Minutes ETC meeting, June26thand 27th, 2007

Date:TuesdayJune 26thand Wednesday June27th, 2007

Time:09:00 - 18:00 and 9:00 - 16:00

Meeting place:swissgrid, Laufenburg

Participants:Christian Odgaard, Energinet.dk
Christoph Ruffing, swissgrid, CH
Kees Sparreboom, TenneT, NL
Ove Nesvik (Secretary), EdiSys, NO
FilipDrijkoningen, Interelectra/UMIX, BE


1)Approval of agenda

The agenda was approved with the following additions:

  • Clarifications/questions from Belgium, see item 11), AOB
  • Review of Appendix B (Work items for ETC), see item 11), AOB
  • How to handle identifier lists and schemas, see item 7), Status XML schemas.
  • Standard Business Document Header (SBDH), see item 7), Status XML schemas.
  • Review of changes to the Harmonised role model, see item 11), AOB

2)Minutes from previous meetings


3)Presentation of VSE (Verband Schweitzerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen)

Christoph gave a presentation of the data exchange processes defined by VSE for the open Swiss energy market.

4)Status for questions and presentation at the next UN/CEFACT Forum in Stockholm

Lucy has tried to get in touch with Christian Huemer, but so far without luck, i.e. the item was postponed.

5)Walkthrough ebIX ABIEs and DTs – Main item

The walkthrough of the ABIEs and CDTs from the ebIX CC registry version 0.7.G were continued from where we stopped on the previous meeting.

Among others the following decisions where made:

  • The ABIE Reference was removed. For the future the term “reference” should be used on the role of an association and the referenced object should be the relevant ABIE, e.g. Party, Domain or Document.
  • The Local metering point characteristics Meter reading frequency and Scheduled meter reading date were joined into the new ABIE Meter reading event (based on the ACC Event) with the two BBIEs Occurrence (Scheduled meter reading date) and Frequency type (Meter reading frequency).
  • The Local metering point characteristics Tax category will be handled by an ABIE based on the ACC Tax.
  • The ACC Contract will only be used for the ABIE Grid contract (billed through the Balance supplier or not)
  • The rest of the characteristics will be handled by an ABIE based on the ACC Feature.
  • The ABIE Energy Metrics was changed to only containing the ABIE Reported. The Quality and Origin attributes was moved to the ABIE Observation status.
  • The Start and End date of supply will be handled by an ABIE based on the ACC Period.
  • The Estimated annual volume will be sent in the ABIE Energy metrics with the BBIEs Reported (Estimated annual volume) and Meter timeframe type.
  • It was mad a new (proposed) ACC Product, containing a product code and a Measurement unit.

The walkthrough covered most of the CuS needs for ABIEs and will also cover a large part of the need from EMD. A cleanup (removal of no more used ABIEs) is however needed. This will be done on the next ETC meetings and/or related to the updates of the CuS and EMD models.

6)Finalise Test (integration) related to UML/UMM packages (CCs, Code lists, etc)

Homework from previous meeting:

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.

7)Status XML schemas.

How to handle identifier lists and schemas

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.

Standard Business Document Header (SBDH)

Kees gave a presentation of the SBDH and how it can be implemented within the energy industry. The proposal will be further discussed in the common ETSO and ebIX EMVR project.

8)Discuss possible ways of presentation EDIFACT mapping.

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.


Kees reported from the ETSO, EFET and ebIX Harmonisation group meeting the day before:

  • The Role model was reviewed and almost all changes proposed from ebIX were agreed.
  • The EMVR project will base the work on the project plan, i.e. CCs, document header and acknowledgement and error handling, and not concentrate on UCTE questions.
  • The status of the ETSO and IEC workshop was presented by Mike Conroy. ETSO has defined 5 basic building blocks (ACCs: Document, TimeSeries, Period, Interval and Reason) which will be added/updated into the CIM.

10)Next meeting(s)

  • Thursday 26thand Friday27thof July, Amsterdam – Note: Changed dates
  • XML workshop meeting – Making ebIX schemas for the first implementation in Switzerland.
  • Tentative: Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th, or Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of September in Stockholm (linked with the UN/CEFACT Forum meeting).
  • Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th of October 2007, Germany (linked with the ebIX Forum meeting October 19th)


Clarifications/questions from Belgium

The use of the sequence diagramon the EMD documents and CUS documents are different. Filip proposed a discussion to come up with an agreement ona common way of workingfor both documents.

Kees explained that the CuS model was made on an earlier stage than the EMD models. For CuS the modelling tool have been used more or less as a drawing tool, while EMD has done the modelling more “correct” modelling wise. Ove stressed that the CuS way of documentation is easier to read from a business point of view. How to do it in the future will be described in the updated Methodology.

Review of Appendix B (Work items for ETC)

The work item list was reviewed and updated, see Appendix B.

Review of changes to the Harmonised role model

Due to lack of time the item was postponed.

Appendix AParticipants in ETC

Name / Company / Telephone / Mobile / E-mail
Alexander Pisters / RWE / +49 234 515-2442 / +49 162 257 5428 /
Christian Odgaard / Energinet.dk / +45 76 22 44 63 / +45 23 33 85 55 /
FilipDrijkoningen / Interelectra/UMIX / +32 11266495 / +32 4 95586471 /
Jon-Egil Nordvik / Statnett / +47 22 52 70 00 / +47 975 36 303 /
Kees Sparreboom / TenneT / +31 622 66 7911 /
Lucy Sarkisian (Convenor) / TenneT / +31613 643 092 /
Christoph Ruffing / swissgrid / +41 58 580 21 37 / +41 76 313 15 63 /
Ove Nesvik (Secretary) / EdiSys / +47 22 42 13 80 / +47 928 22 908 /
Matti Vasara / Fingrid / +358 405 19 5017 /
Terje Nilsen / Nord Pool / +47 67 52 80 44 / +47 930 34 100 /

Appendix BWork items for ETC

A)ebIX architecture for

  1. Final review of Code lists
  2. ebIX Core Components
  3. Publication of the above elements in a readable format (Word, PDF…)

B)Migration of EMD models to the new UMM structure
Homework: Kees will make atrial version of the EMD model including one UseCase and relevant supporting artefacts.

C)Migration of CuS models to the new UMM structure
Homework: Ove will make atrial version of the CuS model including one UseCase and relevant supporting artefacts.

D)Update of the ebIX Methodology

E)Update of the ebIX Domain model (currently under discussion within the ETSO, EFET and ebIX Harmonisation group).

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