete a literary essay on one of the class texts, with some exceptions given to those who wish to write on what was read independently. Due Dates: January 12th and June 1st
You will write one exam in January and another in June –worth 10% each
Please refer to the student handbook for expectations.
All materials must be with you each day. These include the items in the list below, and assignments on their due date (refer to the English Dept. Plagiarism and Late Assignment policy). I will not give feedback to process pieces if they are submitted after five days (although you can still complete them for the end-of-quarter conference). If assignments are not handed in by the end of the quarter, a mark of zero will be given.
Your actions in this small classroom are noticed by those around you – the way you speak and move around the room, for instance, can hinder the class’s productivity. Phones are not allowed except if you choose to read a digital copy of your book during SSR. Your actions outside this classroom can also affect our classroom environment – what you write on social media and how you speak about others in and outside of the school. Please be mindful and, when confronted with problems, choose a respectful and positive approach. Inappropriate behaviour can result in detentions, and referrals to vice-principles.
You will need:
- A binder with a section for handouts/notes, and a section for your process work.
- Pens
- Paper
- A coiled or bound writer’s notebook/journal
- A self-selected novel independent novel, at all time. These can be borrowed from my classroom library, the school library, the public library, or various sellers in the city (Value Village, The Owls Nest, Westminster Books, Chapters, Gus’s Books).
Course Fee
$5 is owed to the English department. This fee covers a theatrical performance and media that is used as supplemental material in the classroom. If paying by cheque, please have it made payable to Fredericton High School.
Finding Course Information Outside of the Classroom
This course outline, unit materials, and reminders will appear on a Wikispace on Mrs. Perez’s school website page. You can access the internet in the school library, on the school’s WIFI on your PED, or on your home devices. If changes are made to this course outline, you will be informed in advance, and the necessary changes will be made to the digital copy.