Course 411 – Recovery Dynamics Midterm Exam Study Guide

1.Recovery is complete once a client is discharged from treatment. Answer: True False

2.Recovery is defined as the return of something that is lost. Choose one answer.

A. scare tactics

B. skill building

C. drug education

D. promotion of social support

3.Addiction reaches across all ages, all socioeconomic levels and all faiths.

Choose one answer.

A. residential

B. detoxification and stabilization

C. outpatient

D. partial hospitalization

E. all of the above

4. It really does not matter about the type of addiction, once a quality treatment regimen is found it is good for all addicts. Answer: True False

5. No one ever is successful in managing his or her recovery on his or her own. Answer:True False

6. Treatment access is a major concern for clients in recovery.Answer:True False

7. Medication assisted treatment is appropriate under some conditions. Answer:True False

8. Legal and financial assistance are never a part of effective addiction treatment. Answer:True False

9. There are three different frameworks for recovery: These include a spiritual framework, a religious framework and a secular framework. Answer: True False

10. The term “drift” is used to describe clients who never engage in treatment. Answer: True False

11.Most addiction is a matter of choice. Answer: True False

12. Prevention is the first step on the continuum of recovery care. Answer: True False

13. Quantum Change is change that takes a very long period of time.Answer:True False

14. In the “stages of change” model, the first step is to abstain from the addictive behavior. Answer: True False

15. Transformational Change means change marked by a seminal event.Answer:True False

16. Research indicates that people who achieve a year of stable recovery do so following 3-4 episodes of treatment . Answer: True False

17. A message of hope is a primary part of Transformational Change. Answer: True False

18. Transformational Change only takes place in mystics or spiritualist. Answer: True False

19. Most Professional Ethical Standards are not supportive of therapist self-disclosure. Answer: True False

20. The moral addiction theory is a theory developed for Christians. Answer: True False

21. Recovery Management means that the client must be responsible for the management of their recovery not their sponsor. Answer: True False

22. The scope of addiction impacts the client, the family and the community. Answer: True False

23. Transient forms of addiction are often short in duration and generally have a natural resolution. Answer: True False

24. Seeing previous treatment history as an indicator of treatment prognosis is a part of the new shift in thinking of addiction as a chronic disorder. Answer: True False

25. Addiction begins with use. Answer: True False

26. A client should be involved in the development of his/her recovery plan. Answer: True False

27. Addiction is doing something over and over and it becomes habit, there is no chemical aspect to addiction. Answer: True False

28. Acute models of treatment are not the best frameworks for treating severe and persistent addiction. Answer: True False

29. Transformational Change only happens when you have previously made a commitment to Christ. Answer: True False

30. Individuals who experience transformational change are often led to share their experience and to bear witness to others who experience such change. Answer: True False

31. Addiction can be to which of the following? Choose one answer.

A. shopping

B. chemicals

C. sex

D. All of the above

32. What is the difference between recovery and sobriety? Choose one answer.

A. Sobriety means quitting and recovery means the same.

B. Sobriety means having a long time between uses and recovery means not using at all.

C. Sobriety means a period without use, and recovery means a restoration from a debilitating harm.

D. Sobriety means not using and recovery means finding something to replace the drug of choice.

33. Which type of care is more appropriate for addicts? Choose one answer.

A. Treatment for an acute illness.

B. Treatment for a chronic illness.

C. No treatment is needed.

D. None of the above

34. Which of the following is not one of Prochaska’s stages of change? Choose one answer.

A. Contemplative

B. Pre-contemplative

C. Post Contemplative

D. Action

35. Recovery Management has the following principles except? Choose one answer.

A. recognition of multiple styles of recovery

B. sanction for drug seeking behaviors

C. empowerment of client and family to direct their own healing

D. commitment to best practices

36. The stages of addiction include? Choose one answer.

A. use

B. misuse

C. abuse

D. All of the above

37. There are three styles of recovery initiation. Which of the following is not a recovery initiation? Choose one answer.

A. quantum change

B. conscious incremental change

C. spontaneous

D. drift

38. Which of the following is a common element of Transformational Change? Choose one answer.

A. feeling spiritually superior because of the experience

B. isolation and traumatic discontentment

C. mental distortions

D. hearing voices

E. None of the above

39. Stage II Recovery means: Choose one answer.

A. aftercare

B. treatment after use stops

C. medication assisted treatment

D. rebuilding the life that was lost prior to use

40. Peer Based 12-step support groups are a major resource for recovery because: Choose one answer.

A. they are geographically accessible

B. they require no formal admissions process

C. are affordable

D. All of the above