Eagle Class

Lesson Plan # 3

Core Lesson: Building a Go-To Team

  • Introduction to Core Lesson 23: Building a GO-TO Team.
  • Healthy Habit/Warm Up: Play- A variety of energizing play can help the body stay strong, lean and fit, and be fun in the process. Group work outs.
  • Golf Skill: On Course Activity
  • Rules of Golf: Equipment: Clubs and the ball- 4-1,2; 4c; 5-2
  • Golf Fundamental: Body Balance
  • Homework: Pages 24 - 30

“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.”

- Anonymous

Everyone wants to believe that we have all the knowledge and abilities to handle whatever life or golf throws our way. However, the truth is that if we are going to be successful on and off the golf course, we have to learn from other people. This lesson plan is designed to help students understand how to engage with people who may be able to help them improve. After this lesson plan, students should know what a Go-To Team is and what it takes to put one together.

Warm-Up: Golf Fitness Warm-Up Activity- have one group demonstrate their warm up activity that they developed week one or do Golf Fitness Warm-up Activity (odd numbered workout day – see separate “Golf Circuit Warm-Up” handout located on the private coach website)

Opening Questions: After completing the golf fitness warm-up exercises above, coaches and participants will discuss the following questions:

  1. What do you think a Go-To Team is?
  2. Go-To Team: a group of people that you can rely on for sound advice or help when needed. Below are some characteristics of a Go-To Team.
  3. The people on your Go-To Team should have some special expertise in a particular area.
  4. For middle school/high school students, usually the people on your Go-To Team will be at least in college or older.
  5. You should have Go-To Teams for several different areas of your life including golf, school, relationships and more.
  6. The only way someone is going to be on your golf team is if you ask them.
  7. Be sure to write your Go-To Teams on paper and get contact information.
  8. Does anyone have a Go-To Team or something like a Go-To Team set up?
  9. How do you benefit from having a Go-To Team?
  10. Do you think the idea of balance is important when creating a Go-To Team?
  11. How do you incorporate balance into your practice and playing routines?

On Course Activity: “Caddy, Captain and Competitor”

Objectives of Game: This game helps students to see a new perspective when playing the golf course that they might not normally have. This is to simulate getting a new perspective from people on your Go-To Team. It also encourages students to be a Go-To Person which is a lesson they will cover later in the season.

Objectives of Golf Fundamental:The golf fundamental of the day is body balance, so coaches should keep any instruction given around the concept of body balance including set-up, actual swing, and finish position. Players will also be competing to see who has the lowest score. This means that they should remember their pre-shot routine for each shot. They should also try to incorporate the Four R’s (Replay, Relax, Ready, Redo) and Personal Par that were learned in Par.


Description of Set-Up:none

Diagram of Set-Up: none

How To Play:Players will complete the following 3 activities. Be sure to give them enough time to complete all three. This means starting the activity on time and transitioning effectively. Distribute a Coaching Card (at bottom of lesson plan) to each player before beginning the activity.

  1. Caddy - Pair up the participants. The first two holes the participants play one hole each while the other player caddies for them. The caddy should ask the player the questions listed on the Coaching Card.
  2. Captain (Captain’s Choice/Scramble) - Partners play a scramble/captains choice for the next two holes and help each other to remember to do their pre-shot routine that they started to develop last week. The partners should go over the questions on the Coaching Card together.
  3. Competitor - Players play their own balls for the last two holes. Players should ask themselves the questions from the Coaching Card.
  4. ***Bonus activity if time is available - After completing the hole, players should put their ball at a 3 foot putt. Explain to them that their Go-To Team can also be their pre-shot routine. Have the participant run around the green (or some other physical activity) and then try to make the 3 foot putt. If they miss, they must then run around the green twice and try again. Ask them questions like, were you able to get your body and emotions under control before you putted? If so, How? Were you able to do your pre –shot routine? When playing golf can your routine be part of your Go-To Team? This part can be done on the practice green if necessary.

Bridge to Life: Use the following questions to help participants apply their “on-course” work to their “off-course” activities and experiences.

  1. What did you learn about your golf game in today’s activity?
  2. Did you like using the coaching card? Why?
  3. Are there any areas of your golf game where you need help?
  4. How do you plan to go about getting help in this area?
  5. What other aspects of your life would benefit from a Go-To Team?
  6. How are you going to commit to making Go-To Teams a part of your life in the next week? Remind them that they can use the templates in their yardage books to record their Go-To Team information.

Lesson Plan Progression: Activities will follow this sequence.

  • Light stretching and practicing as participants arrive
  • Golf fitness warm-up
  • Discuss the idea of “Go-To Teams” and ask warm-up questions
  • Break students into group and pass out coaching cards to be used on course
  • Explain activity
  • Send participants on course to complete all activities
  • Bridge to Life questions

Coach Notes:This lesson is designed to help kids see the importance of creating Go-To Teams. Share experiences from your life or stories you know of Go-To Teams having a positive impact.

Make sure students are using the Coaching Cards while they are completing the on-course activities.

When you provide instruction, be sure it is focused on the idea of body balance. Review Golf Fundamentals for balance instruction if necessary.

Lead Coaches – Print several copies of the Coaching Card below and distribute them to participants before heading out on the golf course.

Coaching Card

  1. For the first part of the activity when you are the caddy, ask your player the following questions.
  2. For the second part of the activity, go over the questions belowas partners.
  3. For the third part of the activity, ask yourself the questions below.
  • What does the situation look like?
  • What options do youhave?
  • What is your goal for this shot?
  • How will this affect your next shot?
  • What club would give you the best opportunity for success?
  • After picking a club say, “Remember to use your pre shot routine.”
  • Today’s swing thought is - Start balanced, swing balanced, finish balanced!

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