Course Evaluation Form

Dublin 2009

Two day training course for

Irish teachers of Classics

General instructions: the purpose of this form is to obtain information concerning the course content, the methods used and the instructional materials. It will be used for improving and validating teaching methods and for gaining feedback on course content.

General information (optional):

-  Name:

-  Organisation/school:

-  Function:

Evaluation instructions: please give a rating to the following questions: 4 = very good; 3 = good; 2 = below average; 1 = poor

You can add any written comments to the right of each box.

1. Course content

Question 1
What do you think about the different sessions?
DAY 1 Wednesday December 2nd 2009
Introduction of course leaders and participants Introduction of the CIRCE Project
Integration of ICT into Classics teaching
Searching the Internet for Greek and Latin texts and images
Copyright issues
Working with texts online
The Perseus Project, Collatinus, Strategies for overcoming language problems, Hodoi Elektronikai, Itinera Electronica
Font issues
TASK preparing a worksheet from Internet materials
Image processing
The Basics of Image Processing: The Resolution Issue
Resizing an image (with Photoshop Elements 8)
Editing images: Cropping (Watertower photo)
The zoom tool (Marine Venus photo)
Optimizing the lay-out of a page with images in Word
DAY 2, Thursday December 3rd 2009
Software for Classics
Different types of software
PowerPoint – dead or alive
Creation of student exercises (a short presentation)
Monitoring and assessment of student progress, ICT drills and exercises for students to improve their own learning (short presentation)
Web 2.0
Presentation of the Web 2.0 concept
Podcast and creation of MP3 files
Creating a collaborative website (a short orientation with instructions for later use)
Pedagogical possibilities
E-learning/On-line learning
JiTT and WebQuest (short presentation)
Networking projects, Possibilities for further European collaboration, eTwinning for Classics

4 = much improved, 3 = improved, 2 = marginally improved, 1 = not improved

Question 2
What do you think about your level of information about ICT and Classics after attending this course?
General knowledge about ICT
A strategy for implementing ICT in classics
Technical solutions
Implementing ICT in your teaching/ Teaching Methods

2. The CIRCE tutors

4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = below average, 1 = poor

Question 3
Please give your opinion on the quality of the teaching team as a whole
Teaching skills/Content expertise
Clarity of understanding/ Language skills
Room for input from participants
Suggestions or remarks:

3. Course efficiency

4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = below average, 1 = poor

Question 4
What is your opinion regarding the following aspects of the course?
The program of the course was respected
The length of the programme was adequate
Sufficient time was spent on exercises
The formation was dynamic and entertaining
The course was useful for participants facing the profession

4. Practical Questions

4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = below average, 1 = poor

Question 5
How do you evaluate the following aspects?
The introductory mail and the CIRCE questionnaire
The educational resources and materials
The general atmosphere created among participants of the course

Question 6: Would you recommend this course to a colleague?

Yes: c

No: c

5. Suggestions/Remarks

Please make any other comments you want here. Your views are welcome,

as it is only by looking at these opinions that we can find ways forward to

increase and improve the use of ICT in Classics teaching.


Thank you for your kind cooperation!

The CIRCE team

CIRCE Course Evaluation Form - page 5