Intended Audience

Intended Audience

0 Points / 1 Point / 2 Points
Thesis (0-1 pt.) / Thesis does not address all parts of the question
Thesis simply restates the question / Thesis addresses all parts of the question
Thesis sets up a historically defensible argument
Thesis addresses the targeted skill / Thesis develops & supports a cohesive argument
Thesis illustrates relationships among historical evidence (contradictions/corroboration)
Thesis is complex
Document Analysis
(0-2 pts.) / Only describes or paraphrases the documents
May use less than the majority of documents / Offers plausible analysis of the content of the majority of documents, explicitly using this analysis to support the stated thesis or a relevant argument / Offers plausible analysis of the content of the majority of documents, explicitly using this analysis to support the stated thesis or a relevant argument
At least one of the following for the majority of documents:
  • Intended audience
  • Purpose
  • Historical context
  • Author’s point of view

Analysis of outside examples to support thesis/argument (0-1 pt.) / Does not include outside evidence
Outside evidence is not used to advance or support the essay’s thesis / Offers plausible analysis of historical examples beyond/outside the documents to support the stated thesis or a relevant argument
Contextualization (0-1 pt.) / Has only limited connections between the question and the time period / Accurately and explicitly connects historical phenomena relevant to the argument to broader historical events and/or processes
Synthesis (0-1 pt.) / 1 Point – Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the following
A development in a different historical period, situation, era or geographical area / A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay / *The synthesis point requires an explanation of the connection. A point is not awarded for merely referencing the connection.

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