at Porthmeor Studios, St. Ives.

Application Deadline:Monday 26th February - Midday



The Cornish Weekender is the second of a suite of micro residencies run in partnership with artist spaces across the UK, the first being held in Blackpool in 2017 with Abingdon Studios. In 2018 we will be working in collaboration with Porthmeor Studios and curator, Claudio Zecchi who proposes a three day investigation of St. Ives; its rich artistic history & community through dialogues, activities, and projections.

This micro residency is aimed at creative people of all persuasions, we are keen to see applications from creatives working in areas of investigation such as architecture, urbanism or anthropology.

We are seeking individuals with an interest in how we choose to work with others, and across disciplines to produce art; and will encourage participants to discuss and experiment with different ways of working – to ask what it is to collaborate, and to test out speculative ideas together. Through this activity you will have the opportunity to interrogate collaboration and interdisciplinarity in relation to your work, with input from artists at Porthmeor Studios as well as with curators and staff at partner organisations.


Organiser: UK Young Artists (UKYA)

UK Young Artists is a registered national charity that champions the next generation of creativity, supporting collaboration and intercultural dialogue, ensuring a vibrant and diverse creative future for the UK. We develop artists’ practice through cross art form opportunities and celebrate creativity at national & international festivals.

Hosting Partner: Porthmeor Studios

Porthmeor and Anchor studios are probably the oldest working artists’ studios in the country, and are best known for the internationally significant artists who have been based there. Previous tenants have included Julius Olsson, Stanhope Forbes, Frances Hodgkins, Ben Nicholson, Patrick Heron, Francis Bacon, Terry Frost, Roger Hilton, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham and John Wells.

Curator: Claudio Zecchi

Claudio Zecchi is an independent curator whose field of research aims at investigating, in a state of cultural nomadism, a new vision and reading of the public sphere exploring the mutual relationship between the practices – artistic, curatorial and institutional – the territory and the local communities.

Conceived as a long-term discursive research focused on the relationship between art and the public sphere, his research surveys specific territories. As the project is the culmination of months of conversations with local artists, curators, institutions, and communities, the aim is to unearth and incentivizing the presence of alternative spaces and potential outcomes generated by the discourse itself.

The outcome so far has always beendifferent. He investigated the concept of activism (Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan); the role that artists, curators, institutions perform in the contemporary society at large (Residency Unlimited, New York); the topic of the language (New Art Exchange, Nottingham) and the topic of architecture and urbanism (PIVÔ Pesquisa, São Paulo). The fifth chapter of this research will soon run in Japan (TOKAS - Tokyo Arts and Space, Tokyo, February - March 2018, with the Institutional support of BJCEM, UKYA, and RAMDOM).

Over the years he developed medium and long-term multidisciplinary projects that aim at generating, encourage and nurture a dialogue in a continues dialectical tension between different forms of thought, processes, and practices.

Artist: Andy Harper

Andy Harper was born in 1971 and grew up in Torquay, Devon. He has taught in many institutions nationally and internationally, and held posts at Central St. Martins, The City Lit and is currently a Senior Lecturer on the MFA Fine programme at Goldsmiths in London. Harper lives in St Just and works in St Ives. He has been involved in many artist run projects including Braziers International Artists’ Workshop in Oxfordshire and Assembly in St Just.

Harper studied Fine Art at Brighton Polytechnic (BA 90–93) and the Royal College of Art (MA 93-95). After co-founding NotCut studios in London (1996) he also studied Visual Culture at Middlesex University (MA 97-99). He has exhibited in the US, South Korea, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Mexico, Sweden, Italy, France and the UK. He is represented by Danese Corey in New York and The Page Gallery in Seoul.

Artist: Chiara Dellerba

Chiara Dellerba is a visual artist. She was born in Bari, where she graduated from the University of Architecture and Design in 2006. In 2009 she gained a Master of Arts in Design and Visual art at the University of Venice. Her practice consists of researching and experimenting different situation where she shares and rediscovers with other people: personal memories, traditions, rituals and cultures to address question about radical aesthetics, self sufficiency, the magic relation human- Nature, the politics of food (production methods and sharing experiences), personal and public manifesto and its value in the contemporary society. Her artworks are often site-specific project with an interest in relationship dynamics focussed mainly on: cooperation, participation, and collaboration. She is a co-founder of Zabar, a DIY design and art international platform developing workshops based on the idea to create value and connection between people through sharing art and design knowledge and skills. Zabar is an organization focussed on running community and participatory projects in order to be actively part of urban regeneration in disadvantaged areas.

In 2016 she is been invited by Loughborough University to be part of Politicized Practice Research Group as artist in research to develop work that acknowledges the function of culture in the articulation of politics and asserts its contribution to emancipation through art and design.

In 2017 she founded F-L-A-T- 5 an interdisciplinary research art space based in Nottingham, which works on experimenting domestic narratives and conviviality as well as potential dynamics arised in public and private spaces.

Between 2007 and 2017, her works have been exhibited in museums and art galleries across different countries: Marilena Bonomo gallery (Bari), Macro, la Pelanda (Rome), Alessandra Bonomo Gallery(Rome), Valentina Bonomo Gallery(Rome), Sara Zanin gallery (Rome), Onetwentyeight gallery (New York), Kiyomiyamagishi (Nagano, Japan), Attenborough Arts Centre (Leicester), Mac (Birmingham), N_ Space (Nottingham), Surface Gallery (Nottingham), Radar (Loughborough University), New Art Exchange (Nottingham).


Friday 13 April / Depart approx 10am / All artists travel to St Ives, meeting at Central point in Nottingham.Travel by Coach (TBC)
Friday 13 April / Arrive approx 14.00
Afternoon Session from 16.00 / Check intoaccommodation, freshen up
Participants’ presentation
(Andy Harper)
Evening / Group Dinner with Guests
Saturday 14 April / Morning / The blind walk day (Claudio Zecchi)
Light Lunch / Lunch with Guests
Saturday 14 April / Afternoon / Once back at Porthmeor Studios all participants will be engaged in further activities and discussions.
Saturday 14 April / Evening / Public presentation of our process.
Evening / Group Dinner
Sunday 15 April / The aim of the day is engaging the community in our activities through different activities specifically designed by Chiara Dellerba, Italian artist based in Nottingham.
Light Lunch
Sunday 15th April / Evening / Dinner and Film
“Ogni Opera di Confessione”
Monday 16th of April / Morning / Leave St.Ives at 10.00 return to Nottingham approx 17.00

Accommodation for artists: Cohort Hostel, The Stennack St Ives, Cornwall

The group will have male and female dorm rooms and the stay will include breakfast

For more information please go to:


Application Deadline: Monday 26th February 2018 at Midday

Eligibility & Criteria

UK Artists must be aged 18-30 (on Monday 26th February) and be allowed to work in the UK at the time of making this application.

What are we looking for:

●Artists with a commitment to developing their practice, and who seek dialogue and engagement with the wider international contemporary arts and cultural sector

●Artists with an interest in how collaborative working can inform the development of their work and how this residency will benefit their practice

Your application should consist of the following:

●A completed application form (word document or PDF) → mandatory form is available below

●A completed equal opportunities form → mandatory form is available below

●Supporting information: Up to 5 images (jpg format, 5MB maximum in total) or website links (for video / sound material). The panel is particularly keen to see work completed in the last two years. Please include a full explanatory list of supporting information (word document or PDF)

●Current CV (word document or PDF)

How to send your application

Please provide the above documents and supporting information via a publicDROPBOX link. Please ensure we have the necessary permissions to access this folder. Use the ‘share’, ‘get link’ function - do not simply copy the link from your browser address.

Please send this information to Laura Evans, Marketing Manager at

Applications without supporting documentation will not be considered.

For any inquiries about the call out please email

All applications are reviewed by a selection panel, comprising partner organisations. Successful applicants will be informed by 6th March. Please assume your application has been unsuccessful if you have not heard by this 12th March. We are sorry but we are unable to feedback on unsuccessful applications due to limited capacity.



Name: / Address:
Please address all of the following sections (not exceeding 1000 words in total)
An introduction to your work. Please provide a clear and informative summary of your work, highlighting key projects over the next year (e.g. collaborations, exhibitions, performances, publications etc.)
An outline of the critical context for your practice. Please provide a summary of the ideas that influence and inform your work
Why you want to participate in this programme. So please outline the reasons that participating in this micro residency will make a difference to you and your work?
Your Interest in the residency themes. Please highlight how you would like to develop collaborative working and explore new cross art form dialogues within your practice?


UK Young Artists and Porthmeor Studios are committed to making our Equal Opportunities policies fully effective. Monitoring is an important part of this process and will help us to identify areas of under-representation in our work.

Your cooperation in filling in this section of the form is greatly appreciated. We stress that any information that you give will be strictly confidential and will not be made available to anyone outside of the application administration. You are not obliged to answer any of the questions. If you do not wish to answer any particular question please feel free to leave it blank.

None of this information will be used to assess your application for the weekender

How would you describe your gender:

☐Male☐Female☐Transexual☐Non-gendered☐Prefer not to say


☐18-30☐31-45☐46-60☐60 and over

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?


☐Other☐Prefer not to say

How would you describe your ethnic origin?

Are you a disabled person as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act?


If yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The disability could be physical, sensory or mental and must be expected to last at least 12 months.”

UK Young Artists works closely with our partner universities to develop skills and

employability of students and graduates. To evaluate the impact of this work, it is useful for

us to capture data about which universities artists have attended. Please select the option

that applies to you:

I have attended:

Nottingham Trent University

De Montfort University

University of Derby

Other, please state:


UK Young Artists Registered Charity: 1164826