Mr. L. Williams

COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduction to Drawing

The visual arts program offers stufents comprehensive art experience with detailed explorations in the classics of drawing. In addition to gaining confidence and proficiency with a variety of mediums such as pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, and ink, students will learn about the history, analysis, and interpretation of art.


Art in schools is both a body of knowledge and a series of activities. Fundamentally, learning in art has four major components. The goal of art education is the development of these areas:

*by making art (art production)

*by responding to and making judgments about the properties and qualities that exist in visual forms (art criticism):

*by acquiring knowledge about the contributions artists and art make to culture and society (art history):

*by understanding the nature, meaning, and value of art (aesthetics).


in addition to the school-wide discipline procedures, a set of class guidelines for success and consequences has been established and will be maintained. The following is a list of the class guidelines for success and consequences for art:

Class Guidelines for Success:

1. Be prepared for class- bring sketchbook, pencils, and erasers to class daily.

2. Be to class on time.

3. Listen to and follow directions- ask questions.

4. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings in the art room. Get permission to use other's materials.

5. Use all tools safely and properly.

6. Be honest and accountable for your actions.

7. Use your time wisely- stay on task and work towards project and assignment objectives.

8. Work quietly- use appropriate language and have appropriate conversations.

9. Be reponsible for work area and tools- clean up after yourself!

10. Have positive attitude- you CAN do it!

If you CHOOSE not to follow the guidelines:

Step 1: verbal warning and documentation.

Step 2: student/teacher conference about choice or behavior that is disruptive, inappropriate, or unacceptable and documentation.

Step 3: principle intervention, parent notification, and documentation

Step 4: serious offense resulting in possible in-school or out-of-school suspension


Assessment is the process of judging in terms of criteria. Assessment is an interfral part of expected learning outcomes.

Criteria are expected outcomes and observable evidence of learning. The main purpose or assessment should be to improve teaching and learning and to measure student's progress. Evaluation of each students will be by the following methods:

Percentage of Overall Grade:Grading Scale:

*Weekly progress- 40%100-90= A

*Projects- 35%89-80=B

*Exams- 15%79-70=C

*Written assigments- 10%69-60=D

Below 60=F


Extra credit may be earned by attending any art related function outside of normal school/art class activities. Proof of attendance will be required and the credit earned will be dependent on specific event. Refer to your folder for additional extra credit.


1 sketchbook- 9''x12" spiral bound, 1 pack of pencils and 1 pack of erasers


You will be required to keep a sketchbook for drawings.


Each week you will be given a weekly progress grade. Your weekly progress grade will be based on your daily performance.


The high school art syllabus must be signed and dated by a parent or guardian and the student and turned in to Mr. L.Williams. The process will ensure that the student and parent or guardian will have a clear understanding of what the objectives, expectations, and assessment tools are for this course.

Thank you,

Mr. L.Williams, art teacher




Student signature Parent or Parent or Guardian signature




Parent/Guardian initial here if I can have permission to use your student's artwork in the art show in the month of March or April.