Title of meeting: Acute Medicine SAC meeting

Date of meeting: 29thMarch 2017

Member (s) attending: Jonathan Waller

Meeting organised by: JRCPTB/ Acute Medicine SAC

People / organisation attending: Acute Medicine SAC

Key issues reported/discussed:

  • Dr B D Chadwick has now taken up the role as Chair of the SAC and chaired the meeting.
  • The SAC currently has vacancies for lead for several work streams including certification and trainee matters, curriculum and assessment and academic training. Pending appointments to these roles Dr B Chadwick (Chair) and Dr N Scrivens (Vice Chair) have been covering these.
  • The current list of College Regional Advisors for AIM was discussed and concerns were expressed by those who cover certain HEE Offices and Scotland where there are more than one training programme that ARCPs and PYAs are been scheduled for different dates and locations for the different programs there by doubling or tripling the number of times the EA is required to attend that organization. The SAC therefore requested Deans who have several programmes within their geography to try to better coordinate their process to minimize wherever possible the time and travelling demands placed on AIM Regional Advisors.
  • It was also regarding Deaneries with more than one programme and the GMC surveys do not have provision within its reporting tool to compare different programmes within an individual Deanery – only between Deaneries.
  • There was extensive consideration given to the relatively low pass rate for AIM trainees sitting the College exit exam compared to most other specialties and whether this reflected the quality of trainees recruited to the programme or whether the was an issue relating to the standard setting process. It was felt that further academic research was needed to evaluate the relative contribution of the two hypotheses to the low pass rate before any substantive change should be made and that therefore it is unlikely that this autumn’s sitting will be affected by any change.

Actions for Deans

  • Deans who host more than one AIM programme within their geography to consider if they can address the issues regarding demands on Regional Advisors’ time and travelling and the GMC Survey outcomes above.

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