Correlation of Ohio’s K-12 Benchmarks and Grade-Level Indicators

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades K-3

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades K-3


Grade-Level Indicators



Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 1


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 2


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 3

A.Use context clues to determine the meaning of new vocabulary. /
  1. Understand new words from the context of conversations or from the use of pictures within a text.
  1. Use knowledge of word order and in-sentence context clues to support word identification and to define unknown words while reading.
  1. Use knowledge of word order and in-sentence context clues to support word identification and to define unknown words while reading.
  1. Determine the meaning of unknown words using a variety of context clues, including word, sentence and paragraph clues.
  1. Use context clues to determine the meaning of homophones, homonyms and homographs.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades K-3

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades K-3


Grade-Level Indicators



Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 1


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 2


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 3

B.Read accurately high-frequency sight words. /
  1. Recognize and understand words, signs and symbols seen in everyday life.
  1. Identify words in common categories such as color words, number words and directional words.
  1. Recognize common sight words.
  1. Read accurately high-frequency sight words.
  1. Read accurately high-frequency sight words.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades K-3

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades K-3


Grade-Level Indicators



Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 1


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 2


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 3

C.Apply structural analysis skills to build and extend vocabulary and to determine word meaning.
continued on page 4 /
  1. Predict the meaning of compound words using knowledge of individual words (e.g., daydream, raindrop).
  1. Recognize contractions (e.g., isn’t, aren’t, can’t, won’t) and common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Feb.).
  1. Read root words and their inflectional endings (e.g., walk, walked, walking).
  1. Determine the meaning of common compound words (e.g., lunchroom, baseball) by explaining the relationship between the words contained in the compound.
  1. Identify contractions and common abbreviations and connect them to whole words.
  1. Determine the meaning of prefixes, including un-, re-,
pre-, and suffixes,
including -er, -est,
-ful, -less. /
  1. Apply knowledge of individual words in unknown compound words to determine their meanings.
  1. Use knowledge of contractions and common abbreviations to identify whole words.
  1. Apply knowledge of prefixes, including
un-, re-, pre- and
suffixes, including
-er, -est, -ful and
-less to determine
meaning of words.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades K-3

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades K-3


Grade-Level Indicators



Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 1


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 2


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 3

C.Apply structural analysis skills to build and extend vocabulary and to determine word meaning. /
  1. Use root words (e.g., smiles) and their various inflections (e.g., smiles, smiling, smiled) to determine the meaning of words.
  1. Decode and determine the meaning of words by using knowledge of root words and their various inflections.

D.Know the meaning of specialized vocabulary by applying knowledge of word parts, relationships and meanings.
continued on page 5 /
  1. Identify words that have similar meanings (synonyms) and words that have opposite meanings (antonyms).
  1. Classify words into categories (e.g., colors, fruits, vegetables).
  1. Identify words that have similar meanings (synonyms) and words that have opposite meanings (antonyms).
  1. Classify words into categories (e.g., colors, fruits, vegetables).
  1. Apply the meaning of the terms synonyms and antonyms.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades K-3

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades K-3


Grade-Level Indicators



Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 1


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 2


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 3

D.Know the meaning of specialized vocabulary by applying knowledge of word parts, relationships and meanings. /
  1. Recognize that words can sound alike but have different meanings (e.g., homophones such as hair and hare).
  1. Read homographs aloud correctly, adjusting sounds to fit meaning, and use words in context.

E.Use resources to determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words. /
  1. Determine the meaning of unknown words, with assistance, using a beginner’s dictionary.
  1. Determine the meaning of unknown words using a beginner’s dictionary.
  1. Determine the meaning and pronunciations of unknown words using a beginner’s dictionary, glossaries and technology.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.

K-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-12 / Back

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 4-7

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 4-7


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 4


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 5


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 6




Grade 7

A.Use context clues and text structures to determine the meaning of new vocabulary. /
  1. Determine the meaning of unknown words by using a variety of context clues, including word, sentence and paragraph clues.
  1. Use context clues to determine the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homonyms and homographs.
  1. Define the meaning of unknown words by using context clues and the author’s use of definition, restatement and example.
  1. Use context clues to determine the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homonyms and homographs.
  1. Define the meaning of unknown words by using context clues and the author’s use of definition, restatement and example.
  1. Define the meaning of unknown words through context clues and the author’s use of comparison, contrast, definition, restatement and example.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 4-7

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 4-7


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 4


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 5


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 6




Grade 7

B.Infer word meaning through identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships. /
  1. Identify and apply the meaning of the terms synonym, antonym, homophone and homograph.
  1. Identify and understand new uses of words and phrases in text, such as similes and metaphors.
  1. Identify and understand new uses of words and phrases in text, such as similes and metaphors.
  1. Identify analogies and other word relationships, including synonyms and antonyms, to determine the meaning of words.
  1. Interpret metaphors and similes to understand new uses of words and phrases in text.
  1. Infer word meanings through the identification of analogies and other word relationships, including synonyms and antonyms.
  1. Interpret metaphors and similes to understand new uses of words and phrases in text.

C.Apply knowledge of connotation and denotation to learn the meanings of words. /
  1. Recognize the difference between the meanings of connotation and denotation.
  1. Identify the connotation and denotation of new words.
  1. Apply knowledge of connotation and denotation to determine the meaning of words.
  1. Apply knowledge of connotation and denotation to determine the meaning of words.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 4-7

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 4-7


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 4


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 5


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 6




Grade 7

D.Use knowledge of symbols, acronyms, word origins and derivations to determine the meanings of unknown words. /
  1. Identify word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
  1. Identify the meanings of abbreviations.
  1. Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
  1. Identify the meanings of abbreviations.
  1. Recognize and use words from other languages that have been adopted into the English language.
  1. Identify symbols and acronyms and connect them to whole words.
  1. Recognize and use words from other languages that have been adopted into the English language.
  1. Use knowledge of symbols and acronyms to identify whole words.

E.Use knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meanings of complex words. /
  1. Identify the meanings of prefixes, suffixes and roots and their various forms to determine the meanings of words.
  1. Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words.
  1. Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words.
  1. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand vocabulary.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 4-7

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 4-7


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 4


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 5


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 6




Grade 7

F.Use multiple resources to enhance comprehension of vocabulary. /
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.

K-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-12 / Back

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 8-10

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 8-10


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 8


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 9


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 10

A.Use context clues and text structures to determine the meaning of new vocabulary. /
  1. Define unknown words through context clues and the author’s use of comparison, contrast and cause and effect.
  1. Define unknown words through context clues and the author’s use of comparison, contrast and cause and effect.
  1. Define unknown words through context clues and the author’s use of comparison, contrast and cause and effect.

B.Examine the relationships of analogical statements to infer word meanings. /
  1. Identify the relationships of pairs of words in analogical statements (e.g., synonyms and antonyms) and infer word meanings from these relationships.
  1. Analyze the relationships of pairs of words in analogical statements (e.g., synonyms and antonyms, connotation and denotation) and infer word meanings from these relationships.
  1. Analyze the relationships of pairs of words in analogical statements (e.g., synonyms and antonyms, connotation and denotation) and infer word meanings from these relationships.

C.Recognize the importance and function of figurative language.
continued on page 11 /
  1. Apply knowledge of connotation and denotation to determine the meaning of words.
  1. Infer the literal and figurative meaning of words and phrases and discuss the function of figurative language, including metaphors, similes, idioms and puns.
  1. Infer the literal and figurative meaning of words and phrases and discuss the function of figurative language, including metaphors, similes, idioms and puns.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 8-10

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 8-10


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 8


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 9


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 10

C.Recognize the importance and function of figurative language. / 4.Infer the literal and figurative meaning of words and phrases and discuss the function of figurative language, including metaphors, similes and idioms.
D.Explain how different events have influenced and changed the English language. /
  1. Examine and discuss the ways that different events (e.g., cultural, political, social, technological, and scientific events) impact and change the English language.
  1. Examine and discuss ways historical events have influenced the English language.
  1. Analyze the ways that historical events influenced the English language.

E.Apply knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meanings of complex words and subject area vocabulary. /
  1. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand complex words and new subject-area vocabulary (e.g., unknown words in science, mathematics and social studies).
  1. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand complex words and new subject-area vocabulary (e.g., unknown words in science, mathematics and social studies).
  1. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand complex words and new subject-area vocabulary (e.g., unknown words in science, mathematics and social studies).

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 8-10

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 8-10


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 8


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 9


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 10

F.Use multiple resources to enhance comprehension of vocabulary. /
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, glossaries, technology and textual features, such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.

K-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-12 / Back

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 11-12

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 11-12


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 11


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 12

A.Verify meanings of words by the author’s use of definition, restatement, example, comparison, contrast and cause and effect. /
  1. Recognize and identify how authors clarify meanings of words through context and use definition, restatement, example, comparison, contrast and cause and effect to advance word study.
  1. Recognize and identify how authors clarify meanings of words through context and use definition, restatement, example, comparison, contrast and cause and effect to advance word study.

B.Distinguish the relationship of word meanings between pairs of words encountered in analogical statements. /
  1. Analyze the relationships of pairs of words in analogical statements (e.g., synonyms and antonyms, connotation and denotation) and evaluate the effectiveness of analogous relationships.
  1. Analyze the relationships of pairs of words in analogical statements (e.g., synonyms and antonyms, connotation and denotation) and evaluate the effectiveness of analogous relationships.

C.Explain the influence of the English language on world literature, communications and popular culture. /
  1. Examine and explain the influence of the English language on world literature, communications and popular culture.
  1. Examine and explain the influence of the English language on world literature, communications and popular cultures.

Acquisition of Vocabulary Standard

Grades 11-12

Ohio Benchmarks

Grades 11-12


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 11


Grade-Level Indicators

Grade 12

D.Apply knowledge of roots, affixes and phrases to aid understanding of content area vocabulary. /
  1. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand complex words and new subject-area vocabulary (e.g., unknown words in science, mathematics and social studies).
  1. Use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand complex words and new subject-area vocabulary (e.g., unknown words in science, mathematics and social studies).

E.Use multiple resources to enhance comprehension of vocabulary. /
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.
  1. Determine the meanings and pronunciations of unknown words by using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, technology and textual features such as definitional footnotes or sidebars.

K-3 / 4-7 / 8-10 / 11-12 / Back

Source: Ohio Department of Education page 1