Earth Science

Local credit course

Mrs. Beyer

Required Materials

·  a pencil and pen (blue or black)

·  a 1 ½ to 2 inch three ring binder with 4-dividers

(ESRT, current notes, assignments, old notes)

·  a calculator with basic functions

·  your planner

·  spiral or composition notebook

Classroom expectations





Additional classroom policies / expectations

1.  Have all materials ready to use (out on your desk) before the bell rings. This is your responsibility.

2.  Gum, beverages, food and candy are never to disrupt the learning environment. If they do, they will not be allowed in the classroom.

3.  Cellphones and electronic devices are used for educational purposes only. No social media, texting or phone calls are permitted during the class period. The cellphone/ electronic devices are out of sight during class instructional time. This is determined to the teacher’s discretion and the appropriate discipline actions will be taken, if necessary. Refer to page in student handbook.

4.  You are required to understand the classroom safety procedures and follow them at all times.

Grading Breakdown

30% Homework

30% Classwork

40% Tests and Quizzes (Tests counted twice)

Grading and assignments

1.  Homework is due at the beginning of each class period. Assignments may lose points for each day they are late. Students may ask in advance for time extension so as not to lose points or determined in students IEP program modifications. If after a legal absences, students may be assigned 5 days after their return to school or determined by the teacher to complete assignment.

2.  You will be given class time to organize your binder and direction for how to do so.

3.  At times, corrections on assignments will be an option to raise your grade. This is determined by the teacher. Corrections must be completed with Mrs. Beyer or your reinforcement teacher to receive a grade. Corrections completed on your own will not be accepted.

4.  Quiz corrections count as a homework grade and do not raise your quiz average. Every student must complete quiz corrections unless you receive a 100%. This is an easy way to raise your grade. Directions will be given in class. Late penalty for every day late will be given, a student will not receive lower than a 50% on quiz corrections, if completed.

Attendance policy

1.  You must attend school regularly to be successful. Poor attendance is the number one cause of failure.

2.  The school attendance policy is in effect. Refer to page in student handbook. After absences, you will not receive credit for this course. However, you are still required to attend class and participate.

3.  Suspensions do not count as absences if you serve your suspension. However you are required to complete any assignments assigned during your suspensions. These assignments will be graded and checked.

Grades available on parent portal

Grades will be available on Parent and student portal throughout the school year. Grades will be updated on a timely manner. Assignments with zero indicate the student did not turn in the assignment when the Mrs. Beyer entered the grades into parent portal, unless otherwise noted. Assignments with ‘***’ indicate assignments were not entered in yet. Check parent portal often.

Website and Online Learning

Study material is available on my website at

Extra help:

I am after school for extra help for any students who would like to come in for extra help. I am also available for extra help during study halls and reinforcement periods, if asked ahead of time. Refer to my website for more information.

Student Name (last, first) ______

I have read Mrs. Beyer’s course description for Intermediate Earth Science and understand the contents. I am aware of class expectations, consequences, absent policy, grading, and grades on parent portal

Student signature ______

Parent/guardian signature ______

Parent name

·  Cell Phone ______

·  Home phone ______

·  Email ______

·  Preferred contact method ______

Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful year ahead!!! -Mrs. Beyer!