Ch. 13 - Age of Jackson Essential Questions

Enduring Understanding:

To understand the present and make plans for their future, you must first understand the past.

Essential Questions

  1. What federal actions brought conflict and cooperation among Americans in the North, South, and West?
  2. How did American democracy expand during the early 1800’s?

Guiding Questions

Section 1

  1. Why did some Americans want a greater voice in government?They wanted to elect officials and have a greater voice in politics.
  2. Why is it necessary to have an established plan for electing a president?To prevent chaos, to make sure the right person takes office
  3. How did the election of 1824 divide Americans?“corrupt bargain” – didn’t elect who they wanted or thought should have been elected
  4. Why did the election of 1828 mark a turning point in politics?More people voted

Section 2

  1. How did the spoils system operate under President Jackson?He elected his supporters whether they were qualified or not.
  2. Why did Jackson think the spoils system helped further the rights of ordinary citizens?Gave them a chance to hold office and be apart of the political system
  3. What argument did Jackson use to defend the spoils system?Step toward democracy
  4. Why did President Jackson battle the Bank of the United States?He wanted federal money put in state banks that were run by his friends.

Section 3

  1. How did the tariff and nullification issue develop into a crisis? Hurt southern states but not northern states

-How did the debate over tariffs create a crisis for the Union?South Carolina threatened to secede.

-How did Jackson handle the Nullification Crisis in 1832?Clay wrote the compromise tariff.

  1. Why did Jackson’s battle with the Bank create an economic crisis for the nation?State banks printed too much money without enough specie to back it up
  2. How did Native Americans lose their ancestral lands in the Southeast?Indian Removal Act – Trail of Tears; Southerners wanted their land.

Section 4

  1. What problems did Jackson’s successor face?Economic problems, depression, Panic of 1837
  2. Why would an economic crisis develop in 1837?Land speculation, too much money printed without specie to back it up
  3. How did the Whigs come to power?William Henry Harrison, a Whig, became President in 1840.