Quarterly Community Leadership Council Meeting

February 23, 2016 Tuesday

USFSM Selby Auditorium

Attendees: Dan Bailey, David Band ,Charles Baumann, Alex Benishek, Andrew Becht, Kathy Black, Jeanne Corcoran, David Eckel, Elliot Falcione, Cesar Gomez, Virginia Haley, Jami Herter, Amanda Horne, Marilyn Howard, Mark Huey, Mona Jain, Kelly Kirschner, Kumar Mahadevan, David Marcinko, Bill Mariotti, Gene Matthews, Terry Osborn, Rich Pierce (on behalf of Michael Crosby), Mark Pritchett, Jan Pullen, Ron Reagan, Sam Samelson, Sandra Stone, Dennis Stover, Casey Welch, Richard Wharton, Ernie Withers, Derek Williams

Absent: Jim Delgado, Bob Bartz, Ruth Buchanan, Michael Crosby, Amy Drake, Larry Fineberg, Brian Flynn, Roger Frazee, Dan Friedrich, Richard Gerrity, Pat Glass, Karin Grablin, Diana Greene, Joe Gruters, Teri Hansen, Sharon Hillstrom, Roxie Jerde, Jason Krywko, Mike McCoy, Tracy O’Neill, Sally Piccolo, Carol Probstfeld, , Steve Quieor, Mark Richmond, Patrick Roff, Gilbert Smith, Lindy Smith, Jean Trammell, JoAnn Urofsky, John Walker, Tom Waters, Laddison Waldo, Lori White,

Welcome: Vice-Chairman Roger Frazee called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. He announced that he would be running the meeting in the absence of Chairman Jim Delgado, who had a prior obligation.

Campus Update:

Regional Chancellor Update: Sandra Stone, Regional Chancellor of USFSM updated the CLC on the progress of the strategic plan. Her PowerPoint presentation showed the areas in the strategic plan that were complete, not completed, in progress, or ongoing. In summary, USFSM has either completed or working to complete many areas of the strategic plan since its implementation in Fall 2015. Only a few areas have not been addressed. The chancellor will give an update again in Fall 2016 showing how key more data driven assessment of progress. Please see presentation.

SACS/QEP Update: Bonnie Jones, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, and Keith Barron of Hospitality and Tourism Leadership, both gave an update on the upcoming SACS Visit and the Quality Enhancement plan. They thanked the CLC members for their input on the QEP topic: IncrediBull Critical Thinking. They shared the QEP video to CLC members and the QEP Executive Summary. In addition, the QEP 5 commitments and 9 intellectual standards, as well as QEP post-it notes were handed out to the CLC. The QEP commitments and intellectual standards properties are the key drivers for the Quality Enhancement Plan.

In addition, the SACS Committee will be visiting the campus on March 8-10. The campus visit is one of the final steps in the SACS reaffirmation.

Student Government Association Update: Mr. Alex Benishek, SGA president reported on the new Student Commons to begin construction this summer. Alex and SGA worked with Harvard & Jolly architects, and USFSM Facilities team to renovate the first floor A-Wing so that it featured more student friendly space. Alex also welcomed anyone to make a donation for naming rights. The construction project will be completed before students arrive back on campus.

In addition, Alex and SGA have been surveying students on the library access and campus hours. Alex reported that majority of students were not satisfied with buildings current hours of 7:00-10:00 AM. Most students wanted building hours extended to midnight. Alex is working with Facilities to find a cost efficient way to make this happen. Alex also worked with New College Library Director, Brian Doherty to have USFSM designated study carrels available for students. This issue arose when a current SGA member wanted to book study space at New College and discovered that the study carrels were booked up by New College Students.

Faculty Report: Dr. Black commended Alex and SGA on their hard work on the Student Commons and their advocacy for students. Dr. Black also gave an outstanding report on the work of the USFSM Faculty and their accomplishments. In addition to the report, CLC members expressed concern for faculty members traveling abroad with the recent happenings. Amela, Director of Global Engagement

College of Hospitality and Tourism Leadership:

·  Susan Gordon

o  Conducts training and project mentorship for the Manatee County Leadership Academy. The academy is a series of seminars for Manatee county employees. She conducts the introductory session and act as a mentor while the teams work on project proposals to improve various aspects of the county. The teams then present their project proposals to the Manatee County Executive Team and the presentation session will be held in April at the CIL.

College of Business:

·  Sunita Ludwig, IT

o  On sabbatical in Tanzania volunteering with Global Outreach (Sarasota-based NGO). They have brought computers into the classroom, and have equipped and managed computer labs in 13 secondary schools.

College of Education:

·  Helene Robinson

o  Assignment where students visit a community arts event and learn about the artist.

o  Assignment where students have to observe in a classroom and consult with a teacher to create or modify an arts integrated lesson that will engage teacher to identify students with exceptionalities to participate more fully in a regular elementary classroom.

o  Another assignment where students must interview a parent of child with an exceptionality and complete a “Cultural Reciprocity Project.”

·  Jody McBrien

o  Spoke at WLP meeting and hoping to start a mentoring program on the Sarasota campus and are looking for community women to join. If anyone is interested, they can contact me through my email, .

·  Dina Ciotola

o  Online students in her education courses will be collaborating globally with the worldwide community of learners through ePALS Classroom Exchange and The Million Masterpiece Project. Projects will tie in with iNacol standards in technology as well as PAInT and CAEP diversity standards and will be showcased for future participation.

College of Arts and Sciences:

·  Phillip E. Wagner

o  Partnered with SPARCC (Safe Place and Rape Crisis Counseling Center) to raise awareness on our campus about this sexual violence. video we made of the students here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL_R7UAQth4

o  Worked with agency Turning Point and gathered new socks, underwear, undergarments, blankets, and stuffed animals for homeless children in Sarasota and Bradenton counties last semester. Together, these students contributed over $400 worth of new undergarments to children without a permanent, safe place to call their own.

·  Valerie Lipscomb, English

o  Teaching a diversity/community engagement Pillars course this semester, and the 27 students will be proposing their own individually designed diversity-oriented community service projects inspired by one of the contemporary short stories we study.

·  Todd Roberts- Professional and Technical Communication

o  Students do various activities such as social media marketing, journalistic writing/editing, blog publishing, consulting on advertising and promotion campaigns, and legal communications. This semester- deployed at: Sun Coast Media Group (Venice FL); J. Burns Pizza (Lakeland FL); Davidson Communication Associates (Longboat Key FL); and Fox Business Group LLC (Bradenton FL)

·  Susan Fulton, CSD

o  Students will provide 4 week- long hearing awareness workshop for individuals with hearing loss and their families.

·  Christelle Brouchard

o  Students from the Military Sarasota Academy came to the USFSM Teaching Labs to learnthe current technologies of DNA analysis, which now demonstrate that differences among human groups are not reflected at the genetic level. They presented a poster 2nd Annual BioFlorida BioTech Expo in November: An Exploration of Ethical Issues among High-School Students Using a Hands-on Training Approach in Biotechnology).

·  Heidi Schroeder, Instructional Designer | E-Learning Services

o  Teaching a course where students volunteering at various agencies in our community (food banks, animal rescues, community soccer league for kids with disabilities, etc.) for at least 10 hours during the term.

Committees Reports:

Community Engagement:

Bill Mariotti, chairman of the Fundraising Committee, reported that the Knowledge-A-Bull speaker, Dr. Aubrey Degray was a success. Bill invited all of CLC to the next Knowledge-A-Bull speaker event on March 2nd at 5 PM in Selby Auditorium. Jamie Mayer, an expert on young philanthropy will be speaking about how to get young people involved in giving. Bill also reported that the USF System Foundation Meeting would be held on February 29th and reminded everyone that the 40th Anniversary Gala will be held at Polo Grille on March 4th.

Dennis Stover, RVC of Advancement and Marketing reported that marketing team has developed a Fact Sheet on the key areas of the university. Fact Sheets are available in print and you can obtain copies of them from the Advancement Office. USFSM has secured money for the NCAA women’s rowing team, both operations and scholarship funds. Bradenton Herald will be spotlighting the 40th anniversary, so be on the lookout for the editorial in the paper after March 4th.


Terry Osborn updated the CLC on the measures taken to improve student academic experience on campus. Terry reported that academic success and student affairs have been integrated successfully. Lauren Kurnov has been hired as Director of Student Success and Brian Swanson, was hired as the administrator for the Student Services area. Ben Swanson showed the CLC the dashboard that is used to collect data and would be used to improve student experience, predict student success and make important decisions related to student affairs.

Public Advocacy:

Roger Frazee, chair of the Public Advocacy Committee and Casey Welch, AVP of Economic Development and Governmental Affairs reported on the status of the legislative sessions. USFSM has requested $2M for STEM, $443,073 for mental health services, and $770K for Shared Services. Roger encouraged CLC members to advocate to legislators that they knew for USFSM. Regular Session will end March 11th.

Vice Chairman Roger Frazee asked if there were any announcements. A couple of members had some announcements to share:

·  Sarasota Film and Bulls Film Club are hosting “Headcase: Virtual Reality 306 Technology with Lucas Foster Mixer” on March 3rd 5:30-7:30 PM.

·  Manatee Chamber of Commerce is hosting an even on Renaissance on 9th with USF Football Coaches from 11:30 AM to 1:15 PM in Bradenton.

·  Dan Bailey gave a shout out to student Sean Ball, a USFSM student. Dan said he was one of the sharpest people he ever interviewed.

·  USF Alumni meeting on February 23rd at 5:30 PM in the courtyard.

·  The 40th Anniversary Gala is on March 4th at Polo Grille from 6-10 PM. Contact Advancement to purchase tickets and RSVP.

·  Panel of National Careers in Aging being held March 30th from 11-1 PM in Selby Auditorium at USFSM.

After announcements, Vice-Chairman Roger Frazee adjourned meeting at 4:56 PM.

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