MAC AGM 08/10/15 at The Victoria Club Street 7pm

Present :Marc Braddock Ian Humphreys Holly Locke Andy Rumley Peter Grosjean Alice Grosjean Sarah Stillwell Heidi Stillwel Jemima Stillwell Marc Stillwell Sengal Ceylon Janet Ceylon Scarlett Locke Freya Braddock Sam Nash Sue Acott Lucy Acott Thea Piercy Bella Piercy Harry Acott Niel Piercy David Harkman Pete Dickens George Dickens Grant Watson Helen Watson Jasmine Watson Amelia Watson Tracie Samuel Ewan Samuel Mcchumpha Mcchumpha Gwladys Chevalier-Berry Oliver Berry Chris Walker Amelia Walker Isabelle Walker Alison Hudson Niami Hudson Julian Fouracres Tract Fouracres Tanya Ross Laura Merrit Keith Hay Kieran Hay Marie Howe Jamie Howe Dylan Williams Stephen Williams Mary-Lou Poore Vicky Rose Anna Rose Theo Pampere Devon Rampere Keneth Rampere Claire Rampere Annie Taylor Tottie Taylor Toby Ross Tayo House Tommy Edgar Nathan Keene Jon Chivers Ellie Chivers Archie Fouracres Becky Wheeler Izzy Wheeler Lotty Wheeler Rachel Long Mackenzie O'Dea Phobe Aspinall Rachel Hummel Chris Hummel To my Hummel Allan Sandford Lyn Sandford Sophie Sandford Jordan Clark Jane Clark Jake Fouracres Bobby Clark Charlie Cooke Fabian Edgar Christian Clark Jane Wood Marc Braddock Robin Callender Jess Dickens Helen Cooke Olivia Cook.

Appologies: Pippa Poore Jo Price Murray Grant.

The Clubs key objectives : To have fun develop skills and develop confidence

Special Guest Dan Cossins - Former junior international and coach to international GB sprinters.

Dan will present prizes.

Our President Jason Gardiner has just been elected to the position of President of UK Athletics

MAC Awards 2015

U9 girls : Evelyn Wigley

U9 boys: Dylan Williams

U11 girls: Ruby Varney

U11 boys: Tommy Hummel

The Chairmans Report : To be sent via email

Club Positives:

Membership is buoyant

Finances healthy

The GRR is a real benefit to the club finances

The membership stands at about 100 people however without the support of the GRR the club would be in the Red!

Membership Fees will remain the same this year.

We have some new officials and coaches this year who help out at 3 MAC opens and 5 SWAL events.

New Club Records: awarded £5:00

U8 girls : Bella Piercy

U8 girls. : Jada Rowland

U8 boys : Harry Acott

U8 boys : Oliver Berry

U8 girls : Lottie Wheeler

U9 girls. : Sengal Ceylan x 3

U9 boys : Dylan Williams x 3

U9 girls. : Evelyn Wigley

U10 boys : Mackenzie O'Dea x 2

U10 boys : Jamie Howe x 4

U11 boys : Tommy Hummel

U11 boys : Felix Skelton

U11 girls. : Phoebe Aspinall x 3

U11 girls : Maddie Slade

U13 girls : Heidi Sillwell

U15 girls. : Jasmine Watson x 3

U17 girls. : Mary-Lou Poore x 2 Mary- Lou has also been awarded a place on the Somerset school team.*

U20 W. : Claudia Lavender

U20 M. : Nathan Folefac x 2

U20 M. : Niall Harethwaites


  1. Insufficient structured training for other athletes
  2. The next generation of committee members is vital for the clubs continuation.
  3. The attendance at the SWAL is very poor.


1) More structure to training

Proposed that Pete Grosjean to supervise volunteer parent coaches for year 6 & 7 and help with preparation for a small fee from club.

2) Club Roles that Need Filling :

Following people offered their support with roles subject to follow up and further clarification from club

Treasurer : Lyn Sandford and Sue Acott

Membership Secretary / Club Secretary : Patrick Aspinall (potentially to discuss either role)

MAC social organiser : Tracie Samuel

Welfare Officer : Keith Hay / Rachel Hummel

Equipment buyer : ??

SWAL fixtures organiser : ??

SWAL / MAC photographer: Janet Ceylan

Keith Hay potentially able to offered support in other roles and sprints coaching

Grant Watson potentially able to support in a non-admin role

Conditioning on Tuesday nights available for older athletes.

Special presentation and speech from Dan Cossins international sprint coach.

Marc gave three options of the kind of club we want to be

1. Just for fun and fitness with no commitment to competitions

2. A semi competitive club where all athletes (outside GCSE and A’Level final years) commit to take part in the 4 Sunday competitions with parental support…

3. A highly competitive club where we focus on competition and move up the league with more selective entry to club.

Have focused on 2) above ….but will have to become 1) if we do not have support from parents and athletes for SWAL in particular

Supporting the MAC open

3 per year, Thursday evenings, Meet and make friends with other clubs

Open to u11's, At Milfield, Friendly atmosphere, PB's contribute to the power 10

South West Athletics League (SWAL)

May- September , 4 Sunday events only, Fun, Low pressure, basis for AGM Awards,

Parents get envolved, Bus laid for away meets, Good for club morale

Club awards

Endeavour : Sophie Sandford

Most improved female : U17 Jess Dickens

Most improved male : U15 Tayo House

Best Newcomer : V30+ Marc Stillwell

Best performance by a male athlete: U11 Jamie Howe

Best performance by a female athlete : U17 Alice Grosjean

Most improved male : U15 Tayo House

Awards voted on the night:

Junior appreciation award : Mackenzie O'Dea Phoebe Aspinall and Charlie Cooke - ACTION - additional awards to be forwarded

Best Coach Award: Andy Rumley

MAC SWAL Championship

Best Team

1. U13 girls

2. Senior Men

3. U15 girls

U13 girls

1. Heidi Stillwell

2. Jemima Stillwll

3. Amelia Warson

U13 boys

1. Theo Rampere



U15 girls

1. Scarlett Locke

2. Freya Braddock

3. Jasmine Watson

U15 boys


U17 women

1. Mary-Lou Poore

2. Jess Dickens


U17 men.


U20 women

1. Abigail's Barton

Senior Men

1. Ian Humphreys

2. Ken Rampere

3. Marc Braddock

Overall SWAL champion

Mary-Lou Poore

The Mac Christmas social is 6th December 10:30 for the fun run and party afterwards.

The next committee meeting Sunday 1st November at Tor Leisure 6.30pm,