CORALINE (script)
Miss Spink - Bára
Miss Forcible - Ksenia
(Hamish, Andrew, Jock - dogs)
Whybie - Josey
Other Whybie - Sam
Whybie's granny – Kačka M.
Mr Bobinsky - Trin
Father - Dan
Mother - Agáta
Coraline – Amálka/Louisa
Other Mother - Laura
Other Father - Jonáš
Other Bobinsky - Trin
Other Ms F - Kačka
Other Ms S - Verča
Cat - Matilda
Ghost – Tony
Music: Sophie
Technical support: Vincent
Coraline moves into the new house with parents, explores the house, meets the neighbors.
Miss Spink: Hello, Caroline, you know, me and Miss Forcible, we were actresses once.
Coraline: It's Coraline not Caroline!
Miss Forcible: Never let Hamish eat fruit cake, he is always sick.
Coraline odchází
Mr Bobinsky: Hi Caroline, I have a mouse circus upstairs! But you can't see it. Do you know why?
Coraline: No, and don't call me Caroline. It's Coraline.
Mr Bobinsky: The mice are not ready yet, they don't want to sing the song I wrote for them. They only sing oomta, oomta oomta….
Coralines meets a cat and she runs away.
Coraline meets Whybie. He scares her.
Coraline: Oh, hi, who are you?
Whybie: I live next door. It's my grandma's house.
Coraline: Why doesn't she live there?
Whybie: Ummmm, she….I think I need to go.
The cat comes to Whybie.
Coraline: Is it your cat?
WH: It's nobody's cat.
Grandma: Whyborn! Time for dinner!
C: Whyborn? Why were your born? Hahaha
Grandma: Whyborn!!! Come home! Don´t talk to the people from the pink house.
WH: I gotta go, be careful.
C:Bye! …Whyborn.
Mother: Coraline, dinner!
C. goes home for dinner.
Coraline: It's raining again.
Mother: Hmmm
Coraline: What should I do?
Mother: Read or go talk to the ladies next door.
Coraline: I don't want to, I want to explore.
Mother: I don't care what you do, just don't do any mess!
Coraline is bored with books, TV, ….
Coraline: Dad?
Father: Hello, Coraline Jones.
Coraline: It's raining, can I go out?
Father: What does your mother say?
Coraline: She says, make no mess.
Father: Then no. And let me work.
Coraline: I'm bored! I want to explore.
Father: So go explore the house, count the doors and windows. I need to work.
Coraline goes exploring and counting and finds a door.
C: OK, so we have 25 boring windows, in six boring rooms, one boring stairs. A boring picture with a very boring boy. And 9 boring doors. Oh wait, there is one more!
Coraline: Mum, where does the door go?
Mother: Nowhere.
Coraline: All doors go somewhere.
Mother: This goes nowhere, look!
Coraline: Oh, OK, why don't you lock it?
Mother: It is bricked anyway.
Coraline goes to sleep. Hears noises.
Goes to the door, opens it but there is nothing inside, just bricks. She goes to sleep.
Next day.
Coraline: Mum, I'm bored.
Mother: When does the school start?
Coraline: Next week.
Mother: We must buy new clothes.
Coraline: What should I do?
Mother: Draw something.
Coraline: Dad? I'm bored.
Father: Draw something.
Coraline: Why don't you play with me?
Father: Busy, working!
Coraline goes out. Meets Mr. Bobinsky.
Mr. B.: Hello Caroline. The mice have a message for you.
C.: A message?
Mr. B: I don't understand but they say: Don't go through that door! And they call you Coraline, not Caroline, they are just crazy. Don´t pay attention to them.
Coraline goes to the ladies.
Ms F: Oh, hello Caroline, do you want some tea?
Coraline: Yes, please.
Ms S: I think black tea is the best.
Ms F: No, only the green one. Here is your tea, Caroline.
Coraline: Thank you.
Ms S: I can read the leaves.
C: What?
Ms S: I can see the future. (takes the cup) Oh, you are in danger!
Ms F: Your eyes are bad, show me. Oh, really, you are in danger!
Coraline: In danger?
Ms F: Take this, it helps against bad things.
Coraline: Thank you
Meets Whybie
C: Oh, hi, it’s you again!
WH: Hi, how are you? What´s your name?
C: Coraline.
WH: Coraline? That´t a strange name.
C: Why are you following me?
WH: Look at my camera.
C: Oh, nice.
Granny: Whyborn, come home, don’t talk to her.
WH: But granny, this is my friend.
C: I´m not.
Granny: Come home, the house is dangerous. You know that my brother got lost there. Come Whyborn!
(leaves, goes home, she is bored again and the parents are not at home, she takes the key and goes to the door, opens it and it leads to another flat. It's the same as theirs.
Other Mother: Coraline! Is that you?
Coraline: Who are you?
Other M: I am your other Mother.
Coraline: My other Mother?
OM: Go, tell your other father, that the dinner is ready.
Coraline: Hello, …she says, the dinner is ready.
Other Father: Great, I'm so hungry. What is it going to be today? Turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy? I love when the other mother cooks. (he is funny)
(they eat and the food is so good)
OM: We were waiting for you so long!
C: For me?
OM: Yes, we wanted to be a good family. Do you want more chicken?
C: I didn't know I have another mother.
OM: Everybody has!
C: The chicken is so good.
OF: Do you want to play outside?
C: It's raining.
OM: We love rain.
OF: Your friend is waiting for you.
C: My friend?
Otevřou dveře a stojí tam Whybie a usmívá se
OM: He doens´t talk. I think you like him better like this.
She goes out and plays in a beautiful garden with her dad. Mother is waving. They meet Bobinsky.
MrB: Coraline, come watch my circus. The mice are ready and they are really good. (She goes and watches the circus)
C: Oh, it's so funny. Look at that!
MrB: They can dance in the shape of your name!
She goes back, she meets the cat.
Cat: Hello, Coraline.
C: I know a cat like you but it doesn't talk. Are you the other cat?
Cat: No, I am the only cat.
C: I am Coraline, what's your name?
Cat: Cats don't have names.
C: We can be friends. (Cats goes away)
C: What is this place?
Cat: It's here.
C: How did you get here?
Cat: Like this, I walked (trick and disappears) .. you should be careful!
Coraline goes to the actresses - they dance and they are really beautiful.
Coraline comes out and the parents ask:
OF: Did you have a good time?
C: Yes
OF: Do you like it here?
C: Yes, it is very interesting.
OM: You can stay forever.
C: Hmmmm.
OF: Do you want to stay?
C: Can I?
OF: Of course, we can play games and have fun!
OM: We only need one thing from you.
C: What is it?
OM: This is for you (gives her buttons)
C: No way!!!!! I don't want buttons for eyes.
OF: But if you want to stay...
OM: It does not hurt.
OF: We want the best for you.
C: I go to sleep.
OM: Of course, talk to you tomorrow!
OF: See you, darling. (they are waving.)
Coraline escapes home through the hole.
C: Mom! Dad! Where are you? Oh, mom did the shopping and dad will cook! (najde zkažené jidlo)
Nobody is at home, she eats what she finds and waits for her parents, she goes to sleep, the cat comes.
C: What are you doing? Do you know where my parents are?
The cat takes her to a mirror and the parents write HELP US on the glass.
C: No!!! She caught them! No!
Přijde Whybie s babičkou.
Whybie: Ummm, I guess we must tell you something.
Granny: We lived in this house once. But they took my brother away, he went to the other world and we never saw him again. Coraline, go save your parents and look for my brother, please!
Whybie: I´ll go with you.
Granny: Whybie, no, you are the only one I have left.
C: You stay here, I´ll be right back!
C: OK, let’s go save them!
C: Mother (obejme matku, ale zjistí, že je to other mother) Where are my parents? I want them back!!!
OM: They did not want you. They are happy without you. And we will be a happy family. So be a nice girl and come have a snack. And give me the key.
C: You don't have your own key?
OF: There is just one key.
OM: Shhhhh! If you don't want to eat, come to bed. I want to sleep too.
Coraline goes out and meets the cat and Whybie.
C: Does it hurt? (na Whybieho)
Sees the cat
C: Oh, it's you. Why does she want me?
Cat: She wants something to love.
C: What should I do?
Cat: She likes playing games. Play a game with her! And now go to sleep, you must be strong!
Coraline blocks the bedroom door and goes to sleep.
In the morning, she meets the OF
OF: Good morning.
C: Where is she?
OF: You mean your other mother? She went outside. I can't talk to you when she's not here.
C: I'll go explore.
OF: There is nothing to explore, she only made this house.
C: She made it?
OF: I can't talk to you.
(meets the cat)
C: Did she make this all for me?
Cat: Yes, let me show you something.
C: Where are we?
Cat: We are going around the world. Her world.
C: Oh, are we back? What a small world.
Goes back in the house. OM is there.
OM: Oh, good morning darling, what game will we play?
C: I just want my real parents, let them go.
OM: Is it hide and seek, Monopoly?
C: I don't love you, let us all go!
OM. Come with me.
C: You are sick and evil!
OM: How do you talk you your mother?
C: You are not my mother!!!
OM: OK, (she takes Coraline and locks her inside a mirror) You can come outside when you are a loving daughter!
C. explores the room.
Ghost: Are you alive?
C: I think so, who are you?
G: Shhhh, she can hear you.
C: You mean the other mother. What's your name?
G: I don't remember my name. She took my eyes, my name, my life.
G: Run away!
C: I can't, she has my parents!
G: Can you save me too?
C: What can I do?
G: She has my souls, find my eyes.
C: Poor you, I will save my parents and I will save you!
She falls asleep.
G: Look through the stone…
The OM opens the door and takes Coraline out.
They are in the kitchen, OM cooking lunch.
OM: I gave you a lesson and now I will love you and you will love me.
C: There was a child inside, a ghost. You want to do the same to me.
OM: You are silly, no, I will always love you. And I don't believe in ghosts. Your favorite omelette.
C: You like games.
OM: Everybody likes games.
C: Let's play one. If you win, I stay and you can love me. I will take the buttons.
OM: And if you win?
C: You let everybody go, me, my parents, the children.
OM: OK, what is the game about?
C: Exploring game. I will find my parents and the soul of the ghost!
OM: Hahahaha, you will never find it, but OK, you can try. It’s a deal. Now eat your breakfast.
Coralina vyrazí na průzkum, hledá všude možně.
Ghost: Look through the stone!
Coralina najde v kapse kamínek a kouká se zkrz, hledá dál, hledá ve svých hračkách, atd. kouká kamínkem a nakonec najde v hračkách něco kulatého.
Ghost: Yes miss, thank you. But hurry up, she will be very angry!
Jde ven, vane vichr.
C: play fair!
Jde k babkám, tam je tma a vyletí na ní netopýři, najde tam other Father, je celý unavený a zřízený.
OF: Run away, Coraline! She wants me to hurt you, run away!
C: You poor thing. She made you and then she threw you away!
OF: I can´t fight her.
C: You must be brave!
OF: I can´t!!!
Chce jí chytit, perou se, Coraline u utrhne knoflík místo oka, přemůže ho.
Jde k Bobinskému.
MrB: Little girl!
C: Yes? I am not afraid!
MrB: Little girl, it’s me. What will you do if you will. Nothing will change. You’ll be bored and they will ignore you again. They don’t understand you. Stay here with us. We will listen to you and play with you. You will get everything you want.
C: You don’t understand. I don’t want to get everything I want. It’s no fun!
MrB: I don’t understand.
C: Of course, you don’t understand. You are just a bad copy.
Podívá se na něj skrz kámen.
MrB: Not even that anymore.
Coraline se k němu přiblíží, kabát se rozpadne, vylezou z něj krysy a jedna utíká. Coraline se na ní podívá skrz kamínek.
C: Thant´s it! Stop, you have something I need!
Honí krysu, upadne, ale přiběhne kočka a krysu chytí do zubů.
Cat: Is this what you need? (dává jí kuličku)
C: Thank you!
Ghost: Thank you Miss. But she lied to you, she will never let you go!
C: Do you think she will break the promise? She will never let us go … (koukne se na kuličky) … I must find my parents!
Cat: I think she can't play fair.
Jde do domu i s kočkou
OM: So you're back. And you brought this with you.
C: I brought a friend.
OM: You know I love you.
C: You have very funny way of showing it.
OM: Well, where are they?
Coraline jí ukáže kuličky, matka se po nich natáhne a Coraline uhne.
C: We aren't finished yet.
OM: No, you must find your parents.
C: Yes.
OM: So produce them.
C: I know where they are. (mezitím se stále kouká na římsu u krbu)
OM: Where?
C: There! She points to the door.
OM: Oh, are they?
C: Yes, why don't you open it?
Other Mother vytáhne klíč a odemyká, Coraline pomalu couvá k římse.
OM: Look, you are wrong! Now, you will stay here forever and always.
C: I don't think so! (C. hodí kočku na OM, Coraline vezme sněhovou kouli z římsy a skočí do dveří.)
C: Leave here! Come on!
Cat: Quickly!
C:(rve se o dveře s OM) Help me! (Najednou jí pomáhá duch)
Ghost: Hold on, Miss, never let go.
OM: Nooooo!
Cat: (deře se konečně zavřou, zamknou je) Come on, this is not a good place to be!
(Vylezou v normálním světě)
C: Sorry I threw you. Thank you.
Cat: přede
C: So we are friends? (kočka se přitulí a C. ji hladí, nakonec usnou na zemi)
Mother(třese s C.): Coraline? Darling, what a funny place to fall asleep. We were looking for you.
C: I'm sorry, I fell asleep.
M: I can see that. (Coraline ji obejme, matka ji také obejme) Dinner in 15 minutes. Wash your hands and look at your pajamas!
C: Oh, I tripped.
Matka odejde.
Coraline se podívá na kuličky na sněhovou kouli a uváže si klíč kolem krku. Převlékne se a jde za tátou. Dá mu pusu na tvář (nebo ho obejme)
Father: Hello, Coraline, what was that for?
C: Nothing, I just miss you sometimes. That's all.
Father: Oh, good. (vezme ji za ruku a jdou k veřeři)
Mother: Pizza?
C: What kind is it?
Mother: Peppers, meat balls, pineapple …
C:(zatváří se divně, ale pak se s chutí zakousne) It's great!
C: Good night mom, good night dad, I love you.
(obejme rodiče a jde spát, dá si kuličky a sněhovou kouli pod polštář)
V noci přijde duch.
Ghost: Thank you miss, you saved me.
C: You're welcome dear friend.
Ghost: But it's not over Miss, she wants the key back.
C: What should I do?
Objeví se babička.
Granny: William, my brother! Coraline thank you very much, you saved my brother.
Babička obejme ducha a ten se rozplyne.
Coraline zase spí. Ráno se vzbudí.
C: Good morning mom.
Mother: Good morning, it's a beautiful day outside.
C: I will go out and play a tea party with my dolls.
Father: Didn't you say you are too old for dolls?
C: I need an old sheet.
Father: Will this do? (dává jí prostěradlo)
C: Thank you.
C. se potká s Whybiem a babičkou
Whybie: Hey Cor, are you ready.
C: Yea, let´s do it!
Granny: Let´s finish this!
Coraline jde s Whybiem a babičkou, rozdělají si tea party, doprostřed dají klíč a čekají.
Ruka se připlazí, skočí na klíč.
WH: Now!!!
Babička s C. ruku i s klíčem zabalí, svážou a hodí jí do studny, zavřou. Plácnou si.
Dodělat final scene!