Boise Brave Parents Parent Board Meeting December 1, 2015

Attendance: Robb Thompson, Dr. Ann Farris, Cindy Hartley, Kristin Sinclair, Cherilyn Blender, Theresa Ryden, Cindy Gustavsen, Amy Rustad, Sandra Cashen, Robin Ivanoff, Shawn Del Ysursa, Julie Manning, Aliess Robison, Stacy Slattery, Kit Bush, and Carol Hembree.

Call to Order: Amy Rustad called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.

Secretary’s Report

Theresa Ryden (Secretary): Amy Rustad emailed minutes from the November 3, 2015 Board meeting to the Board. Theresa Ryden presented the minutes from the November 3, 2015 Board meeting. No questions were raised.

Action: Carole Hembree moved that we approve the October 6 minutes. Kristin Sinclair seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Student Report

Kit Bush (Student Representative): January 22, 2016 is the winter assembly celebrating winter activities: Debate, hockey, wrestling and basketball. Planned “B” Nights during girls and boys basketball will include Black out night, Hawaiian night, Tie-dye night, and jersey night.

The Food Drive is actually the “Do Something” Drive with different groups choosing to make an impact in different ways. Five families have been “adopted” and kids are donating $25.00 gifts. Leadership will contact Brave Parents if they need support.

District Report

Dr. Ann Farris: Phase I: Despite the worker shortage, they are breaking ground on the Facilities and Operations property which should be done by September 2016 with an estimated one year construction period.

Phase II: Demolition and removal at the Fort Boise property will follow the F&O project.

Phase III: Land excavation preparing for fields and tennis courts will follow demolition at the Fort Boise site. The timeline is still at 3-4 years.

Boise City has approached the Boise School District proposing a potential partnership for field and facility usage. BSD will begin meeting regularly with the City potentially opening up more opportunities for Boise High School. A bond issue is possible in spring 2017. The old gymnasium will be remodeled; underground parking at the old gym is a consideration as is additional rooftop gyms on the old gym. Administrators and architects traveled to Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver exploring natural light and greener spaces in academic settings.

The track will become an eight lane performance track able to host events. The parents supporting the track remodel have declined to continue their financial support.

From Mr. Thompson: Performing arts space is limited and needs consideration.

Principal’s Report

Robb Thompson (Principal):

Patrick Dwyer’s tragic death occupied the last half of November. Students and faculty handled it tremendously well. The memorial service at Cathedral of the Rockies captured Patrick through the student speakers. It was a beautiful tribute to Patrick and his family.

Faculty and staff completed the “Idaho Lives” project which gives three hours of training for suicide prevention.

Much Ado About Nothing showcases our new theater teacher, John Roe, and the awesome job he’s done with the students. Bret Eschelman is the assistant drama coach.

Faculty Report

Cindy Hartley (Faculty Representative):

From Rachel Preminger, AVID: AVID 10 is doing a month-long project combining community service and a secret Santa called Friendsgiving! Every Secret Service Santa will be doing service for a classmate’s choice of charity giving to the community and to each other. This project also helps students learn about one another and various community needs. Link:

From David Burton, Choral Director: The Boise High Choir’s Madrigal Dinner is December 4 and 5 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Rockies. The BHS Choir and Chamber Orchestra Holiday Concert in the Capitol Rotunda is December 17 at 7:00 p.m.

From Kim Brydges, Video Broadcasting: Video classes are working with the Women and Children’s Alliance to produce public service announcements about the promotion of healthy teen relationships. Boise High Video Broadcasting has been doing this for a couple years. The class is also inserting sustainability-focused packages into school announcements on a weekly basis.

New Business

Kristin Sinclair (Grants): The following grants were presented:


1.  $680/$680 Natalie Lutes (Special Ed.) 4 Acer Chrome Book

2.  $989/$989 Jerry O’Mahoney (Photography) 2 Canon Rebel kits/printer

3.  $350/$350 (Government) 200 Pocket Constitutions

4.  $428.97/$428.97 Brian Barber (Softball) Softball bases

5.  $1162.56/$1162.56 Rick Beckett (Special Ed.) Laptop and printers

6.  $240/$240 Kat Campbell (Speech/Debate) 30 sets of headphones

7.  $0/$608.44 Katy Shanafelt (Art) Epson printer (purchased one two years ago; encourage continued sharing)

8.  $450/$450 Laurel Talboy (Orchestra) 20 different pieces of chamber music

9.  $200/$200 Liz Barbee (Resource Room) Chrome book for teacher travel and IEPs

10.  $0/$400 Shelly Heath (Cheer) Tumbling blocks

11.  $162/$162 Cathy Brown (Social St.) Active learning games

12.  $0/$2,000 Nikki Clark-Vega (Sports Med.) Student learning trip (Brave Parents don’t fund travel)

13.  $280/$280 English Dept. Audio books for ELL students, etc.

14.  $0/$3,180 Seth Garrison (Chem.) 15 laptops and 1 printer (suggested use of mobile science carts)

15.  $254.76/$1,103.18 Kim Brydges (Video) Camcorders and set ups (2) (partial funding for priority tripods)

16.  $3,750/$3,750 Academic Support Team (cross curric.) 15 HP Pro Books (provides 3 laptops for 5 rooms; assists teachers in new program)

17.  $2,500/$5,327 Jake Wimer (P.E.) Partial funding for weight room equipment

18.  $0/$958 Rick Beckett (Special Ed.) iPad 2 air for Excel program (suggested use of library Chrome books)

19.  $700/$700 Cori Mooney (XC and track) EZ-Up Canopy

20.  $0/$1,007.45 Brad Dalton (Baseball) (Marc Pro declined due to parent concern; Cd/book request funded below)

21.  $429.30/$429.30 Brad Dalton (Lifetime Spts.) 30 cd/books to share within department

22.  $1,000/$1,920 David Burton (Choir) 4 iPad Tablets (encourage purchase of mini iPads at half cost)

23.  $0/$767.99 Bill Brown (S.S./Econ.) Video marketing supplies (encourage funding elsewhere)

24.  $104.65/404.55 Joe Baumann (Math/Hist.) 2 Kindle Fires and 7 cases (provided funds for cases for existing Kindles)

25.  $0/$2,000 Administration (Hall of Fame) Interactive Touch Screen Panel (will pursue other means; potentially new alumni program)

Total Granted: $13,681.24; total requested: $29,486.44

Breakdown: Athletics $4,058.27 or 29.7%

Academics $8, 172.97 or 59.7%

Activities $1,4500.00 or 10.6%

Action: Kristin Sinclair moved that we approve the above grant requests. Carol Hembree seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Aliess Robison (Assistant Treasurer): December 2016 Statement provided by Joan Wong

Next Board Meeting will be Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. Room 402

Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Theresa Ryden, Secretary