6th Grade Science Syllabus 2017-2018
Teacher: Mr. Ruiz
Course Description
This year your student will have an opportunity to learn valuable skills while being immersed in a science environment. 6th grade students will explore many diverse science concepts ranging from the movement of energy throughout each level of the atmosphere, to the predictable patterns of heredity which govern the way organisms appear and survive in their environment. Many of the skills your student will learn will be applicable throughout your child’s academic journey during middle school, high school, and beyond.
Required Materials
1. Science journal- provided by Mr. Ruiz 2. Pencils (sharpened before class)
3. Highlighter (any color) 4. Glue sticks
5. Colored pencils (please no markers)
Academic Grade
Grades will be determined by the following categories:
● In-class assessment (55%) (e.g. mid-terms, finals, journal work)
● Practice and Participation (35%) (e.g. journal completion checks, group work, classwork)
● Take-Home Assessment (10%) (e.g quizzes, homework, projects)
Grading Policy
90.00% - 100.00% = A 60.00% - 69.99% = D
80.00% - 89.99% = B 0.00% - 59.99% = F
70.00% - 79.99% = C D or higher needed to pass class
Students who are absent (excused or unexcused) can make up work.
● Interactive Notebook Make-Up Policy: If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to make up their notebook pages before the next notebook check. Activities are posted through Google Classroom online.
● Quiz/Test Make-Up Policy: If a student is absent for a quiz or test, they will be able to make it up for full points the day after they return to school.
Procedure for absent students:
1. Speak to a neighbor (at an appropriate time) and check class calendar for missed assignment.
2. Complete missed work before the next notebook check.
3. Email or see Mr. Ruiz before class if a test or quiz was missed OR the student was absent for more than a week.
Students may revise journal work for full credit up to one month from the date of the failed journal check.
Restroom Policy
Students are given 4 bathroom passes every 6 weeks from their Homebase teacher. If a student needs to use the restroom in my class, they simply need to raise their bathroom pass in the air. If it is an appropriate time, I will dismiss that student and sign their unused pass. . Each passing period is four minutes, and students are encouraged to use the restroom during that time, as well as before and after school.
Tardy Policy
Students need to be lined up in front of Room 303 by the time the bell rings. If a student is just entering line at that time, they may be considered tardy and may be marked tardy on the attendance website. Tardy consequences will be assigned by the Homebase teacher. Please be in line when the bell rings.
Uniform Policy
O’Farrell uniform policy is strictly observed. Refer to student handbook for school uniform policy.
Food Policy
No food or gum allowed in the science classroom. Water accepted.
Pencil Sharpening or Lead-Borrowing Policy
Pencil sharpening or lead-borrowing can be done during independent or group work. Do not sharpen pencils or ask to borrow lead when Mr. Ruiz is speaking to the class. Do not sharpen pencils on desk, textbook or any other school property. This is considered vandalism and will be treated with appropriate consequences.
A Typical Day in Science
Here is an example of what a typical day in science class will look like:
Before the bell…
1. Line up outside Rm. 209
Bell rings, class starts….
2. Walk in quietly, take out your journal and pencil,
3. Update agendas and table of contents
4. Engage in the day’s learning activities
5 minutes before class ends…
5. Clean up materials and write any homework into planners
6. Students wait until they are dismissed from class by Mr. Ruiz (students are not automatically dismissed by the bell)
Sink Policy: Sinks are only to be used during labs. They are not for regular hand washing unless the teacher gives permission.
Respect Expectations: Our classroom community is founded on the basis of respect for one another. As a school, we hold our students to the FALCON Way. In this light, disrespect towards the teacher or another student will not be tolerated. Signs of disrespect include but are not limited to: laughing at other’s comments, tapping, slamming books on desk, excessive force when pushing in a chair, inappropriate language use, eye rolling, sighing, words of aggression, put-downs.
Discipline Policy:
1. Warning (e.g. verbal warning)
2. Classroom consequence (e.g. move seat)
3. Referral (the referral is sent to the Homebase teacher and a consequence is determined based on their position in progressive discipline). Student may or may not be removed from class and sent back to Homebase.
Communication: Email is the best form of communication. I return emails within 24 hours during Monday-Friday school hours (7:30am-3:15pm).
Parent(s) and Guardian(s): Please discuss this syllabus with your student, then sign and date below.
Student Signature Date
Parent(s)/Guardian Signature Date
Parent(s)/Guardian Email