10-8-14 Learning Targets:

I can select a quote from A Long Walk to Water and explain how it illustrates a factor in Salva’s survival.

Homework: Book projects due tomorrow.

*Sign up to stay with me in computer lab if you want help / time to work! (No book project = front table until done.)

**Art supplies available to borrow. See me.

Opening Activity =

What is the “Red [iron] giraffe that made very loud noises” mentioned on page 70 of chapter 12?

Share “gist statement” from chapter 13 with class.

Word of the Day: plagued

Context: “They were traveling through a part of Sudan still plagued by war” (80).

Another Word of the Day: peril

Context: “Every group had stories of terrible peril: boys who had been hurt or killed by bullets or bombs, attacked by wild animals, or left behind because they were too weak or sick to keep up” (80).


  1. Read the sample essay on page 96.

Circle the point

Underline the evidence

Draw a box around the explanation.

Work with Juba partner to

  1. Compare what you circled, underlined, and boxed.
  1. Select a scene and a strong quote to illustrate how persistence helps Salva survive a challenge he faces in the novel.

Write your answer in the space on page 96.

 Note: you must AGREE on what you will write!

  1. Use Revision Checklist to edit

Closing Activity: Discuss how you can apply this checklist

to your Book Project Essay!

Focus Question: How does persistence help Salva survive in a difficult environment?
Directions: Select a scene and strong quote to illustrate how persistence helps Salva survive a challenge he faces in A Long Walk to Water. Then write your answer to the focus question, explaining the situation that Salva is facing and how his persistence helps him.
Salva’s persistence is one factor in how he survives in a difficult environment.
One place in the text where we see this is when Salva is crossing the desert with a group of refugees. This is a long, difficult crossing that will take at least three days. On the first day, Salva’s only pair of shoes falls apart. He has to decide how to cope with this. The author writes, “After only a few minutes, Salva had to kick off the flapping shreds and continue barefoot” (52). Salva’s taking off his shoes shows real persistence. Instead of just giving up, he decides to go barefoot to continue his hike across the desert. Because of his persistence, Salva is able to continue and to survive.
Word/Phrase / Page / Definition
scythed / 64 / Cut with a long, curved blade
doubtful / 64
boldly / 65 / Without being afraid
grudgingly / 66 / Unwillingly
masses / 66 / Large groups
emaciated / 68 / Very thin from not getting enough to eat
mingle / 71
despair / 72
skittered / 73 / To move lightly and quickly, like a little animal
government collapse; government fall / 73 / When the people who are in charge in a county lose power
stampede / 74
borehole / 76 / A deep hole drilled into the ground
earnestly / 76 / seriously and honestly
welter / 79 / Large and confusing group
plagued / 80
peril / 80
Other new words you encountered: