Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 19th DECEMBER 2013 in The Claydon Room, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.
Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr
Councillors: Dr. Michael Blyth Richard Perry John Harrison
Officers: Laurie Wiebe
Members of Public: none
District Councillors: none
Police: None
Other Representatives: none
In the Chair: Prof. Lew Schnurr
13/265 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received Cllrs. Michael Edwards, Ron Mckay, Ian Dobson, Hayley Trowbridge, Tina Gentry; District Cllrs. Alan Cheshire nd Bryan Harker.
RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.
13/266 Chairman’s Announcements
Cllr. Edwards sent his apologies for the meeting tonight. However, he thanked all those who have helped with the Parish Council events throughout the calendar year. He also thanked the staff and noted without whom the Parish Council would cease to function. He noted that the Council work continues to grow and Committees are expanding. He also thanked all Members who have given up their time to contribute to the Council and looks forward to working together next year.
Cllr. Edwards expressed his thanks for the contribution made by Gill Tully who has recently resigned from the Council.
13/267 Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st November 2013 were received.
The minutes of the extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 2nd December 2013 were received.
The minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting held on 3rd December 2013 were received.
The minutes of the Budget Committee meeting held on 10th December 2013 were received.
The minutes of the Events Committee meeting held on 14th November 2013 were received.
It was RESOLVED that:-
i) The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st November 2013 be approved and confirmed.
ii) The minutes of the extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 2nd December 2013 be approved and confirmed.
13/268 Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests
13/269 Public Participation Session
13/270 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report
Members received a report from District Cllr. Bryan Harker. He reported that:-
- An enquiry by Friends of Heybridge Gravel Pits regarding the process for listing the gravel pits as an Asset of Community Value;
- Cllr. Harker has raised concerns and has called in the planning application FUL/MAL/13/00843 regarding the fishing lake on Scraley Road;
- There have been a number of options for the Wagtail Drive Flood Relief which require further investigation. The options will cost anywhere from £30,000 to £1million. There is an issue installing a pond which would incur a landfill tax of £72/ton for the spoil;
- Any tree located on private land is the responsibility of the land owner which includes trees that have a TPO.
13/271 Report from the Clerk
A report was received by Members.
Members received a list of correspondence which is on deposit in the Office.
The Clerk attended the SLCC Networking Event on 15th November 2013 at Springfield Parish Council Centre.
The Clerk reported that a letter had been received from Essex County Council indicating that the Osea Road Application to add a byway open to all traffic had been refused based on insufficient evidence to justify modifying the Definitive Map.
The Clerk passed the Health and Safety Course held on the 6th November 2013.
The Clerk reported that the Poppy Appeal collection box total was £34.35.
The Clerk and Cllr. Edwards attended the Risk Assessment held on 4th December 2013.
Members considered appointing two bank signatories. Cllr. Harrison inquired if he was a signatory.
Members considered further investigating different banking options. The Clerk reported that the latest trend within the sector has been to switch banks to Unity Trust. Cllr. Harrison inquired as to the fees of the bank.
Members considered utilising Social Media, namely by creating a Facebook page. Cllr. Dr. Blyth expressed concern that having a Facebook page would be time consuming and difficult to manage. The Chairman agreed and indicated the page could collect random information and some entries could be unhelpful. Cllr. Perry expressed his support for a Facebook page and noted especially the photo sharing capability of events and possibility of reaching more people. Cllr. Harrison thought there was no point or benefit.
It was RESOLVED that:-
i) The Bank Signatories be deferred to next Parish Council Meeting;
ii) The banking options be deferred to next Parish Council meeting;
iii) Further opinions be sought regarding the Facebook page from other Members at the next Parish Council meeting.
13/272 Consultations and Policies
Members considered adopting the Winter Weather Policy. Cllr. Harrison expressed his opinion on what was ‘reasonable effort’ and thought that the proposal to clear/grit only the entrance to Plantation Hall and the fire exits was not enough. The Clerk explained that the Parish Council does not have the staff nor the equipment to clear the car park.
Members received the response from Essex Sure Start Children’s Centres Consultation. Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted that the response has addressed all the comments submitted by the Council. However, he continued to express his concern of the willingness of families to travel to the Centres.
Members considered submitting a response to the Department of Transport on the Consultation on Local Authority Parking. The Chairman noted that the Consultation concerned primarily charged car parks in shopping areas. Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted the complexity of the document. Cllr. Harrison felt that the consultation was not relevant to Heybridge. Cllr. Perry noted that the consultation was more general and included car parks used by Heybridge residents outside of the Parish.
It was RESOLVED that:-
i) The Winter Weather Policy by adopted;
ii) Cllr. Prof. Schnurr draft a response on the Local Authority Parking Consultation for approval at the next Council meeting.
13/273 Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects
(a) Property Matters – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards
A report was received.
Members considered ratifying the expense of £288 + VAT to renew the light fittings in the Ladies, Gents and Disabled toilets.
It was RESOLVED that the expense of £288 + VAT to renew the light fittings in the toilets be ratified.
Cllr. Harrison commented on the Programme of Works and asked for specific details. He thought that the horse trough previous repair was not adequate and proposed that Bakers of Danbury be contacted for a quotation.
The Chairman suggested that Cllr. Harrison contact the lead Councillor for Property Matters.
(b) Footpath Signage – Leading Councillor – Prof Lew Schnurr
Members received a report from Cllr. Prof. Schnurr.
Members considered the cost of £50 per sign (total of 5 signs). The Chairman reported that it was uncertain if each path should have a sign at each end of the path. However, he continues to work with Maldon District Council.
It was RESOLVED the cost of the 5 signs at £50 each be approved.
(c) Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Tina Gentry
No report was received.
(d) Risk Management – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards
Members received a report from Cllr. Edwards. The Clerk and Cllr. Edwards attended a Risk Assessment Course on 4th December 2013. Following the course, the Clerk and Cllr. Edwards will be updating the Health and Safety policies along with carrying out risk assessments.
(e) Basin Matters–Leading Councillor–Prof Lew Schnurr
The Chairman reported there are ongoing problems with the development of the Timberyard. The Chairman has been discussing with District Cllr. Bryan Harker the s106 contributions. It is hoped that some means of a public toilet facilities as well as a public meeting place. The Chairman reported that he understood the former URC Chapel had been sold and had not been able to determine who the current owner is. District Cllr. Harker will be discussing this further with Maldon District Council officers.
(f) Grants Working Group
No meeting had taken place.
13/274 Reports from Committees
a) Planning Committee
i. Cllr. Prof. Schnurr reported that the last scheduled meeting was not held as it was not quorate. Consequently Standing Order No. 48 was used in order to submit comments to MDC regarding the outstanding Planning Applications. He expressed concern that there were two vacancies;
ii. Members considered appointing two Members onto the Committee.
It was RESOLVED that appointing two Members onto the Committee was deferred to the next full Council meeting.
b) Events Committee
No report was received.
c) Budget Committee
i. Members received a report from the Chair of the Committee.
ii. The Chairman referred to proposed budget for 2014-2015 and the proposed precept which was an increase of approximately 2.5%. He noted that the proposed budget incorporated an operating a deficit.
13/275 Reports from Outside Committees and Training
a) (i) Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives Meeting
(Rep Cllr. Prof Schnurr)
Cllr. Prof. Schnurr noted that the next meeting of the Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives was to be held in June 2014. He noted that it was uncertain as to when the current s106 funding for Bus Service 288 ceases, however it will be continuing for the time being.
The Bus Service 288 numbers for October 2013 were 99.
The Bus Service 288 numbers for November 2013 were 104.
(ii) Elms Farm Park Friends Group & Oak Tree Meadow
(Rep Cllr. Mckay)
The Chairman noted that the Friends Group have published a Strategic Development Plan. He will be circulating this to all Members.
(iii) Health Matters (Rep Cllr. Prof. Schnurr)
Nothing new to report.
13/276 Planning, Highways and Environment Matters
(a) Planning applications
RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-
i) Application No: HOUSE/MAL/13/01063
Proposal: Two storey extension to the rear, replace existing cladding with grey eternit planking.
Location: 10 Coopers Avenue, Heybridge
ii) Application No: FUL/MAL/13/01082 PP-03022561
Proposal: Addition of glazed enclosure to terrace of existing deckhouse building.
Location: Deckhouse, Osea Leisure Park, Goldhanger Road, Heybridge
(b) Planning Comments Submitted 6 December 2013
Members received a report from the Clerk regarding the Planning Committee Meeting scheduled to be held on 5th December 2013 which was not in quorum. Members that attended were Cllr. Prof. Schnurr, Cllr. Edwards, and Cllr. Perry. Cllr. Dobson submitted comments on the planning applications via email to the Clerk. Cllr. Prof. Schnurr invoked Standing Order No. 48. The following comments were submitted to Maldon District Council on 6th December 2013.
i) Application No: FUL/MAL/13/00843
Proposal: Removal of causeway and spit to form one fishing lake, with fishing pegs, toilets and showers, car parking and associated landscaping.
Location: Land East of Heybridge Swifts Football Club, Heybridge
ii) Application No: FUL/MAL/13/01011
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and change of use to residential comprising the erection of 48 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure and landscaping.
Location: Bridge House, Hall Road, Heybridge
OBJECT due to:- loss of employment opportunity, change of use, strain on infrastructure. Members felt that the site would benefit from appropriate small to medium enterprise use.
iii) Application No: FUL/MAL/13/01076
Proposal: Proposed extension to dwelling to the side.
Location: Bankside, Happy Days Caravan Park, Goldhanger Road, Heybridge
iv) Application No: FUL/MAL/13/00823 PP-02854897
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 31 residential dwellings, together with associated access, car parking, landscaping, open space and related works.
Location: The Former Timber Yard, Basin Road, Heybridge
Members have re-iterated their comments already submitted: SUPPORT – BUT the Parish Council wishes assurance there will be proper, telling and proportionate s106/CiLevy planning gain.
(c) Report from the Tree Warden
No report received.
(d) Public Rights of Way Warden
There was no report this month.
(e) Emergency Parish Co-ordinator
The Clerk reported on the recent tidal surge at the beginning of December 2013 and that this had been well documented within the press.
13/277 Financial Matters
(a) Accounts for Payment
The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –
L Wiebe / £65.70 / Reimbursement mileage Nov 2013 / 4201B Hall / £4.50 / Reimbursement mileage Dec 2013 / 4201
Essex Pension Fund / £665.57 / December 2013 monthly pension contribution. / 3101
H M Revenue & Customs / £2,429.37 / PAYE re quarter October-December 2013 payroll / 3101
J Tappin / £20.00 / Hire deposit refund re 24 November 2013 hiring / 2301
A Sanchez / £50.00 / Hire deposit refund re 30 November 2013 hiring / 2301
D Hopkins / £20.00 / Hire deposit refund re 1 December 2013 / 2301
T C Stump / £250.00 / Hire deposit refund re 1 December 2013 / 2301
P Cook / £20.00 / Hire deposit refund re 15 December 2013 / 2301
R Perry / £94.05 / Reimbursement food for Christmas Lunch / 4702
B G Appleton / £330.00 / Plantation Hall & Daisy Meadow Car Parks sweep / 3001
EALC / £204.99 / Training Day and Publication / 4801/4601
Water for Work & Home Ltd. / £48.60 / Watercooler Rental for quarter / 2501
Essex Supplies Ltd. / £73.74 / Washroom supplies at Plantation Hall / 2501
FibreWifi Ltd. / £122.50 / Annual renewal broadband service / 3301
Green Recycling Ltd. / £28.75 / Waste Collection for month November 2013 at Plantation Hall / 2201
K Locke / £143.00 / Grounds maintenance for month November 2013 / 3001
Maldon Building Services / £1367.66 / Repairs to Plantation Hall after storm damage / 2401
Mrs. J M Martin / £1260.00 / Support Service for quarter October-December 2013 / 4901
Office Is Ltd. / £481.25 / Toner, paper and other stationery / 4601
Reece Productions Ltd. / £55.20 / Audio Equipment hire Remembrance Sunday / 4702
Stephensons of Essex Ltd. / £572.00 / Bus service for month November 2013 / 1375
Colin Rae / £145.00 / Supply and fit 2 tap converter kits to kitchen taps; replace diaphragm in cistern in Ladies Toilets. / 2401
Maldon District Council / £374.00 / Monthly rates direct debit re Plantation Hall / 2201
Maldon District Council / £554.00 / Monthly rates direct debit re Daisy Meadow Car Park / 3201
Essex & Suffolk Water / £58.46 / Monthly payment re water supply at Plantation Hall / 2201
Southern Electric / £115.13 / Monthly payment re Street Lighting / 3601
Anglian Water / £412.83 / Quarterly Sewage for Plantation Hall / 2201
RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.