Geoff Mayling
6 Searson Close Tallington, Lincs
Tel: 01780 740880 / TALLINGTON / Clerk:
Wendy Gray
13 Dovecote
PE10 0SY
Tel: 01778 441312
Parish Council

Councillor Martin John Hill OBE

The Old Three Tons

Rippingale Road

Kirkby Underwood


Lincs PE10 0SH18th February 2014

Dear Sir

Tallington Level Crossing

We are extremely disappointed to hear from Cllr Richard Davies that Lincs CC do not regard the closure of the level crossing on the East Coast railway line and construct a bypass around Tallington as a priority.

Can we again remind you of a recent independent survey which found that on a weekday in a 12 hour period between 7am and 7pm there were 185 trains going through the crossing. The crossing was closed 95 times for a total period of 6/34 hours in this 12 hour period. Approximately 10,500 vehicles travelled through the crossing in this period.

There have been five independent surveys since 2010 and each survey shows an increase in trains etc on the previous survey. The down time of the crossing gates has increased by one hour since the survey in 2010!

The disruption and inconvenience is not limited to the residents of Tallington it is also drastically affecting residents of other villages in the county. It is not unusual for queues of up to 1 mile to occur on each side of the crossing and we know of people who allow an extra half hour to their journey due to the crossing.

With the improvement of the national and local economies we are once again expecting an increase in vehicle numbers at the crossing. There is also the threat of more trains appearing on this train line in the near future which will inevitably increase the number of closures.

Now is the time to act before the increase in number of trains occurs and adds to the misery of local people. How much longer will you allow this situation to continue?

We are pleased to see that Network Rail (NR) is taking a positive approach to finding a solution to the closure of the crossing. It is a pity that our MP Nick Boles and Lincs CC do not share NR’s enthusiasm as both appear to take a very negative view on our deteriorating predicament.

NR has published four different highway routes to overcome the problem. Each route involves a bridge over the railway with linking highways, as per the enclosed Lincs CC drawing. The route favoured by NR is the shortest and obviously cheapest route. We call this the “in village “route.

This route splits the village in half and is completely unacceptable to the residents of Tallington. It involves the demolition of a house and encroachment onto other village properties.

The parish council and a significant number of local residents do not support this “in village” route. Lincs CC have also stated that they do not support this route.

The only logical route is the northern route that has been in existence since the late 1950’s. The parish council support this route as it is the best solution for the village, surrounding villages and all vehicles that travel through Tallington from Market Deeping and Stamford. It will also improve the local economy.

NR is currently carrying out costed feasibility studies on the four routes and they are expected to be complete in the summer. What will be your position when these studies have been costed?

Funding will be the next issue to solve. We understand that NR is prepared to make a substantial financial contribution. There will be a funding gap will Lincs CC refuse to contribute and make up this shortfall?

We are sure that you will agree that this situation in Tallington cannot continue and now that NR has taken the initiative the time is right to push for a final solution.

We have agreed with NR that the parish council will be the single point of contact on this issue. This we hope will eliminate mixed messages that can occur. We look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully

Wendy Gray

Parish Clerk