Core 1 PDHPE - Health Priorities in Australia

Overview: This compulsory module examines the health status of Australians and investigates, in depth, the current health priority issues in Australia. Students identify and justify the choice of priority issues and examine the roles that the health system and health promotion play in achieving better health for all Australians. Students learn how health can be promoted by personal and community action and by policies and services at all levels of responsibility. For a more detailed look at the syllabus, please click here

HSC exam: Question 1-10 (multiple choice) and question 21 (20 marks - usually 3 questions; often interrelated)

Great Revision helpers from fellow PDHPE Scholar Schools"

Bacons PDHPE class

FOCUS QUESTION 1 - How are priority issues for Australia's health identified?

Key syllabus points:

•Measuring Health Status

◦Role of epidemiology

◦Measures of epidemiology - mortality, morbidity, infant mortality, life expectancy

• Identifying priority health issues. (Remember the SPPPC acronym)

◦Social justice principles

◦ Priority population groups

◦ Prevalence of condition

◦ Potential for prevention and early intervention

◦ Costs to the individual and community

For a good overview of each syllabus point, check out this wiki!

FOCUS QUESTION 3 - What are the priority issues for improving Australia's health?

Key syllabus points:

•Groups experiencing health inequities

◦ATSI (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders) - compulsory syllabus study area

◦Socioeconomically disadvantaged people - this is the study area the class chose

•High levels of preventable chronic disease, injury and mental health problems

◦ CVD (Cardiovascular disease) - compulsory syllabus study area

◦ Cancer - compulsory syllabus study area

◦ Diabetes - this is the study area the class chose

• A growing and ageing population

◦ Healthy ageing

◦ Increased population living with chronic disease and disability

◦ Demand for health services and workforce shortages

◦ Availability of carers and volunteers

FOCUS QUESTION 3 - What role do health care facilities play in achieving better health for all Australians?

Key syllabus points:

•Health Care in Australia

◦ Range and type of health facilities and services

◦ Responsibility for health facilities and services

◦ Equity of access to health facilities and services

◦ Health care expenditure v's expenditure on early intervention

◦ Impact of emerging new treatments and technologies on health care (e.g.) costs and access, benefits of early detection

◦ Health insurance: Medicare and private

•Complementary and alternative health products and services

◦ Reasons for growth of complementary and alternative health products and services

◦ Range of products and services available

◦ How to make informed consumer choices