Three LEVELS of Government
1. Federal
2. State
3. Local
1. Legislative-makes laws
2. Executive-enforces laws
3. Judicial-interpret laws
Executive Branch Legislative Judicial
Official/Group Governor General Supreme Assembly Court
Role Enforce laws Make laws Interpret Laws
Support Lieutenant Governor Senate (56) Court Appeals
State School Superintendent H.O.R (180) Superior Court
Secretary of State State Court
Attorney General Juvenile Court
Commissioner of Ag Probate Court
Commissioner of Insurance Magistrate Court
Commissioner of Labor
Compare Constitutions:
United States GEORGIA
We the people of the United States in order To perpetuate the principles of free
to form a more perfect Union, establish justice government, insure justice to all,
insure domestic tranquility, provide for the preserve peace, promote the interest
common defense, promote the general welfare, and happiness of the citizen and of
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves the family, and transmit to posterity
and our posterity, do ordain and establish this the enjoyment of liberty, we the
Constitution people of Georgia, relying on the
protection and guidance of almighty
God, do ordain and establish this
1. Legislative 1. The Bill of Rights
2. Executive 2. Voting and Elections
3. Judicial 3. Legislative
4. Relations among states 4. Constitutional Boards
5. Amending Process 5. Executive
6. National Supremacy 6. Judicial
7. Ratification Procedures 7. Taxation and Finance
8. Education
9. Counties/Cities
Amendments 1-10 10. Amendments
The Bill of Rights 11. Miscellaneous
Amendments 11-27
2/3 to pass both Federal and State