Course CHANGERequest Form
Requestor Name:
Requested Date:
Type of Request: Course Change
Course (Desg. & #):
Implementation Date: Year:Semester:
Designator: From:To:
Course Number:From: To:
Cross Reference: From:To:
Course Title(32 character maximum):
Distribution of Hours:From:To:
[e.g. (3-0, (2-1), (Spec), etc.]
☒This is a MCS Review
(if checked, update the date on the updated MCS/if not checked, leave date same as current MCS)
Items to change:
☒Bulletin Description (Must be 25 words and spaces or less.)
☐ Online or Hybrid Delivery Format
☒ Course Objectives *
☒ Prerequisites/Co-requisites *
☐ Recommended Prerequisites (Course/Experience)
☐ Grading Status from or to CR/NC only
☐Grading Status (Circle/Bold one): (Letter Grade Only)(CR/NC Only)(Letter Grade w/CR/NC Option)
(* Requires Senate Review Committee Approval)
Bulletin Description(25 words and spaces or less)
(Type language below exactly how you would like for it to appear in the Bulletin.
Space below will expand as you type.)
(Type language below exactly how you would like for it to appear in the Bulletin.
Space below will expand as you type.)
Emphasizesteachingofliteracystrategies in the academic disciplines,focusingonthemiddleanduppergrades.Other Changes (Not specified above – Explain):
(Space below will expand as you type.)
Rationale for Request:
A rationale statement must address the following:
1.What led to the development of the proposal?
(Space below will expand as you type.)
EDU 532 is a course in which Elementary Education students gain further knowledge of reading beyond the required reading courses for their major. Some students take this course as part of their Reading Minor, in which they learn more deeply how to teach literacy strategies within the academic disciplines of math, science, social studies, and English. Other graduate students in Teacher Education and Professional Development or undergraduate students in the Elementary Education program take this course as an elective to further their knowledge of literacy, particularly how to teach students to comprehend text in the academic disciplines. Thus, the amount and complexity of work required make this course appropriate only for graduate and advanced undergraduate students2.If this is a MCS (master course syllabus) Review, specifically what was reviewed and revised? (Answer this question ONLY if this is a MCS review. This is a MCS Review if any of the following have been changed/updated: course level or number, course objectives, course outline, evaluation, credit hours or distribution of hours, change to or from graduate level)
(Space below will expand as you type.)
The following items were reviewed and revised:Bulletin Description
Course Outline
Distribution of hours
The objectives were not updated because the objectives stated are required by the State of Michigan.
3.What is the role of the course in the curriculum?
(Space below will expand as you type.)
This course provides information on comprehension instruction within the academic disciplines for undergraduate students in the reading minor. This course also serves as an elective for undergraduate elementary education students.4.For whom is the course intended?
(Space below will expand as you type.)
Undergraduate reading minors are required to take this course; it is also a course that any undergraduate elementary education students can choose to take as an elective.What Majors/Minors are affected by this request?
Please notify the departments that are affected by this change.
List name of department(s) and date(s) notified.
(Space below will expand as you type.)
This course has been and remains with this update a required course for the Reading Minor in the Elementary Education program in the Teacher Educational and Professional Development Department.