Icebreaker Quiz for Oral Health Professionals
(Correct Answers are Highlighted)
Test Your Oral Health Knowledge!
- The #1 chronic health problem among children is:
- ___ Asthma
- ___ Tooth Decay
- ___ Obesity
- ___ Diabetes
Source: Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General
- Tooth decay can be prevented.
- ___ True
- ___ False
Source:Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
- Tooth decay is caused by bacteria.
- ___ True
- ___ False
Source: NIH’s National Center for Biotechnology Information
- Tooth decay is notcontagious. You can’t get it from someone else.
- ___ True
- ___ False(Tooth decay is an infectious disease.It can be contagious.)
Source:American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
- It is not safe for pregnant women to visit the dentist for dental treatment.
- ___ True
- ___ False (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released recommendations in 2013 emphasizing that it’s safe for women to get dental care at any point during a pregnancy.)
- Left untreated, tooth decay can lead to infections in other parts of your
- ___ True
- ___ False
Source: NIH’s National Library of Medicine
- What are dental sealants?
- ___ a clear liquid painted on children’s teeth to prevent decay
- ___ a plastic coating applied to children’s teeth to prevent decay
- ___ a metal veneer applied to children’s teeth to prevent decay
Source:NIH’s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
- What is fluoride?
- A man-made chemical
- A natural mineral found in drinking water
- A bad germ
- Other ______
Source:United States Environmental Protection Agency
- The use of fluoride (in toothpaste and in tap water) has been documented to be both safe and effective for the prevention and control of tooth decay.
- ___ True
- ___ False
Source: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Medicare and Medicaid, the primary sources of medical coverage for low-income seniors, both include a mandatory dental benefit.
- ___ True
- ___ False(Federal legislation establishing Medicaid, like Medicare, does not include a dental benefit. Many states provide some level of dental coverage, but they are not required to do so.)
- Toothaches are the 3rd most common pain of the mouth or face reported
byU.S. adults.
- ___ True
- ___ False(According to the CDC, toothaches are the #1 most common pain of the mouth or face reported by U.S. adults.)
- What percentage of U.S. adults aged 65 and older has gum disease?
- ___ Less than 10%
- ___ Approximately 25 %
- ___ Approximately 50%
- ___ More than 60%(According to a study released by the Journal of Dental Research in 2012, in adults 65 and older, 64% had either moderate or severe periodontitis.)
This quiz was developed by the Children's Dental Health Projectthrough CDC Cooperative AgreementNumber 5U58DP002285-04. Our thanks to State Oral Health Programs in Maryland, Michigan, North Dakota and Rhode Island, and the Hershel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy, University of Maryland, for content review.